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Comments 104

Re: Review: Devil May Cry HD Collection (PS4)


@Wazeddie22 Thanks for the kind words on the review! As much as Kamiya states he would love to remake the first DMC, I can’t see that happening since he’s now with Platinum Games and Capcom owns the rights to the IP. Either way, if you’ve shown interest in the franchise, now is a great time to experience them!

Re: Review: Baja: Edge of Control HD (PS4)


@Hengist I do agree that digital versions of games should be a little cheaper than physical copies.

That being said, since you played the original version, you’ll most likely notice the differences between both versions (if you eventually nab this version).

Re: Rumour: Dead Rising 4 Leaks, But May Be Skipping PS4


Personally I thought Dead Rising 2 was great. Dead Rising 1&3 I never got to really play since I don't own any Xbox consoles. However, it'd be a bit dumb to make it an MS exclusive at this point. There's a significantly larger install base on the PS4 than Xbox One, so their sales could possibly hit that mark being multiplat. While Street Fighter V was a PS4 console exclusive, and failed to move units (maybe if they actually completed the game before release), I feel like Dead Rising 4 would do quite well as a multiplat.

Re: Talking Point: Was Sony's E3 2015 Presser Really the Greatest Ever?


Personally (and I know many will be baffled by my stance), I was extremely disappointed and bored with Sony's Press Conference last E3. Yeah, they showed FF7 Remake, but it would've had more effect if it was officially a PS4 exclusive (not "timed exclusive"). Shenmue 3? Cool news, but the Kickstarter info made it very confusing. Dreams? Personally was a yawn-fest for me. COD Black Ops 3 being shown at a Sony conference? Meh. It's a series that has seriously lost its appeal. The Hitman teaser was cool, but would've been better if actual gameplay had been shown that day. The Last Guardian? I've been hearing about this game for years and I'll believe it when I see it released. I never could get into Ico or Shadow of the Colossus, so not quite sure this game would be my cup of tea either.

The only thing I left the conference excited about was Horizon (and Uncharted 4 of course, despite their technical difficulties). The other aspect that kept me less intrigued was that Shawn Layden is no Jack Tretton (not yet at least). Jack Tretton was a superb public speaker: calm, cool and collective. Hell, I went back and re-watched the E3 2009 conference (probably my favorite one, Portal 2 announcement was mindblowing) before I presented a game I made in college in front of the class, just to prep myself on how to present my project to everyone.

That being said, E3 2015 for me personally, was a clunker. I know many were stoked about what was shown, and that's great. For me though, there was little to get me excited about. I'm hoping for a better conference this year.

Re: Review: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan (PS4)


@Mako_Solider_X It's definitely a solid game, and I did enjoy it a good amount. As a die-hard TMNT fan, it was certainly the best installment since the first TMNT game on PS2 in 2003. There's definitely room for improvement though, given some extra development time.

Glad you found the review to be the most fair!

Re: Review: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan (PS4)


@Xaessya No unfortunately.

The weird thing is the developers stated they wanted to make the game run at 60fps, so they scrapped local multiplayer to achieve that. The problem is, they kept it running at 30fps despite omitting the local multiplayer, so I'm not sure what exactly happened during development. I feel like Activision rushed Platinum Games to push this out with the movie, but if given a little extra time, could've added local multiplayer and even have it run 60fps.

Re: Resident Evil 5 Punches Rocks on PS4 from 28th June


@get2sammyb The headline...I can't. XD

In all seriousness though, I'm excited to replay this and net the Platinum Trophy again. Put over 120 hours into this game, loved every minute of it. And compared to RE6, this game is a masterpiece compared to that travesty. Only a few more months until the true masterpiece, RE4, is re-released for the umpteenth time...and I'll gladly buy it for the umpteenth time.

Re: Resident Evil Spin-Off Umbrella Corps Shuffles to PS4 in May


I had the opportunity to try this at NYCC back in October. This game was an absolute bloody mess. The gameplay was subpar at best, the animations were quite bad, and the fact that you can gone prone and crawl at the speed someone normally sprints just made no sense at all! It's not like they had rollerblades on their chest armor. Here's hoping a ton of work was put into it since that demo I played...

Re: Review: Resident Evil Zero (PS4)


@Churchy Thanks for the kind words on the review!

Yeah, the item dropping feature was definitely a catch-22, but it still worked well for the most part in all honesty. I actually really admire the fact that the development team took a big risk with that design choice back in the game's original release, as it changed the dynamic and strategy within the gameplay mechanics.

Re: Review: Resident Evil Zero (PS4)


@sinalefa Leech Hunter mode is a mini-game where Rebecca and Billy must go around the entire Training Facility map finding all 100 leech items. There are Blue and Green Leeches to find, where Billy can only carry the Blue and Rebecca the Green. Naturally, there are a ton of enemies to encounter in the process, and to fully complete will take almost an hour. There's no saving, so you have to survive it and escape in one run. The more leeches you collect and escape by the end with, the better New Game+ reward you unlock. Collect them all and you unlock infinite ammo on all guns.

Re: Game of the Year: Marcello's Personal PlayStation Picks


@teknium_ As much as I love Bloodborne, I would personally be pretty stoked hearing of a sequel. However, only if Hidetaka Miyazaki is behind it fully (unlike Dark Souls 2, which he supervised, but wasn't in charge of since he was working on Bloodborne). That being said, I agree with @get2sammyb, it will most certainly get a sequel.

Re: Game of the Year: Marcello's Personal PlayStation Picks


@Neolit The platforming sections with the Batmobile aren't the greatest, but the game is still a strong installment that's worth experiencing. When the GOTY edition comes out and you can nab it for cheap, definitely give it a try. And any frustration that may kick in from Batmobile platforming can be vented against thugs thanks to it's still gratifying combat.

Re: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 Gets Back on Its Board with PS4 Patch


I will say, after trying out the patch a solid amount, a ton of the issues I've experienced during the time it was reviewed has been fixed. Grinding works precisely as it should, the Slam mechanic (which I thought worked quite well) is now an option to activate by double-tapping grind instead of automatically happening when trying to grind, the framerate had been optimized much more to stay closer to the 60 FPS (especially on the horrific Astroid Belt level which now also works really well). Even the UI and online connectivity is vastly smoother. Oh, and the Ninja Turtles added as characters? Yes please! I will say that the patch update basically fixes a large amount of issues it had and is significantly better for it. Anyone who was on the fence about it should definitely give it a go now, even at the $25 price it's going for at Best Buy in the US.

Re: Review: MX vs. ATV Supercross Encore (PS4)


@Dodoo Yeah, they were part of Disney and while Pure sold quite well if I recall, their next game Split/Second sold poorly despite doing well critically. It released during the same time as Red Dead Redemption, which is what more consumers focused on (even though I personally enjoyed Split/Second tremendously more than RDR, so much so I platinumed it). Pure 2, or even Split/Second 2, would have looked insane on PS4, as Black Rock Studios did some stunning visuals for their games.

And thanks for appreciating my description of Pure. I'm a massive fan of SSX and when I played Pure, all I could think of was, "Wow, this is SSX Tricky with quads...and that's just plain amazing!"

Re: Review: MX vs. ATV Supercross Encore (PS4)


@Dodoo Pure was a brilliant game that I used to acknowledge as the "SSX of quading". Unfortunately, we never got a sequel because Black Rock Studios shut down...which is one of the biggest shames of a development studio to shut down since that and Split/Second were phenomenal games.

Re: Review: MX vs. ATV Supercross Encore (PS4)


@Longaway Yeah, it's definitely a shame because I loved the PS2 entries myself. Tight gameplay and controls, great tracks, strong soundtracks...and it was severely disappointing to see how this fared out. I'm really hoping that Rainbow Studios looks carefully at what made its earlier games so noteworthy and makes a new one based off of what worked so well.

Re: Review: Assassin's Creed Syndicate (PS4)


@get2sammyb Excellent review, Sammy. I agree that the series needs a serious revitalization. Ubisoft needs to analyze what made AC2 so special and build something fresh from that. I felt like every AC installment after that got duller and duller (except AC4: Black Flag, that was quite good).

I really wish they would just make a Feudal Japan AC game already!