Comments 918

Re: Helldivers 2 Is Absolutely Bursting with Bugs, Squads Up on PS5, PC in February


Loved it and I love that finally has a release date.

This franchise is small and has a small but hardcore fanbase who have played the last one for a decade. I'm very excited to finally go back to Super-Earth.

(Have to say I found funny the game is on P3Remake day, P3 is way bigger and will have all the light but SEGA is alienating the ps fanbase and this a middle finger, I love it)

Re: Baby Steps Is the Exact Median Between Uncharted and QWOP on PS5


I have seen games like bum simulator, altf4 and only up break the internet because they are dumb. The kind of game people buy because their fav streamer plays it, the kind of game people make speedruns of. This kind of games never come to console in their primer and this one will. I think is genius from them it was about time.

Re: Unity's Newly Announced Install Fee Policy Already Causing Disharmony Amongst Devs


@number1024 to be honest I don't know that much about Unreal because 2d has always been my area of interest and Unreal is kind of famous for being too convoluted for 2d, obviously is not bad at all just more difficult to use because of how massive the engine is but you are right about the pricing, the share and how big the engine is right now.

I think a lot of devs before this decided to use Unity instead of Unreal because of the amount of resources out there to learn Unity, the number is absurd in comparison with Unreal. So basically the community has been giving a lot of value to the engine that as you said hasn't evolved at Epic levels and now the company is spitting on the face of that community. That really really sucks.

Re: Unity's Newly Announced Install Fee Policy Already Causing Disharmony Amongst Devs


This is bad in so many levels, devs will not only have to pay for demos, if people share their games is money, if people re install their games is money, if people pirate their games is money, if some mother f***kers don't like a game is exclusive they can buy the game install and uninstall and cost money. And not only that, Unity hasn't clarified if services are included that would really hurt in the indie department of PS+, Sea of Stars is made in Unity and is the best day one game in the short history of Extra.

I think this is a nasty trick from their ex EA ceo who called devs idiots if they weren't making current diablo like *****, to then backtrack and only establish revenue share like Unreal, trying to be the "good guys".

Personally I have always wanted to make an rpg since I started college and Unity was the tool that I was using but they just aren't a company to trust anymore, I will start to learn Godot this weekend.

Re: Unity's Newly Announced Install Fee Policy Already Causing Disharmony Amongst Devs


@Northern_munkey this is actually sad because there are very good games made in unity but people don't know the engine because devs actually pay for the best licence to have the right to take the splash screen out of their games. But games like Sea of Stars, Tails of Iron, The Messenger and Hollow Knight were made in Unity, you aren't wrong tho a lot of games that don't pay to take the unity screen out of their games are kind of not great.

Re: Eternights (PS5) - A Surprisingly Charming Apocalyptic Dating Sim


@Amusei this is only on pc and ps and they are ps development partners like stray, kena, sifu, etc. so I would say no.
If sony really really wanted to censor something from this game that thing is out since the development days because they got budget from sony. Most likely the two ver. are exactly the same and let's be honest if there was any censorship that would be public knowledge by now. Those kind of news are pre release and are always "relevant" news.

Re: Shadow Gambit Team Mimimi Forced to Close Over Rising Genre Costs


@UltimateOtaku91 i think the biggest problem with services right now and in the future is a lot of people are getting used to "not pay" for stuff and not all indie games can be as big as silksong there is going to be a lot of smaller games that in a future will have to choose between putting their game on a service for a fraction of the money they could have make in a healthy environment where people actually are happy paying for the things they play or just not getting any money at all because people will be too bussy with "free stuff".

Re: UK Sales Charts: Armored Core 6 Mechs an Impact with Number One Debut


@Sil_Am I think you can be right but I also think sometimes people overestimated a little pc sales. For example the Elden Ring case, there are companies who said 41% of the sales were on PS while 29% on pc. For a game that has sold more than 20 million, 2 million (10%) is a lot, most PS games on Steam didn't sell 2 million copies lol.

So I'm sure fromsoft has a large fanbase on pc but as large as the gaming community on pc is there is still a difference in games designed with console as their priority. Also elden ring was a mega success so it doesn't tell the whole picture of realistic sales numbers for other games.

In the case of Baldur's Gate 3, a game companies say has reached 5 million copies early access included, their sales on pc will be larger than on ps because BG is a big pc classic (and a lot of console user just play freaking call of duty lol)

Re: Preview: Persona 5 Tactica Is Shaping Up to Be More Than Just a Tired Strategy Spin-Off


@Rmg0731 i don't think it's "worrying" because that doesn't mean anything, MS just paid for Call of duty if that doesn't make gp grow nothing will, also MS already has what they want from sega, the idea of "hey we have japanese games too for FREE" but as @UltimateOtaku91 writes, for me it is insulting. Is insulting how they decided to say yes to only putting one logo in every trailer that comes from the official channels when their biggest playerbase is on ps and the games AREN'T exclusives.

Re: Baldur's Gate 3's Accidental PS5 Console Exclusivity Truncated as Xbox Backtracks


Saw the tittle and the first idea in my mind was "Yeah Sammy boy wrote this he loves to write about xbox in the ps site" and I was right 😂😂.

I just find funny how some people said PS5 was "stopping the generation" for not being as "powerful" as Series X (I guess they didn't believe the same about Xbox One lol) and it's actually the series S the one is putting limits on developers.

Re: Final Fantasy 16 Sales Have Been 'Fine', Nothing More, Nothing Less


It shows you people at SE don't have a vision as a team. Before release Yoshi P said the sales of this game would be representative after a year because he knew the game wasn't for every fan, then it releases and some suit dude says the sales are good, then another suit dude says they aren't and is ps5 fault and now this. It starts to feel they don't know how to handle new stuff anymore if FF 14 or 7 isn't in the tittle.