Comments 918

Re: 'Difficult to Comment' on Astro Bot's Square Enix Snub, Says Team Asobi


If I remember correctly getting Cloud in smash was also a piece of work and the character fells lackluster options wise compared with other cameos in Smash. Square either didn't like the idea of their ips on bot form for Astro or were asking too much money for it.

If this is just because they want to be seen as multiplatform then the suit guys at SE aren't that intelligent, decline money and advertisement when your company is in a low? Ok lol.

Btw hopefully the "days of the Sony and Square Enix love" are over lol. Sony is paying those games to some extent and those games aren't selling the numbers they were expecting. Just let the SE guys pay for their own games, pay for their own marketing and get the ps version whenever all the other versions are out.

Re: PS5's Ghost of Yotei Triggers Social Media, Ex-Sony Exec Says 'If You Don't Like It, Don't Buy It'


"over Jin Sakai"

The history of Jin is done, that's the whole point of the DLC. That's why "experts" said Ghost of Tsushima as a franchise had a limit, because the history of Jin is complete.

"Made on masculinity" the point of Ghost of Tsushima is the fragility of Jin, aren't those dudes who have a problem with female protagonists the same that think having feelings isn't part of being a man? LOL.

F* those guys. This is a new story with a new protagonist.

Re: Sony Finally Pulling Bungie's 'Heads Out of Their Asses' Was a Good Thing, Says Ex-Lawyer


Did Sony wait too long before getting involved?
We could say yes but we don't know the details like how f*cked the economy of Bungie was before acquisition and how much could Sony actually do. Keeping nearly half the people Bungie had to let go was a very good first decision now that Bungie Independence is gone.

Was Bungie just missing its parent company's guiding, paternal hand?
I choose to believe so lol. I know some people have this idea that Bungie is a bad developer but they are still doing good stuff, the company side of Bungie was the problem.

Sony already lost the money anyway so the only thing left to do is to make money and save Bungie in the process.

Re: PS5's Astro Bot the USA's Second Best-Selling Game in Its First Week


@B0udoir nope. Paw Control videogame is a game for kids. Astro, Horizon Adventures and most Nintendo games are family games. There is a difference.

If we, the people who enjoy these kind of games don't mark the line then we are only giving chances for the regular Joe who wants everything to be ultra realistic to keep looking down at amazing experiences like these just because they are "kid games".

Re: PS5's Astro Bot the USA's Second Best-Selling Game in Its First Week


What these analysts don't talk about because it's not their job obviously is expectations. Sony said it at the beginning of the year don't expect big IPs until at least March of 2025.

Obviously that's how the corporations see things, that doesn't affect people now seeing Astro as a big IP.

The point is, this game was never going to sell 20 millions like Spider man or GOW but the fact is that the game is selling well. It looks like it's going to sell more than Ratchet and that makes it a success on it's own.

Re: Astro Bot Director Surprised By Level of Support from Fellow PlayStation Studio Heads


@Dom_31 Based in history you are right but what exactly is going to say Hermen? "This game is ugly as f*ck but we have to release it anyway because the Ryan administration bought the whole studio so we already lost the money anyways"? lol.

It's their work to hype the games even if they know the game isn't good. Now what I saw from the Concord case is:

-They investing even less money in marketing than with Helldivers. Realistically the only big marketing the game was going to get is the episode in Amazon Prime and that probably was part of the deal because Amazon wanted Kratos in Lost Levels. Now that episode probably will be the most watched because it's about their biggest failure.
-No EVO exposition when Astro had a big presence in both the venue and the streams.
-No mention in the Japanese trailer for the 2024 second half games.
-They shut down the servers as quick as they could.

They f*cked up, we all know that but the luxury of not showing the game at every chance they had and try to sell it tells me the new administration was aware of what was going to happen, they aren't that blind.
So yes history tells you one thing, but reality based in resent facts tells there is a chance for a change and luckily for us these two events (Concord failure and Astro success) happened basically at the same time.

Is this going to cancel Fairgame? No because it's the exact same situation, the previous administration bought the studio for that game and that doesn't mean that the game will be bad.

Is this going to cancel the game of Bend and/or Media Molecule? I hope not, they deserve a chance to release their games.

Everything will be on the developer to make the best work they can and on the player to not use the Concord card for everything they slightly dislike.

Re: Astro Bot PS5 Fans Wonder Where All the Square Enix Characters Are


In my country we have a saying,

"A la fuerza ni los zapatos"

basically means that doesn't matter how hard you try if the other party doesn't want to it won't happen.
If the character of SE aren't in the game is because SE doesn't want to or they were asking too much.

Personally I don't care about SE games lol and after what their suit guys said about the PS5 when their games are the problem they don't deserve the marketing.

Re: 12 Major PS5, PS4 Games Leaving PS Plus, Including Horizon Forbidden West


@rusty82 for the same reason they removed Spiderman before the release of 2, Horizon before the announcement of Horizon Adventures and The Last of Us 2 isn't in the service yet when there is a successful tv show out there. To sell.

When LEGO Horizon Adventures releases a portion of the market of that game will get interested in the real deal so instead of just paying the service that was never part of the plans but was forced by gamepass to exist, that people will have to buy the games.

Re: Until Dawn PS5 Is Priced at $60 / £60


Am I going to pay that price for it? No.
Is it going to sell? It will, specially on pc where games like these are very popular + when the movie is out it will sell some more basically having 2 peaks of sales in a game that isn't a service and most likely won't have extra content.

I agree that this specific game isn't worth it but the fact that the last of us remake was mentioned having similar reactions only shows why so many indie studios close these days and why there are so many free services, people don't want to pay for anything doesn't matter if it's a good product and that same people are not only hurting the industry not buying sh*t but also are pushing for everything to be a service to then ask why or complain about it lol.

Re: Naughty Dog Allegedly Found Bungie's Feedback on Binned The Last of Us 2 Multiplayer Extremely Helpful


Personally I think it's quite the contrary, for many PlayStation fans Bungie was (and still is) a great developer and their insight could be actually helpful. People who saw the news of ND cancelling the game and immediately thought about Bungie even when ND gave very good reasons aren't real fans, you need to trust the process and the brand. A little luck also helps.

Also the fact that this was canceled doesn't mean they can't re use designs, levels, animations, gameplay, code in general, etc on other games and even TLOU3.

Re: This Could Be Your First Look at the PS5 Game from Sony's Newly Established PS Studio


Does it even matter? With 40 people the games is still in very early development, we won't know anything about it in at least 3 more years or so if it survives. By that time probably most remaining services from PS will be out so one more service won't be that big of a deal.

I see the move more about Sony keeping as much people from Bungie as possible so they can help Marathon if needed than anything else.

Re: Reaction: Sony's Billion Dollar Bungie Buyout Is Looking More and More Like a Blunder


Nah. A buyout is a blunder when you know it can't make money and Bungie CAN make money. The final DLC of destiny proved it, why would a community that was so pissed off buy the last expansion to the point that before the server crashes it was on its way to break their highest number of concurrent players on steam?
Whenever Marathon is out it will sell because most people who buy those games don't give a damn about people losing their jobs the same way they will buy GTA6.
I know this site likes drama and I like drama too that is why I'm still here lol but what happened today shouldn't be a surprise to anyone because after 2023 we knew a lot of things.
-Bungie made unrealistic promises to Sony.
-Bungie was a timebomb ready to explode.
-Bungie wouldn't exist right now without Sony.
-Bungie administration is the reason why all of this is happening.

The moment they got loses on 2023 there was no way they could met expectations in 2024 unless some kind of miracle happened. Sony knew this was going to happen, probably it was part of the reason they closed London. It was a lot of money for Bungie? It was but again, the people who will buy the games don't care and Bungie has the talent to make all that money back. It's not about optimism it's about an industry where company names matter way more than the actual game, that and also the fact that Sony is now majority in the board of directors, Bungie CEO and his bullsh*t won't go unsupervised anymore.

Now about the dynamic between Bungie and PS services. People need to understand one thing Naughty Dog is REALLY REALLY f*cking good making videogames and the multiplayer was in development hell for 5 years (or more), if what they were doing was any good or was worth to keep wasting money and the time of some of the best devs in the world the project would still be in production.

It's funny that this site first says concord is "good" and now they are making the question about why it was greenlighted LOL. For the service push to stop Sony needed to experience failure, Helldivers making 1200% the money they were expecting wasn't that failure, Concord won't be enough of a failure, even fairgame has a chance of success thanks to Pay Day 3 being bad.

Bungie failure canceled the service push, freed ND and Insomniac, got Ryan out (yes he "retired" after watching first hand how much money services can lose). Probably those 3 billions saved all of PlayStation, I don't know you guys but I won't cry over that lol.

Re: Bungie to Lay Off 220 Workers, Will Be Further Integrated into Sony


It was obvious this would happen, doesn't matter how good the las dlc did they fumbled hard last year and the monetary expectations that Bungie themselves established before acquisition were impossible at this point.
That's why one of their best guys decided to start working directly for sony a couple months ago, everyone knew. The internet is going to be full of idiotic opinions so a break from social media is needed LOL.

Re: Bungie to Lay Off 220 Workers, Will Be Further Integrated into Sony


@naruball the deal was bad because as bungie employees already said Bungie made promises they couldn't keep.

What happened last year and what is happening is Bungies fault, the lost money is already lost. The CEO of Sony said they weren't expecting money from Bungie this year lol. So now it depends in how you want to see it, Bungie is the reason why Sony canceled half their services and freed ND and Insomniac, this and concord will only double down the decision of ending the services push that Ryan started. For me that's enough to make it worth it.

Re: It Doesn't Sound Like Braid: Anniversary Edition Quite Set the World on Fire


One of the main keys of Braid original success was the fact that at that time digital games were pretty new so a hand painted game with rewind and some similarities to Mario on the 360 was impressive.

The harsh truth is most of the xbox live 360 hits of that time are already history not a lot of consumers remember. Super Meat Boy ended the moment McMillen left Team Meat, Fez and Phil Fish banished from the world, The Witness is fantastic but the only correlation with Braid was Blow good and bad reputation, The Behemoth was basically invisible for a whole generation thanks to their weird loyalty to xbox (loyalty I respected btw). The market is not the same and the big names already changed.

Is weird how he was expecting the bags of money when remasters are something big companies like Sony and Nintendo do to get some quick money and he always preached about not trying to be like them.

Re: Squint and You Might See Concept Art for Bluepoint's Exclusive PS5 IP


I'm actually very excited about BluePoint new game even if this isn't theirs.

-Demon's Souls is still one of the most beautiful console games ever so they have the technology down.
-In the last ten years they have been around the work of some of the best devs in the world like Santa Monica, FromSoft, Japan Studio and Respawn. Just like with many other activities learning directly from elite examples gives you better knowledge than learning alone.
-It most likely won't be a service. In theory the studios making services are MM, Haven, Guerrilla second team, the internal team of Jason Blundell and Bend (I know people don't like services lol but I believe Bend can make a good service).
-I'm all in this "possible" art direction.

COVID really ***** up release dates but I trust in the work of BluePoint.

Re: Blasphemous Dev Posts Ominous Teaser for Incoming Announcement


The russian animator of the first game was in another level, his animations really made the game feel like something blasphemous, the anime bs of the second one just couldn't reach the standard.

If their next projects tries to be obscure I wish they can get that animator back. He is making his owns kaiju fighting game and it looks like one of those too awesome things that won't sell.

Re: PS5 Pro Is Seemingly Starting to Appear in Source Code


@nomither6 a pc so i have to wait two years for the games I want to play? No thank you. And it has ALWAYS been about making more money, that's why the GameBoyAdvance SP and the GameBoyA SP with screen light existed, you didn't need a new SP but it folded and was cool, the light was terrible but hey it was better than nothing lol. Now you can see that with the OLED Switch, yes the screen is nice if you like the idea of only playing portable because if you use it as a console is exactly the same experience.

Smartphones are basically the same business, little to no change between generation. The practice has existed for decades and it works because it's about options, the more options out there the more sales you get if the product is popular even if those come from people who double down LOL.

Re: Concord's Free Open Beta Is Performing Abysmally on PC


"some seeing it as a symbol of Sony’s push towards live service" Were those people under a rock the last 5 years or what? lol People who think like that are so out of tone they don't know we are already in the age post service push and the games that are releasing are projects that were too advanced to cancel.

Sony knew about Valorant, Marvel and the other game with anime girls releasing close to Concord. They didn't do anything for people to know there was a free weekend demo. Even more, they are showing Astro Bot every 5 minutes at EVO but they aren't showing Concord, they already know is going to fail and they already moved on LOL.
Their services had to fail at some point, this is it.

Re: We Find This PS5 Wishlist Issue Irrationally Irksome


This isn't news this is an opinion ...

In the last 10 hrs you guys wrote about:

  • Lack of wishlists
  • "Concerns" of concord players only based in pc preorders. (I don't expect concord to be a success but I also don't expect for pc players to pay for psn and decide to use that account on pc to play de demo of Concord LOL).
  • How ONLY two ps5 games made it to top 10 in europe (the two that actually matter because they are the ps studios games, btw Helldivers and TLOU are 1 and 2 in the UK).
  • How the ps5 isn't selling the same than in 2023.
  • How the ps5 pro may not release this year because of some guy who wrote "If" in social media when EVERYONE who actually wants to buy the pro think since 2023 the announcement is for September.

Push Square woke up, saw a slow day and chose negativity today LOL.

Re: Genshin Impact Fan Frustration Boils Over As Backlash Goes Viral


Once I saw an asian american girl saying people who weren't from asia didn't have any right to make anything with asian style that included from anime drawings to chinese tattoos, that day I stopped believing in "cultural appropriation" because most people won't call it out for the respect to culture, they will do it just to keep a false sense of superiority.

I know in this case there is people who actually want Hoyo to respect those cultures/societies and that's cool but given the amount of hype the pink haired girl and the mech girl from ZZZ are getting just for the size of their chest I don't think people will be mad that much time, Hoyo only needs to add more girls with similar characteristics for them to forget lol.

Re: Feature: The 10 Best PS5 Games of 2024 So Far


I remember a comment saying that they were sure Persona 3 Reload was going to be the February game that would generate the most money because it didn't need the kind of budget games from big companies need these days.

Persona 3 never got a chance vs The Helldivers lol.