Comments 162

Re: Ubisoft Under Fire as It Looks to Stop XP Farming in Assassin's Creed Odyssey's Story Creator Mode


any single player game with 60$ price tag-100$ with predatory practices like outfit packs and booster packs sold weapon packs sold is bad there is no rationalization to it you cant wiggle your way out of it with lame excuses no one should support this kinda behavior its expected in online games but to ban people and have MT in single player games is lowest. they can give you lot of explanations like how they did with this but its never their intention all they care is it will ruin their ingame store money. ubisoft is next ea and activision take any game its open world filled with MT be it guns, outfits, booster packs. every AAA game same formula and sites arent talking about it and questioning these giant corporations they are ok with it too but when people start to take things into hand oh no its offensive gamers are hurt again lets sympathize with corporation who treats their devs and players alike. even some people are taking company side with this kinda bs so they gave you tool its sp you can do whatever you want this is not MP game to get that extra edge on opponents or ruingame for everyone else, everyone will have their own experience let them have it instead of punishing your customer.