Comments 162

Re: The Division Heartland Announced, a Free-to-Play, Standalone Division Game


@pharos_haven division 2 every season has option to paid seasonpass which gives you skins/dyes/emoticons/keys for cosmetic chests.. but you can ignore that.. there is no gear or weapons tied to paid season pass..

you can earn new gear, exotic weapons/gear, blueprints to craft these gear by just playing game- leveling up season (100 levels)
seasons reset every 3 months..

season 4 was supposed to be end of div 2 support but due to fans request for more content they are recycling season 1 content and season 2 so on till-- they can develop more content which is set for this fall 2021 or spring 2022..

once again only MT avail in this game is for cosmetics/emoticons.. for MMO this is great choice.. no pay to win bs.

Re: Days Gone Is Coming to PC


people busy worrying about corporate's image, instead of being happy more people get to play these gems. 🥱

this is no brainer ez money for sony.

Re: Watch Dogs Legion Season Pass Includes Free Copy of the First Game


@LiamCroft well given history of ubisoft season pass this will fall under same category worthless.. only thing worth time is assassins creed related season pass even that i wouldn't suggest anyone for full price.. rest is just mess.. i am talking in terms of money and content. i will put it simply this way i bought horizon zero dawn complete(pc 1099/-) for half price of season pass ubisoft sells(1999/-) in my region..

for a customer this is not good news pay high price for such low quality content.

Re: Horizon Zero Dawn Rockets Straight to the Top of Steam Best-Sellers List


@Juanalf lol sign petition that stuff never works ... its up to these companies

i am more than happy if they release those games on pc & xbox & switch.

i don't have loyalty to corporations because we are just cash machines to them..

acting like everything works on your whims oh no its releasing on pc this will ruin brand value / pandering /no i wont support this/ oh no pc means piracy ! what you gonna do lol stop buying games that is loss for you not for company people will buy games end of the day..

and i don't have to prove anything i am not the one with issue here. i am happy more people get to play my favorite game 😁.

Re: Unravel Horizon Zero Dawn's Mysteries from 7th August on PC


@Papers92 exactly lol people here are just pissed that exclusive is releasing on pc forgetting fact people buy stuff over and over.. i have friends who bought gta v on ps3 and ps4 and pc... same for tlou1, or uncharted 1-3.. not single one of them had regrets i am sure they will buy if its out for pc too..thats easy money right there for company... reason why this console generation has more remasters than any...

Re: Unravel Horizon Zero Dawn's Mysteries from 7th August on PC


@TheDude89 that is worse argument i have seen, wait 4 years to get superior version people will stop buying exclusives ?. tell me how many of you in here can wait that long ..just be realistic lol people cant even wait for 3-6 months let alone 2-4years. how many times people lost their cool because games got delayed down the road... not only they have to wait 3-4 years but they keep seeing everyone enjoying it meanwhile they are waiting for SUPERIOR version. just because sony is releasing this game on pc doesn't mean its loosing brand value it only shows they want more people to play their games.. horizon zero is already top seller on steam go check it.. also this doesn't mean sony is going to release everygame on pc.. they are testing waters see if this will bring more audience to console..
only negative here is people whining this is bad for sony i wont buy console why even bother... which is same as tlou 2 will tank in sales argument... companies dont make these kinda decisions on whim they want money this will bring them just that. i completed this game on ps4 yet i bought this minute game is avail on pc... i am sure there are plenty like me.

Re: Unravel Horizon Zero Dawn's Mysteries from 7th August on PC


@TheDude89 i disagree respectfully!
thing about games people buy it no matter what. take ps4 exclusives sold min 2 mil copies in first 3-4 days easy(not inc death stranding) now bringing to pc like 2-4 years later is not big deal it doesn't undermine if anything it brings more money to publisher and makes people buy console in future not everyone likes to wait most usually want to play day 1 and move on to next new game... if sony sticks to releasing only older games... give taste to get more people to try console..

simply put people don't like waiting in general if its good and they want to play it bad they will get it on release day no matter what. take tlou 2 everyone though leaks will ruin sales or the quarantine will effect sales.. game sold 4mil easy in 3 days lol... this will bring more money if they plan to release it on pc year or two down the road.

Re: Unravel Horizon Zero Dawn's Mysteries from 7th August on PC


ooh wee! its good when developers go for regional pricing game is 1099/- ($14.72)steam for us.. bought it already 😁... if anyone is feeling its overpriced for your region remember epic games store has 10$ off code use that once game is out(code doesn't work with pre pruchases)...

Re: Crysis Remastered Delayed Following Poor Reception to Leaks


@GADG3Tx87 seems like you forgot to count yourself into that list of complaining.... ironic isn't it...

also if you seen those leaked stuff it doesn't make sense not much to it other than simply porting to current gen consoles take mafia 2 remaster very poor performance and visual least here they are listening to issue... they can take time to polish it. it might not matter but at least they are trying..