@jdv95 Completely agree. The comment sections have been going down the drain for a while. Used to be one of the few gaming sites where folks treated each other with respect shared balanced opinions. Now it's more like IGN every day. Some absolutely shocking views and attitudes being expressed above, and what's worse, with barely any pushback from the site itself. That Djape's original comment, in particular, is still sitting there is shameful.
I'm wrapping up a bit of an uncharted replay marathon with Lost Legacy, which I'd forgotten has a personal bonus for me in that Naomi's constantly calling out Frazer, which is my first name - I don't get a lot of that in media 😂
Polishing off my third play through of Nier Automata (which has been as excellent as everyone says), and then a spot of Ghouls and Ghosts on the Sega mini.
Nothing groundbreaking for me but enjoyed it nonetheless. I'll need waiting a year as I always do, so there'll be more games available by then.
It'll be interesting to see how many go the digital route. I'll bet going physical so I can trade in, but if the majority go digital that'll effect the amount of physical games in the wild, which might mean a higher cost for second hand. Who knows. We'll see.
Also, was good to spot 2 usb ports on the back this time. Sucks having cables permanently snaking out the front of my PS4.
Monster have a history of this aggressive type of behaviour. I believe they also sued the Toronto Raptors over an element of their logo, as well as various other products/IPs I can't seem to bring to mind right now.
It's probably worth noting as well that a whole lotta folks have lost their jobs between then and now, so there's won't be as much disposable income going around. Though admittedly I don't tend to follow the charts so have no idea if sales have fallen generally over the last few months.
I loved 2 but gave up on 3 pretty quickly. How do cats who love 2 rate 1 by comparison? I never played it myself so haven't got any frame of reference. I'm all about story and characters, so if it's on the same level as 2 I reckon I'll give this a bash.
While I get your overall point, basing an argument on a definition provided by Wikipedia will never help anyone. No right-minded gamer would consider TLOU a gaas, DLC or otherwise.
Interesting article in the Guardian today about Rocksteady failing to address harassment claims at the studio for over two years. Seems a bit too coincidental this story going out today given expectations for this weekend.
This isn't a comment on the validity of the claims btw, just that its timing adds additional weight to the likelihood of a reveal.
Edit: I know this Batman isn't a Rocksteady game, but still suspect the timing of the two are linked somehow.
@Number09 Well... They want info because it makes them money. They sell the info to advertisers (like Sony) to help them target and refine their ads. So in that sense they need Sony as much as any other multinational. It's all one big circle-jerk.
It's such a great game, but not without some niggles (that I'm surprised aren't mentioned in the review), such as not being able to invert the Y axis, the lack of feedback on the grab mechanic, and that the 'director's' level select algorithm needs some work - of the 25 stages currently available I've seen maybe 6 of them over 2 nights of play. I think See Saw appears almost every other round for me.
Played quite a few rounds shows last night and had a bunch of fun. I do think they need to look at the grab mechanic, though. It and the jump controls are seriously floaty. Maybe it's because all their beta testing seems to have been done via Steam, so I guess it's optimised more for keyboards and mouse than a controller? Still a great little diversion, but I'd prefer my eliminations come from mayhem and my own lack of skills than control inputs.
They're most likely saving the back buttons for a pro version or something. Not sure how well the ds4 add-on sold (don't tend to follow sales figures etc) so maybe it didn't indicate enough of a need for Sony to go all out? ¯(ツ)/¯
Haven't played it yet, but personally...thank God. Seems like everything has to be open world/rpg-like these days. I like the genre as much as anyone, but there's so much copying and overlap it just feels so homogenised.
@Shinishii Well... Can you imagine the grief from less open-minded platinum hunters if they were forced into it? Change tends not to come from being forced into something. Better to angle it as giving bragging rights that may hopefully seed more empathetic ideas as a byproduct.
They should add an optional trophy for completing the game this way (as in not required for platinum). It would a) help spread awareness and understanding among fully abled players, and b) be one hell of a challenge.
Looks stunning. Can't wait. Although I do feel obliged to kick off the title debate by pointing out the appearance of the roman numeral for 2 in the logo, making this Horizon 2: Forbidden West (I was always on team Horizon: Zero Dawn).
Re the ps5 being shown, what's the view on whether a montage teaser compiled of obscure angles counts? (I needs me those quiz points!) I remember them doing a similar thing with the ps4 before they should it in its entirety.
@Mostik I think it's actually 20 tracks or so. I didn't realise it had been released either until recently. Wish I'd known. I'm a self-confessed vinyl junkie, but £150+ is still too rich for my blood!
Comments 559
Re: Games Journalist Alanah Pearce Joins Sony Santa Monica
@jdv95 Completely agree. The comment sections have been going down the drain for a while. Used to be one of the few gaming sites where folks treated each other with respect shared balanced opinions. Now it's more like IGN every day. Some absolutely shocking views and attitudes being expressed above, and what's worse, with barely any pushback from the site itself. That Djape's original comment, in particular, is still sitting there is shameful.
Re: Games Journalist Alanah Pearce Joins Sony Santa Monica
Spreading on the misogynism nice and thickly this morning aren't we lads? Well done you.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 350
I'm wrapping up a bit of an uncharted replay marathon with Lost Legacy, which I'd forgotten has a personal bonus for me in that Naomi's constantly calling out Frazer, which is my first name - I don't get a lot of that in media 😂
Re: A Bunch of Free Costumes for Sackboy: A Big Adventure Are Available Now
@WaveWitch 😂🤣😂
Re: A Bunch of Free Costumes for Sackboy: A Big Adventure Are Available Now
@Mega-Gazz In the best possible way naturally 🙂
Re: A Bunch of Free Costumes for Sackboy: A Big Adventure Are Available Now
@Flaming_Kaiser He's not wearing pants or anything! Game needs an 18+ rating.
Re: Talking Point: What Are Your First Impressions of PS5?
Jest! Now who's got egg on their face?! 🤣
Re: Talking Point: What Are Your First Impressions of PS5?
@Jaz007 All in good jedt, man. I think you've accidentally struck on a winning idea for the ps6 controller though 🙂
Re: Talking Point: What Are Your First Impressions of PS5?
@Jaz007 "The Baltic feedback is incredible"
Does it dish out fruity ales and borsch when you do something well? 🤣
Re: A Bunch of Free Costumes for Sackboy: A Big Adventure Are Available Now
Ooooh. That Sackboy t-shirt one's pretty nasty...
Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Delay Is Due to Current-Gen Consoles After All
Just one more reason why I’m quite happy waiting a year in before upgrading to ps5.
Re: Did the PS5 UI Reveal Just Get Teased by Burger King?
@Ear_wiG He’s no messiah
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 343
Polishing off my third play through of Nier Automata (which has been as excellent as everyone says), and then a spot of Ghouls and Ghosts on the Sega mini.
Re: Talking Point: Did the PS5 Showcase Event Deliver?
Nothing groundbreaking for me but enjoyed it nonetheless. I'll need waiting a year as I always do, so there'll be more games available by then.
It'll be interesting to see how many go the digital route. I'll bet going physical so I can trade in, but if the majority go digital that'll effect the amount of physical games in the wild, which might mean a higher cost for second hand. Who knows. We'll see.
Also, was good to spot 2 usb ports on the back this time. Sucks having cables permanently snaking out the front of my PS4.
Re: Gods & Monsters Name Changed to Immortals Fenyx Rising Following Opposition from Monster Energy, Apparently
Monster have a history of this aggressive type of behaviour. I believe they also sued the Toronto Raptors over an element of their logo, as well as various other products/IPs I can't seem to bring to mind right now.
Re: UK Sales Charts: Avengers at Number 1, But Sells Less Than a Third of What Spider-Man PS4 Managed
It's probably worth noting as well that a whole lotta folks have lost their jobs between then and now, so there's won't be as much disposable income going around. Though admittedly I don't tend to follow the charts so have no idea if sales have fallen generally over the last few months.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 339
Just finished Part A of Nier Automata, so probably cracking on with Part B and a smattering of Fall Guys.
Re: Mafia: Definitive Edition Proves Remakes Grow Great
I loved 2 but gave up on 3 pretty quickly. How do cats who love 2 rate 1 by comparison? I never played it myself so haven't got any frame of reference. I'm all about story and characters, so if it's on the same level as 2 I reckon I'll give this a bash.
Re: Bizarre PS Store Game for PS5, PS4 Testing Accidentally Published
The birth of a new genre! Service as a Game.
Re: Soapbox: Games As a Service Should Be Embraced, Not Misunderstood
While I get your overall point, basing an argument on a definition provided by Wikipedia will never help anyone. No right-minded gamer would consider TLOU a gaas, DLC or otherwise.
Re: Random: Unbelievable Fall Guys Win on Perfect Match Is One of the Best Clips We've Seen Yet
@Artelous It's not, but since every other player got eliminated it became the final round by default.
Re: WB Montreal Just Can't Stop Teasing New Batman Game
Interesting article in the Guardian today about Rocksteady failing to address harassment claims at the studio for over two years. Seems a bit too coincidental this story going out today given expectations for this weekend.
This isn't a comment on the validity of the claims btw, just that its timing adds additional weight to the likelihood of a reveal.
Edit: I know this Batman isn't a Rocksteady game, but still suspect the timing of the two are linked somehow.
Re: PlayStation Maintains Facebook, Instagram Boycott
@Number09 Well... They want info because it makes them money. They sell the info to advertisers (like Sony) to help them target and refine their ads. So in that sense they need Sony as much as any other multinational. It's all one big circle-jerk.
Re: Fall Guys - Battle Royale Mayhem At Its Very Best
It's such a great game, but not without some niggles (that I'm surprised aren't mentioned in the review), such as not being able to invert the Y axis, the lack of feedback on the grab mechanic, and that the 'director's' level select algorithm needs some work - of the 25 stages currently available I've seen maybe 6 of them over 2 nights of play. I think See Saw appears almost every other round for me.
Re: Fall Guys Patch in Development as Game Surpasses 1.5 Million Players in 24 Hours
@BaronSqwelch Yeah, no inversion doesn't please this old humperdoo. I really hope they add that in the patch.
Re: Interview: Fall Guys Devs on PS Plus, Post-Launch Support, and Craig Charles
Played quite a few rounds shows last night and had a bunch of fun. I do think they need to look at the grab mechanic, though. It and the jump controls are seriously floaty. Maybe it's because all their beta testing seems to have been done via Steam, so I guess it's optimised more for keyboards and mouse than a controller? Still a great little diversion, but I'd prefer my eliminations come from mayhem and my own lack of skills than control inputs.
Re: Talking Point: What Free August 2020 PS Plus Games Do You Want?
@Simon_Fitzgerald fall guys would be great. I've been on the steam beta a couple of times and it's so much fun.
Re: PS5 Controller to Get Hands On Showcase Tomorrow
They're most likely saving the back buttons for a pro version or something. Not sure how well the ds4 add-on sold (don't tend to follow sales figures etc) so maybe it didn't indicate enough of a need for Sony to go all out? ¯(ツ)/¯
Re: The Last of Us 2 Could Have Been Open World
Haven't played it yet, but personally...thank God. Seems like everything has to be open world/rpg-like these days. I like the genre as much as anyone, but there's so much copying and overlap it just feels so homogenised.
Re: Expect Much More PS5 News in the Coming Months
@ILikeStake I heartily endorse this statement. Currently playing Days Gone through my projector and it’s ace of spades.
Re: Sony's Not-So Secret New First-Party Studio Adds More Naughty Dog Talent
Some days I come here and check out the comments and, for a moment, think I've ended up on IGN.
Re: Mini Review: Star Wars Episode I: Racer – This Old Favourite Still Has Some Magic
Props to @gbanas92 for using wizard not once but thrice in this review 👊🏻
Re: Ex-PlayStation Boss Wants to See 15 Hour AAA Titles Return
Here here, Shawn, here here.
Re: Poll: What Is Your Preferred Game Length?
I'm a one minute man.
Re: God of War PS5 Shows a Custom Design Concept for Next-Gen System
If it wasn’t for those blades I’d say this was father lovely
Re: Gallery: Marvel's Avengers Looks Jaw Dropping in PS5 Screenshots
I still don’t understand exactly what this game is. I must have read a bunch of details and I’m still foggy. Is it just that I’m stupid?
Re: PS5 Is Customisable in Ways Previous Gens Weren't, Will Get Special Editions
"Maybe there’s more to the PS5 than meets the eye?"
Like a robot in disguise, you mean?
Re: Blind Gamer Reacts to The Last of Us 2's Unprecedented Accessibility Options
@Shinishii Well... Can you imagine the grief from less open-minded platinum hunters if they were forced into it? Change tends not to come from being forced into something. Better to angle it as giving bragging rights that may hopefully seed more empathetic ideas as a byproduct.
Re: Blind Gamer Reacts to The Last of Us 2's Unprecedented Accessibility Options
@Mpquikster ha! You got there first.
Re: Blind Gamer Reacts to The Last of Us 2's Unprecedented Accessibility Options
They should add an optional trophy for completing the game this way (as in not required for platinum). It would a) help spread awareness and understanding among fully abled players, and b) be one hell of a challenge.
Re: PS5 Price: Sony Emphasising Value for Next-Gen Format
Yep. When you say gamers will "aspire" towards it you ain't talking chicken feed.
Re: Remedy Confirms a PS5 Version of Control Is in the Works
@ShaiHulud Really? That's how I played it too - though I downloaded it - and it ran like absolute dogsh*t.
Re: Remedy Confirms a PS5 Version of Control Is in the Works
@Quintumply Totally. Despite powering through to the end it was such a frustrating experience. Such a shame as I loved the combat and mythos.
Re: Gallery: Horizon Forbidden West Is a PS5 Stunner in First Screens
Looks stunning. Can't wait. Although I do feel obliged to kick off the title debate by pointing out the appearance of the roman numeral for 2 in the logo, making this Horizon 2: Forbidden West (I was always on team Horizon: Zero Dawn).
Re: Feature: Predict Sony's PS5 Event with This Yes or No Quiz
Re the ps5 being shown, what's the view on whether a montage teaser compiled of obscure angles counts? (I needs me those quiz points!)
I remember them doing a similar thing with the ps4 before they should it in its entirety.
Re: The Last of Us 2 Has Everyone Talking About PS Vita
@Mostik I think it's actually 20 tracks or so. I didn't realise it had been released either until recently. Wish I'd known. I'm a self-confessed vinyl junkie, but £150+ is still too rich for my blood!
Re: The Last of Us 2 Has Everyone Talking About PS Vita
@Mostik If you've got £150 going spare you can still grab the vinyl release on ebay.
Re: Christopher Nolan Movie Tenet Debuts Latest Trailer in Fortnite
I see folks are just as annoying in virtual cinemas as real ones, then.
Re: You Can Customise Your Genitals in Cyberpunk 2077
"Various sizes and combinations" - That's it, I'm having boobs for testicles. Done deal.
Re: Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath Is a Story Expansion Coming Later This Month
@AdamNovice Anyone who doesn't get that reference shouldn't be allowed to buy it at all. Ever.