Comments 559

Re: Games Journalist Alanah Pearce Joins Sony Santa Monica


@jdv95 Completely agree. The comment sections have been going down the drain for a while. Used to be one of the few gaming sites where folks treated each other with respect shared balanced opinions. Now it's more like IGN every day. Some absolutely shocking views and attitudes being expressed above, and what's worse, with barely any pushback from the site itself. That Djape's original comment, in particular, is still sitting there is shameful.

Re: Talking Point: Did the PS5 Showcase Event Deliver?


Nothing groundbreaking for me but enjoyed it nonetheless. I'll need waiting a year as I always do, so there'll be more games available by then.

It'll be interesting to see how many go the digital route. I'll bet going physical so I can trade in, but if the majority go digital that'll effect the amount of physical games in the wild, which might mean a higher cost for second hand. Who knows. We'll see.

Also, was good to spot 2 usb ports on the back this time. Sucks having cables permanently snaking out the front of my PS4.

Re: WB Montreal Just Can't Stop Teasing New Batman Game


Interesting article in the Guardian today about Rocksteady failing to address harassment claims at the studio for over two years. Seems a bit too coincidental this story going out today given expectations for this weekend.

This isn't a comment on the validity of the claims btw, just that its timing adds additional weight to the likelihood of a reveal.

Edit: I know this Batman isn't a Rocksteady game, but still suspect the timing of the two are linked somehow.

Re: Fall Guys - Battle Royale Mayhem At Its Very Best


It's such a great game, but not without some niggles (that I'm surprised aren't mentioned in the review), such as not being able to invert the Y axis, the lack of feedback on the grab mechanic, and that the 'director's' level select algorithm needs some work - of the 25 stages currently available I've seen maybe 6 of them over 2 nights of play. I think See Saw appears almost every other round for me.

Re: Interview: Fall Guys Devs on PS Plus, Post-Launch Support, and Craig Charles


Played quite a few rounds shows last night and had a bunch of fun. I do think they need to look at the grab mechanic, though. It and the jump controls are seriously floaty. Maybe it's because all their beta testing seems to have been done via Steam, so I guess it's optimised more for keyboards and mouse than a controller? Still a great little diversion, but I'd prefer my eliminations come from mayhem and my own lack of skills than control inputs.