Comments 559

Re: 80s Synthpop Stars Heaven 17 Resist the Temptation of PS5's GTA 6


As a creative of any kind one of the most irritating things to hear from someone is “But think of the exposure!” Absolute bull***t. Most artists spend their entire lives getting screwed over, even many who ‘make it’, so he’s 100% right in refusing such a terrible offer for the use of such a famous song. It’s an insult. If Rockstar’s budget can’t stretch to a respectable offer they shouldn’t have approached them in the first place.

Re: A New Day, a New Bloodborne PS5 Rumour


@GamingFan4Lyf For me personally it’s the lore and setting. I’m a sucker for any kind of Eldridge shenanigans, which BB handled masterfully. And much as I enjoy Demon Souls et al, knights and dragons were never my thing.

Re: PS5, PC FPS Concord's Poor Player Numbers Have Predictably Gone Viral


@get2sammyb I can’t help feel some of it’s to do with the Factions cancellation. That was probably the one gaas game PS players actually wanted and were looking forward to. Not saying it’s fair, of course, but if it is part of it I can see why some are salty about losing out on something that sounded genuinely unique and getting something totally generic instead.

Re: Batman: Arkham Dev Allegedly Enlisted to Work on Hogwarts Legacy After Suicide Squad Flop


@IamJT Quite. I’m no fan of corporations, but I’m not a fan of selective truth either. Sounds like WB’s only real dumb*** move was wanting it made live service partway through development. Everything else seems to have been down to the RS heads, the info on which comes from developers at RS, not WB suites. Sounds like development was a fluster duck from the outset.

Re: Batman: Arkham Dev Allegedly Enlisted to Work on Hogwarts Legacy After Suicide Squad Flop


The full Bloomberg piece is interesting reading and paints a slightly different picture than the simple one of ‘meddling money men’. Sounds like a lot of the issues were caused by the now-former studio heads themselves. For one thing, they were planning a multiplayer puzzle game before WB even approached them about Suicide Squad. So that alone kills the narrative they were forced away from their single player melee roots.

Re: Alan Wake 2 Has a Performance Mode on PS5, But It's Been Built as a '30FPS Experience'


Reading these comments confirms what I’ve long suspected, which is that many of those obsessed with high frame rates don’t actually understand frame rates. More is not always good. Different rates serve different purposes depending on the desired effect. Fighters, sports games, COD, etc. benefit from high rates because they’re built around reaction times and the increased visual information aids that. AW2 and other survival horror games have a very deliberate pacing that simply doesn’t require it, especially if, as the case is here, you’re going for a cinematic feel. In fact, to be technically accurate even 30’s too high for this aim, since 24fps is the long established ideal for cinema. So there.

Re: Megan Fox Lends Her Likeness to Nitara in Mortal Kombat 1 on PS5


@naruball Right? I thought/hoped perhaps it was just that thing when you’re a teen and think anyone above 20’s old (as most of us probably did at that age) But nope, turns out they’re just incredibly messed up in the head. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Agree with you on Jennifer’s Body btw. An excellent and underrated satire.

Re: Red Dead Redemption PS4 Announcement Gets Slaughtered by Fans


@Mitsui That isn’t rhetoric, just me saying I’m glad I’m not someone who bases the value and quality of something on financial figures. A little rudely in retrospect, sure, so apologies for that. But that is what your reply suggested given my post referred to the buggy, migraine-inducing mess the GTA trilogy remasters undeniably were, not how well they sold despite that. If that’s not what you meant then fair enough. Just a classic case of miscommunication 👍🏻

Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Will Feature the Same Mary Jane Face Model, Insomniac Insists


What’s funny to me is that no one who has an issue with this non-issue seems to factor in the aspect that the two are from different platforms. It’s blindingly obvious the PS5 will render models differently to the PS4, which makes it twice as amusing given these same people spend the rest of their time moaning PS5 graphics are being held back by cross generation releases. Humans, eh?

Re: Elle Fanning: People Say Death Stranding 2 Is The Coolest Thing I've Ever Done


@nessisonett halfway through the second season now and couldn’t agree with you more. Both of them are fantastic and I don’t think a show’s made me gut-laugh so often in years 😆

OT - Absolutely cannot wait for DS2. The first was utterly unique and compelling and, as I live on my tod, probably saved my sanity during Lockdown.

Also, it being Kojima, I think I’d only be mildly surprised if it ended up being a PS3 game tbh 🙃

Re: The Last of Us HBO Exec Touches on Joel's Fate in Season 2


@Matroska The thing is, by having the flashbacks after Joel’s death it softens the blow for the audience, almost as if he’s not actually dead.

Tarantino told a great story once about when he was pitching Pulp Fiction to studio execs. They couldn’t believe he wanted to kill off Vincent Vega halfway through, but then they found out the structure meant he was technically alive at the end of the film and they were happy again 😂