Comments 191

Re: PS4 Developers Didn't Know About the Console's 8GB GDDR5 RAM


I'm loving what Sony is doing with the features and download speeds. But I'm a little weary of the cost of the system. Sony kinda sneaked off stage without dropping any hints on a price point back in February... 8 GB of GDDR RAM will take up a significant portion of the total cost. I'm just hoping that won't mean an expensive console for the consumer...

I'd hate for this be like the "Five-hundred and ninety-nine U.S. dollars" ordeal.

Re: Talking Point: Do We Really Need So Much Gunplay in Games?


Guns have always been part of video games, they have just become increasingly realistic thanks to advances in technology. A good story is nice, but taking out a gameplay mechanic that someone finds fun because it doesn't fit in the narrative doesn't sound like a good idea to me.

I think First Person Shooters are the problem here.

Re: Talking Point: Why inFAMOUS: Second Son Shouldn't Be a PS4 Launch Game


I disagree. They need inFAMOUS at launch. It's up to Sony to have games ready for the first 6 months of the console's lifespan until some E3 announcements. They need to figure out a way to put out some quality content in their initial run so the system doesn't go through a dry period the way the Vita is going through one now. That would be the perfect time to introduce some new IP's or secure some exclusives from the 3rd parties.

They should really come out the gate with first party title after first party title, and then gradually slow it down a bit, keeping a steady flow of games coming out as the PS4 runs the course of it's life cycle. That way, instead of getting a ton of good games late in the life cycle, Sony's teams could work on new games for the following generation and be prepared again.

Also, I think @Epic has a great idea there. A live chat room hosted by the editors would be an awesome way to discuss such a topic. I think a feature like this would really distinguish PushSquare (as well as NLife and PureXBOX too) from the rest of the gaming sites. Everytime an interesting topic came up in gaming news, all the users could be invited for a discussion on a private chat room.