Comments 181

Re: Poll: Which Peter Parker Face Do You Prefer in Marvel's Spider-Man?


I remember when it was announced that FF7R would have an all new voice cast and a lot of OG fans were up in arms about it, came onto every thread on Twitter moaning and at the time I was 'Hey, what's the issue? I love the new voices, they fit well. It's gonna be great' but my first visceral reaction to this re-cast is NOOOO!! I absolutely hate it and don't see the point. I guess I can see where those FF fans were coming from now? lol Still prefer older Peter.

Re: Reaction: Bethesda Acquisition Is a Kick in the Balls for PS5, But Sony's Goals Won't Change


The thing that worries me the most about the purchase is the way that MS seems to be forcing us into a streaming/subscription future, instead of letting us get there naturally.

I don't particularly like the subscription model as I feel there is too much pressure to keep newness coming to the platform. To keep the appearance of value, you have to constantly keep bringing newness to it. 'Look at all these new things you are getting for such a small price'. I feel that a lot of the time you sacrifice quality for quantity.

I'm glad Sony don't really want to go down that venue just yet. Time will tell if it's the right choice.

Re: Future Bethesda Games Could Still Come to PlayStation Despite Xbox Ownership


@Friendly I'm sorry I didn't realise I had to put IMO in front of everything. Of course it's opinion. I get it. You love Skyrim and will defend it with terminal intensity. You don't have to, I don't care. If you didn't already guess. IMO (Just in case) Bethesda have been lackluster as a developer in recent years so this news doesn't really mean much to me, personally IMO. ANd Bethesda are trash, just like most big corporations, including Microsoft and Sony. (IMO)

Re: Future Bethesda Games Could Still Come to PlayStation Despite Xbox Ownership


@Friendly Yep, I did say that and I would stand by that. Skyrim after numerous iterations and remasters and ports is still buggy AF. Fallout 4 wasn't much better and Fallout '76 has been a PR disaster for Bethesda. It's great if you love Skyrim, despite it's faults. I have plenty of games like that but I'm not a Skyrim or Fallout fan so I'm not to bothered either way with this news. People came for me and I defended my opinion.

It seems like you are determined to take the opposite view of whatever I am saying . FYI I never edited anything. All the comments I have made on this thread are the original comments. OK, Thnx. Bye.

Re: Future Bethesda Games Could Still Come to PlayStation Despite Xbox Ownership


@Friendly I'm not denying that. I never said it was a popular take, I said it was a hot take. I love Jrpg, not so into wjrpg as I find them kinda bland and boring. What can I say, I grew up playing mental Japanese games. Azure Dreams on PS1 is still one of my fav games ever.

I feel bad for people who love Bethesda's stuff. I'm not one of them so this isn't earth shattering news for me, personally.

Re: Future Bethesda Games Could Still Come to PlayStation Despite Xbox Ownership


@LordSteev hey dude,

I apprieacte you love Skyrim and that's great for you. I'm saying for me, it's not a dealbreaker or even a reason to buy an xbox. Now if MS bought Atlus or Konami then it might be a different story.

It's even great for budget gamers who may not have had access to these games before etc but for me, I'm always wary of Microsoft as they are just a quick to pull the rug as google and if they can't dominate the market right away they just disappear. They may be 'consumer-friendly' right now but that's only now while it's suiting them. Be wary is all.

Re: Future Bethesda Games Could Still Come to PlayStation Despite Xbox Ownership


@S1ayeR74 my point was that anything that Bethesda makes directly has been trash for the last however many years. SO you saying they might suddenly make rubbish games made me giggle cause they already do.

Anyhoo, it won't matter ifn five years when they decide they aren't making enough money from gamepass and suddenly just discontinue it with a day's notice a la Mixer.

Re: Fans Want to Know if They Can Upgrade from PS4 to Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered on PS5



To be honest I wan't really pinpointing anyone on here.

My frustration isn't really with this but the general tone of discourse since the showcase.

Yes the pre-orders was an absolute disgrace. I think we can all agree with that but it feels like everyone has went into 'rage' mode and is now picking at every little thing they can find and I find utterly childish.

And I am really annoyed at @pushsquare right now for feeding into it and fanning this type of discussion. It's just bad journalism quite frankly.

But I know by answering and being on this thread I'm aggravating and validating this kind of discourse which is why I'm gonna step away.

No hard feeling on anyone here.

Re: Fans Want to Know if They Can Upgrade from PS4 to Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered on PS5


I am actually gobsmacked at the level of whiny entitlement to be found in these comments.

Seriously guys?

If you have the original PS4 version, you ARE getting a free upgrade to PS5.

What you aren't getting is access to a value-added product. It has new skins, new textures, new trophies even. It's a completely different beast. Why should you get access to it for free? It's a remaster. Are you expecting EA to just give you a copy of Mass Effect remaster when it comes out if you own the original?

While I concede it might be nice if you could upgrade to the remaster for a small fee instead of buying a whole different game how is this any different from any of the other myriad of remasters that have come out over the years.

You can't moan about the PS5 not truly being 'next generation' and how they are releasing everything on PS4 and then the next day moan cause they are only releasing something on the PS5.

I am going to take a step back from the internet for now cause this is just getting beyond.

And I really think less of Push Square for putting up such a click-bait non issue and giving it a spotlight it doesn't need.

Don't bother @ me, I'm not gonna answer.

Re: PS5 Showcase Event Confirmed for This Wednesday


Who thinks they are gonna wait until the 21st to reveal price and then shadowdrop pre-orders then and there. LOL.

I could totally see them doing something like that.

I'm not getting too excited about this. I'm not getting swept away in the hype. I'm not going to pre-order. I'm not. I'm......not.

Re: Reaction: Why Hasn't PS5's Price and Release Date Been Revealed Yet?


@gmxs Yeah, that's what I said. £500 is a great price. It's the folk saying it needs to be 350 or even 400, i'm saying reality check too.

Regardless of what MS do, I won't be buying an xbox because I am not interested in being sucked into thier ecosystem. It's more about getting people paying that monthly fee than anything else. I don't really play sports games except maybe MLB the Show, so not interested in EA play being bundled in with it, and not really interested in any of the games in gamepass. Just the normal dull grey FPS and ancient indie games on it.

If sony match the top end price or are a little higher and do a deal with PS+/Now and offer monthly payments, I'll be more than happy enough. Cause I know they have the games to back the system up. And I'd rather pay for my games and own them. Quality over quantity.

Re: Reaction: Why Hasn't PS5's Price and Release Date Been Revealed Yet?


I'm gobsmacked at everyone thinking they are going to get a proper next gen console for anything less than £500.

Srsly, people need to get thier expectations in order. £349 for a PS5. I nearly peed myself laughing.

A pc gaming rig, custom built will run you 3-4K, an prebuilt PC will cost in the region of £1800 to £2000, a freaking new smart phone will cost you £1000 ffs? And you are expecting a new console for sub £500? No wonder there's going to be a lot of butthurt people. Y'all living in 2007.

£500 for a next gen console is an amazing price. I'm fully expecting PS5 to be in the region of £600 and I'll be quite happy with that, anything over that might be a bit hard, in these times.

Re: PlayStation Records Best Ever Q1 Earnings as PS4 Game Sales Reach New Heights


@East76landS @Diamond1980 Thing is whenever they talk about Xbox it's always ohhh 'gamepass this, gamepass that' but quite frankly gamepass is absolute trash. Full of 6 and 7 with a few gems. Out of all the games on it, I'd maybe interested in trying out 5or 6 tops. I have enough subscription fees (around £50 a month for all the different media) don't need another one. What I want is decent games. If and when xbox finally start publishing some good games, maybe then I'll be interested.

Also, I'd rather own my games. Games go on and off sub services so quick. It's the biggest con of the millenium. Subscription services are not worth the money.

Re: PlayStation Records Best Ever Q1 Earnings as PS4 Game Sales Reach New Heights


@Mostik I have started to buy both. I tend to buy digital if its a game i'm not to sure of (and usually wait for it to be on sale) then if I like it, I'll buy a cheap physical copy (usually second hand) cause I like to own my games outright. Unless it's something like FF7 remake where I did it the other way round. Knew I was going to love it so bought the physical first, then when it goes down to a decent dirt cheap price on digital, I'll pick it up then. LOL