Comments 71

Re: Court Rules £5 Billion Lawsuit Against Sony Can Go Ahead, Following Years of 'Excessive' PS Store Prices


@Wakozako @TheCollector316 If this goes through, I'm going after Ferrari, Lamborghini, Cartier, Dolce Gabbana,... I mean if now you can just sue someone if they don't price the way you want ^^ And why stopping there, I will go after people who don't want to sell me stuff that is not for sale... I will go after companies who don't follow my opinions... I mean it's the 21st century, I'm entitled to whatever I want ^^

Re: US Retail Giant Best Buy Allegedly Binning Physical Media


@Mythologue I guess this varies widely per country (and actual sources of energy), the number of times you download the game, etc. I'm not saying one is better than the other, I'm saying there are a lot of factors to consider and digital is not (or at least was not a couple of years ago) a clear winner in all scenarios. Physical footprint decreases thanks to 2nd hand (if I remember correctly, one physical game is played by 1,05 to 1,7 person on average on different consoles - aka 2nd hand), digital increases with multiple download/not enough space on HW (that I don't know the stat), and streaming is just a non stop flux of data/energy so not great in many scenarios...

Re: US Retail Giant Best Buy Allegedly Binning Physical Media


@Adol_Xin That is true.
However, what matters is not what can be (alternative energy), it really is what is the actual source today, and in the near future. I don't believe the actual source of energy have shifted drastically in the last 2-3 years since we made that calculation... not sure if it was on here or on Eurogamer anymore ^^ but 2-3 years back it was still a close call depending on how much you play the game, I wish I remembered the cut off point ^^

Re: US Retail Giant Best Buy Allegedly Binning Physical Media


@Adol_Xin This discussion has already happened in the past, it's very unclear whether digital is actually more environmentally friendly. you should google the CO2 cost of transmitting data online. When we made estimates a few years back it was down to the number of hours played per game, to figure out which format is better for environment. Digital was more or less equivalent to physical, and streaming was the most terrible in terms of environment. Again google and you'll find more ^_^

Re: PS5 Slim's Digital Edition Gets a Stealth Price Increase in USA


@themightyant Keep in mind these are US numbers, and that they are 10 years old, but then, 2nd hand unit sales were about 30% of total sales (digital +physical new + physical 2nd hand). With physical contribution overall falling quickly, I'd say nowadays, physical second hand is probably no more than 10% of total unit sales at best.

Re: Random: Thought PSVR2 Was Expensive? Apple's Vision Pro Is Here to Hold Your Beer


@NEStalgia there are a lot of non top mind commercial application that would benefit from this. Think any commercial offer aimed at consumers. The jump in Unity share prices, and the fact Unity is the de facto for those 3D commercial application really shows where the industry think this is going. Think being able to see your kitchen installed in your house before choosing, think seeing your new shoes on your feet before ordering them online, think visting an apartment without having to go there, think car dealer being able to let you test the various car/interior configuration in the showroom,... lots of businesses will benefit from this beyond architect, and "tech developpers"

Re: PSN Licence Verification Issues Prevent PS5, PS4 Owners from Playing Games


@themightyant interesting take on environment is your comment on watching less pron... ^_^
with our 1billion GB per sec of internet traffic, 20g CO2 per GB and 40 billions tons CO2 total emission per year, internet traffic is about 1to2% of total CO2 emission. Pron is estimated at 15 to 30% of total traffic... so there you go, maybe half a percent of world total CO2 emission could be coming from just streaming naughty stuff... may that be the "fact" of the day ^_^

Re: PSN Licence Verification Issues Prevent PS5, PS4 Owners from Playing Games


@Green-Bandit the environemenal impact of disc vs download is a complex one. Sure plastic is not great, but you also have to factor CO2. There is no recent study on the topic, I believe. Last one were saying that streaming a movie produced 2 to 4x less CO2 than the whole dvd production, transport and watching approach. However, that was like 10 years ago, based on HD movies and a much lower quantity of data to transport (so they were likely comparing a disk vs. ~10-20GB stream/download). You can extrapolate the CO2 cost of a disc vs download is likely the same at ~40 to 50GB likely, anything above, disc produces less CO2, anything below, download produces less CO2). These numbers are approximations, but they illustrate how we have very little conscious of the amount of energy needed (and hence CO2 produced) to download stuff ^_^

Re: Hands On: They Made Destruction AllStars on PS5 Good


@riceNpea Ha funny... I kind of am leaving Eurogamer as well. For me it's mostly how aggressive the community is. Not possible to exchange thoughts in forum without massive downvoting and verbal/written aggression.
People seem much nicer on PushSquare (probably because it is platform specific though)...

Re: Reaction: Can We Chill Out About Sony's Commitment to PS4, Please?


@Gaia093 I would assume it's 1MM incremental PS4 production, maybe? This seems like such a low number globally at this stage into next gen. Latam, Eastern EU and big portion of Asia is still heavilly into PS4...
I know PS2 is special, but I think it was still selling multiple millions a year several years after PS3 launch...

Re: Updated PlayStation Patent Has Fans in Backwards Compatibility Frenzy, But It's a Reach


@Ashkorsair I'm not going to go into too many details here. But I have access to a lot of data on this front from my work. and while it creates a lot of heated forum fanboy arguments, BC does not significantly drive purchase decision. It's a nice to have; but console decisions are based on power, library, price and general brand affinity... I've been discussing this very question of how critical is backwards compatibility to the launch of a new console with multiple key industry players... ^_^
All gamers say they want BC, but 99% will pick the console without BC if it has better games/ecosystem. No offense to MSFT, but BC is the weapon you use when you can't build a new and unique library for your new platform.... if you can, you don't need BC....
PS: I don't mean to disrespect anybody, these are just what (non public) market data is showing

Re: Konami Pisses Everyone Off for Castlevania's 35th Anniversary


@Bingbongboyo I'm def. not an expert on NFT, but from what I discussed with partners, I believe there are various potential implementations. Like licensing your music, so that you can sell to multiple persons. Or creating original art. What if DaVinci started to paint online, surely he should have the right to keep ownership and/or sell ownership of his work, just like he would if it was a real painting.
It's just like usual, new tech is going to attact porn and/or scammers... but the tech itself is not inherently bad ^_^ except yes in NFT case, environmental considerations are clearly something that needs being tacked.

Re: Konami Pisses Everyone Off for Castlevania's 35th Anniversary


@KayOL77 I guess there are as many possible implementations possible as there are companies looking towards that space. The one I have interacted with emerges from music artist who made it and want to create a virtual world where artist can perform and create but without losing instantly right to their creation by just being digital. It can be music that they chose to license, or digital merchandising.

For gaming I guess, we all agree manufactured scarcity is poor approach, but there are also considerations regarding user generated content. Wouldn't it be more motivations for private creator to receive monetory rewards for their work...

I think the tech, like any tech is just a tool, it's what we do with it that matters ^_^

Re: Konami Pisses Everyone Off for Castlevania's 35th Anniversary


@KayOL77 I don't want to reignite this complicated topic. But I think pushing back wholesome on NFT is probably not the right thing either. In this Konami case, we agree, this is manufactured scarcity.
I happen to work in the industry and among many contacts I also work on multiverse NFT based future releases. A lot of those have the artists as the key focus (paraphrasing a C-suite of one of the company I work with "we care about providing artists means to keep control on their creation and how they choose to distribute or commercialize them. If people decide to speculate on this we won't prevent it, but we won't make it the center of our business."). In the new ways of digital distribution, artists are losing their ability to generate revenue. NFT allow them to keep more control on their digital creation without necessarilly having to go through a big label or someone ripping them off.
Never black or white ^_^ It's not just about a picture of a sandwhich, it's also for true artist who produces digital content and want to keep control of their creation.

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