Comments 68

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Delayed into December


Called this one weeks ago when I first saw the news about the game going gold.

My feelings towards Cyberpunk 2077 are now the same as the ones I have about my club winning the league - I'll believe it when I see it.

Silver lining - it'll give my wallet some room to breathe. Spidey, AC and Cyberpunk at the same time would have been a bit of a Stretch.

Re: Reaction: Why Hasn't PS5's Price and Release Date Been Revealed Yet?


I honestly hope the 600€ rumors are just that.
Microsoft didn't start off well and had a few curve balls thrown at them, but now, they have the upper hand. I must confess I'm a tad frustrated. MS putting information out there and Sony talking about VR and Indie Games (all due respect to Indie Games). Adding insult to injury, they ask us to relax while Tweeting pics of Jin's bottom. I am really hoping they make an annoucement soon and hoping it's a good one. Ball is in their court, let's see how they play it.

Re: Poll: Did You Buy a PlayStation at Launch 25 Years Ago?


I was 7 when it was originally launched. Back then, things were different in my country and we would only get new releases (whether it was consoles, movies, games, etc) months or even years after the original launch date. My older brother bought me one with FF VII, that's what got me into gaming. I'll never forget the twist of emotions I experienced on "THAT" moment (you know which one I'm talking about).

After that, bought every single one on launch day (when it launched here, anyway) and am hoping I can do the same with PS5!

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