Comments 27

Re: Store Update: 2nd October 2012 (North America)


Already downloaded NGHTS, SA2B, their themes, Alex Kidd in Miracle Worlds (stupid Janken game ), and Spelunker HD (with all DLC)! Also two new demoes on Vita to try out? Should be fun not to mention, I want to get New Little King's Story sometime, but maybe not for $40.....demo? Oh well great week overall! We should get some people together for some Spelunker HD multiplayer fun!

Re: Escape Plan: Director's Cut DLC Tip-Toes onto PSN


Sad to see that it isn't on sale right away for a discount ($1-$3?) like the Asylum and Underground packs were, but hey this game is great fun. I know for a fact I'll be getting this pack eventually, but when is the question. I still need to play through the Underground pack, working on Platinum on Golden Abyss, and now we have NiGHTS and Sonic Adventure 2 never ends.

Edit: Seems like the patch (1.04) is up already before the store update.

Re: Sony Reveals PSN Gamers' Choice Nominees


Prologus AND [duodecim] up there? The first is more of a fancy demo imo, and I would have loved to see FFIV take its place. Oh well might as well vote for [duodecim] so that I can get it for cheap when I get a Vita in March/April. I enjoyed the first Dissidia from what I've played.

Re: SF X Tekken Brings Crossover Chaos to Vita This Fall


I was always going to get the PSVita version anyways. I'm sure UMvC3 will hold me over just fine, and who knows maybe I'll finally test the waters of a BlazBlue title. The real question is will these be PSVita exclusives or just free with the game and dlc for the other versions?

Re: Guide: How to Download PSP Games to PS Vita


I already have several titles downloaded from when I had a PSP Go, and I shall be redownloading them onto VIta (when I get one in May). The only thing I want to come out on the PSN still is Mega Man Powered Up (Maverick Hunter is there already), Final Fantiasy I, Final Fantasy Il, and Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core! Get on it Capcom and Square Enix

Re: Ninja Gaiden Sigma Slices to Vita


Can I shake the system like the PS3's controller, and like the 3DS for Dead of Alive: Dimensions?

I only have the NES Ninja Gaiden Trilogy on the Virtual Console so I will have to look into this. In the meantime I may pick up Dragon Sword for the DS to get my Ninja Gaiden fix.

Re: Review: EyePet: Move Edition (PlayStation 3)


Great review!

This is really spot on. The movement is really 1:1 in a 3D space which amazed me since I don't think I've had anything that spot on before with the 3D space. It really showcases thje power and potential of the PlaySation Move!

If I wasn't swamped with other games, along with the impending fall rush of games, and of course college I would play it more. This really is a great game for the kid in people.

Re: No LittleBigPlanet 2 Until January Next Year


Mixed feelings here...

I have Sonic Colors and The Sly Collection the same day it was to be released. Not to mention Donkey Kong Country Returns soon afterwards (and possibly 3DS this year). Not to mention I still have to pay off $75 on my my wallett will be a little happier this holiday season.

Re: Review: Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition (PlayStation 3)


Great review!

I picked up the game with some birthday money back in May. I was going to play it at the beginning of summer, but decided to wait for Move support (which I got on Friday ) to find time in between school, work, and some other Move games I'm playing....

I have Resident Evil 4 on the Wii, but haven't played it really so this will technically be my first Resident Evil game I've played! I hear spoilers aren't anything big though....right?

Re: Sony Expects Slow Move Sales at Launch, Word of Mouth Crucial


So the Move's sales are suspected to have a tail like Nintendo's big games? Sweet that may mean as more people buy it more quality titles will come out over time!

As for me actually buying it at launch? I have to give a no to that since it being $130 for the single player experience I plan to do when I get it is one of the big reasons. I have to prioritize what I get this Holiday. If I had a money tree then yes I would get this. Its the only reason I haven't played my copy of Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition that I got for my birthday in May!