@LiamCroft I have no problem for games as a service. My only issue with the article is I don't see how The Witcher 3 is a game as a service because it had free dlc updates and 2 paid expansions. That doesn't constitute it as a Game as a Service model. Bad examples imo.
@BAMozzy I don't think we'll see ps5 in 2018 but that of course is my opinion. But that's what is great about these discussions is everyone has here own
@BAMozzy I agree with a lot of things you said except the ps5 in 2018. Why would Sony from a buisness point release a ps5 with the PS4 is still selling so good?
I love that they embraced this from everyone talking about it when the demo came out. Also, I just had a conversation with my wife about yakuza. I was playing the "phone" side quests and she was taken back by it lol.
I am loving this game but I for one think this isn't kewl. Let players play the game how they want. Wether it would be alone or with a friend from the get go. These kind of restrictions limit certain people of having fun.
Comments 12
Re: Feature: 12 PS5 Firmware Updates We Want to See
VRR is something I really want
Re: Soapbox: Games As a Service Should Be Embraced, Not Misunderstood
I have no problem for games as a service. My only issue with the article is I don't see how The Witcher 3 is a game as a service because it had free dlc updates and 2 paid expansions. That doesn't constitute it as a Game as a Service model. Bad examples imo.
Re: Your PS4 Trophies Will Now Sync Lightning Fast
@BAMozzy I wish it auto sync too. I'm glad it will sync faster though.
Re: E3 2017: Sony Welcomes the Arrival of Xbox One X
@BAMozzy I don't think we'll see ps5 in 2018 but that of course is my opinion. But that's what is great about these discussions is everyone has here own
Re: E3 2017: Sony Welcomes the Arrival of Xbox One X
@BAMozzy I agree with a lot of things you said except the ps5 in 2018. Why would Sony from a buisness point release a ps5 with the PS4 is still selling so good?
Re: NieR: Automata Shipments and Digital Sales Top 1 Million
I finished the third playthrough this past weekend and really really enjoyed the game. Awesome game even with its flaws. Music is great too.
Re: Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age Limited and Collector's Editions Detailed
Uhhhh I grabbed the collectors edition. Hate that price tag so much lol
Re: Kojima: Guerrilla Games' Technology Is a League Ahead
Even though he's apart from Konami, he words still have weight imo.
Re: NieR Automata Ain't Hiding 2B's Bubble Butt
I love that they embraced this from everyone talking about it when the demo came out. Also, I just had a conversation with my wife about yakuza. I was playing the "phone" side quests and she was taken back by it lol.
Re: Horizon: Zero Dawn's Open World Doesn't Suffer a Single Loading Screen
Love it. I remember playing last of us on PS3 and having one load time when you first start and that was it.
Re: Star Ocean: Till the End of Time Director's Cut Announced for PS4
Sounds great. Wish it had a physical version though
Re: Nioh's Restricted Co-Op Avoids Making the Game 'Too Easy', says Dev
I am loving this game but I for one think this isn't kewl. Let players play the game how they want. Wether it would be alone or with a friend from the get go. These kind of restrictions limit certain people of having fun.