Comments 20

Re: New PSVR2 Games Release Dates in 2023


Most people who actually have PSVR2 are really happy with it and are enjoying the games. I think a lot of the criticism stems from people who have a vested interest in seeing it fail. I do understand the calls for more games in the future. More news in that regard would be welcome. However, letā€™s not confuse that with the blatant lies of a few who said there were no games, there are LOADS of games. We just want to know there are some more like Horizon, GT7, Resident Evil and Demeo coming. Why? Because the PSVR2 is brilliant and we want to see it maximise its potential. For example, I would love an Uncharted game, or even just another Astro Bot. If they can work with 3rd parties, why not a VR Persona game or a Final Fantasy game. Visually it would be stunning and you could really inhabit those worlds!

Re: Soapbox: PSVR2 Already Feels Like It's on Course for Failure


Is it fantastic when you use it? Yes. Does it make games better? Yes. Is this a console release? No. So why is it being compared to console releases? Is it expensive? Only if you canā€™t afford it. Does it have a lot of people who fervently want it to fail? Yes, very much so, what with the rival console fanboys who donā€™t have VR and the aforementioned people who canā€™t afford it, you have a mob of people who strongly desire it to fail. What does Sony need to do? Invest in more mainstream games and market them effectively, Iā€™m thinking Spiderman, Returnal, the Last of Us, Unchartedā€¦heck throw Killzone in there as well. However, letā€™s remember something very important hereā€¦itā€™s been two fricking months! There are 50 odd games on the store. Who are these people who have played all these games in two months and need more games???? Once again, this is what happens when you listen to people who want it to fail.

Re: Best PSVR2 Games


@NeonPizza agreed on RE8ā€¦.I donā€™t actually like scary games but this game is absolutely stunning so Iā€™m feeling the need to power through. šŸ˜

Re: Best PSVR2 Games



Interesting, totally agree with you on all of those points!

I highly recommend Demeo. I just jump into online games with other players and Iā€™ve had a blast so far.