Comments 29

Re: PS5 'Superior' to Xbox Series X in a Lot of Ways, But Devs Seem Disappointed by Sony's Communication


@Dracavius I didnt get past your opinion on exclusives, but I have to stop you there you are dead wrong. Exclusives sell consoles, people that think otherwise cant understand the data. There was a list of the most played games on ps4 and the first two or three games on the list were 3rd party games including call of duty and fifa. The xbox fanboys jumped on this claiming that exclusives dont matter, but if you actually look at the rest of the numbers you will see a pattern. Horizon zero dawn outsold the witcher 3, one of last generations best and successful multiplats. Uncharted 4 outsold rise of the tombraider, Bloodborne outsold dark souls 3, and gt sport outsold both asseta corso and project cars 2 put together. And they didnt just outsell them by a few copies but in most cases they outsold them 2 to 1. Ps4 exclusives have been a massive success and will help the ps5 join the ps1,2,3 and 4 in being the most successful consoles of all time.

Re: PS5 'Superior' to Xbox Series X in a Lot of Ways, But Devs Seem Disappointed by Sony's Communication


If you watch digital foundry's analysis you will know why the numbers dont mean anything. First the gpu, ok xbox has it slightly beat in tflops but with the higher clock speeds on the ps5 it means that the other aspects of the gpu will be faster than the xbox. Then the custom ssd controller is basically like adding one or even two extra cpu cores, and also makes the 16gb of ram way more efficient. The raw numbers dont reflect any of this. The ssd is the heart of the console and boosts every other aspect.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Designed to Be as Inclusive as Possible, Character Creation Doesn't Require a Gender


@Flaming_Kaiser they didnt add anything. They removed the words " male " and " female" and replaced them with body type. They did this after the game was 90% complete it was not a design choice and was not their intention from the start as some people say, this comes from the developers themselves. Its virtue signaling. 99% of the human population identify as male or female and those who dont are suffering from a mental illness. I hope you get the help you need.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Designed to Be as Inclusive as Possible, Character Creation Doesn't Require a Gender


@FullbringIchigo ok one last question, I'm just really curious. In the case of Rachel Dolozel who as you may or may not know, was a white woman who pretended to be black for years. When she was caught she claimed she identified as black. She is genetically ( scientific ) white but she identified ( social )as black. So in your opinion is she black or white?

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Designed to Be as Inclusive as Possible, Character Creation Doesn't Require a Gender


@FullbringIchigo yeeeeeeaaaah I'm talking, once again from a scientific point of view, you know facts and evidence. I'll post it again, " The biological approach suggests there is no distinction between sex & gender, thus biological sex creates gendered behavior. Gender is determined by two biological factors: hormones and chromosomes". This shift to the separation between sex and gender happened when in the 80s? I forgot where I got this article but I dont have time to look. Pretty sure you got that WHO article from a quick google search, and as we all know google isnt trying to push an agenda or anything. No evidence of that whatsoever.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Designed to Be as Inclusive as Possible, Character Creation Doesn't Require a Gender


@FullbringIchigo there is a difference between opinion and fact. Gender is a scientific term, it always has been. It has only recently been hijacked by a very vocal but small minority. "The biological approach suggests there is no distinction between sex and gender". This is a fact. If my opinion offends you I dont care in the slightest, but if facts offend you, you need help.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Designed to Be as Inclusive as Possible, Character Creation Doesn't Require a Gender


@KALofKRYPTON @KALofKRYPTON gender is a biological term. "The biological approach suggests there is no distinction between sex & gender, thus biological sex creates gendered behavior. Gender is determined by two biological factors: hormones and chromosomes." Forgive me but I will take science and fact over whatever bs your gender studies professor indoctrinated you with.

Re: Ubisoft Faces Fan Backlash as Assassin's Creed Odyssey DLC Totally Ignores Player Choice


Let me speak for ubisoft. Its obvious really but it seems these days common sense ain't so common no more. There is one major difference between this game and every other game that offers choice of sexual partners, the birth of a child. The game is set in ancient Greece. There are only two ways children were concieved in ancient Greece. Traditional sex between a man and a woman, and when zeus turned into a swan to seduce beautiful young women. Ubisoft went with the former.

Re: Ubisoft Faces Fan Backlash as Assassin's Creed Odyssey DLC Totally Ignores Player Choice


Are you serious? You can't understand why ubisoft would want to tell a story about genetic memory that spans multiple generations by DARING to portray a traditional sexual relationship between a man and a woman, the only way that procreation actually occurred at the time the game was set. This world has gone mad. For all LBQT community members out there that are disgusted by this just remember, if your parents weren't straight you wouldn't exist.

Re: Hands On: Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown in PSVR Passes with Flying Colours


@seanobi too true. The best game for psvr by far is still resident evil 7, and that was one of the first games to come out. Theres no way Sony is giving up on vr though, it's the future of gaming and they know it. I was watching the gameplay for cyberpunk 2077 the other day and I thought to myself someday we will be playing games that look this good in vr. Can't wait.

Re: No, Sony's Holiday Theme Probably Isn't Teasing PS5


Ok first of all it is definitely a 5. There is an S written in the same font in the word holidays. Second of all why be cryptic about celebrating playstations 5th anniversary? If that's what they were doing they would just come out and say " celebrating playstation's 5th anniversary", they wouldn't sneak a 5 in the way they did. The only logical explanation is that they are teasing the ps5.