Comments 124

Re: Fans Show Displeasure at Disappointing Road to PS5 Reveal


Between the months-long silence on the PS5, the crunch accusations against their top developer, the overblown outcry about Horizon coming to PC (which admittedly, as it stands right now - had horrible timing) and the negative reaction to the first big talk on the PS5 this year, it must be real fun being in the shoes of SIE's leadership rn. /s

Re: Quantic Dream to Self-Publish Future Projects, Take Full Advantage of PS5


I wonder what their next title is gonna be. I was never a big fan of QD's games - beautifully presented and technologically rich, but the stories always left me cold - but I would love seeing the studio expanding to include other creative minds and talented writers that can take the interactive storytelling elements of previous games and build upon them.

Re: There Will Be Exclusives You Can Only Play on PS5


@kyleforrester87 I personally loved it, more than I should have I guess. Even now, I look back at it rather fondly, be it the fact that Sony more or less gave up on the genre for the rest of the PS4's lifespan or because of how much I enjoyed the game's setting and themes. I also gotta say this game still looks p damn good over 6 years later, and it still has so many little details that blow me away. Far from a perfect game, but a solid one overall - I hope Killzone 5 will arrive someday lol.