Comments 124

Re: Before Suicide Squad, Rocksteady Was Reportedly Developing an Original Multiplayer Game


Honestly not too surprised learning Rocksteady was already pursuing MP stuff as early as 2016. I think it fits the timeline with Warner Bros getting more blatantly greedier, first with the very aggressive micro DLC support for games like Arkham Knight, and the horror of Shadow of War's loot box craze, and just makes sense this would sip to Rocksteady too when the GaaS trend began to take full swing.

Re: Horizon, The Wire's Lance Reddick Has Passed Away


Gutted, he was a fantastic actor with such a strong, distinctive aura, every scene with him just oozed charisma. And even beyond that, from everything I've seen he was an incredibly kind and affable man in private and on-set. Massive loss, and my condolences to his family, friends and co-workers, as well as his associates and colleagues at Bungie and Guerrilla. :/

Re: Something Is Amiss with Sony's Secret San Diego Studio


While it won't be the first time Sony shuts down a newly-founded studio without shipping a single title (RIP Manchester Studio), I wouldn't imply for now that the studio is shutting down.

Two people departed, and yes, a creative director leaving a studio in the middle of development is not usually a good sign (like 343), but it's not the end of the world for the project or the studio. I see people speculating that it is shutting down and while it IS a possibility, rn it feels like a bit of a stretch based on the information we have.

As for the studio itself, my best wishes to the departing employees. I do hope things are going well and this is not reflective on the studio as a whole, or that at least things will get back on the road. It sounds like a very ambitious title by a very talented and experienced personnel, and I hope we will see it in the coming months.

Re: The Suicide Squad Trailer Has Fans Thinking About Sunset Overdrive


I would personally love to see Sunset Overdrive finding a new home on PS4/PS5. The mission design and side activities are pretty subpar, but Sunset is that one open world that imo felt like the map was designed around its core mechanics and features and not the other way around.
I find it amusing that one of Insomniac's biggest passion projects is not on a PS console, but given how much Insomniac love the Sunset-verse, I can see them at least revisiting it at some point.

Re: There's Been a Big Scandal About Whether PS5 Can Run Games in 4K


@JJ2 Man I feel bad for John. I personally agree with many of his points, and seeing him just getting so tired over people from both sides arguing with him over nonsense was p sad.
I also do think they might have some tension between them behind the scenes. Richard is arguably the one who never lets his personal feelings into discussions while John keeps being level-headed with a pretty fair perspective when he analyzes games. Alex got a lot of flack for being notably biased towards one side and with his recent Halo Infinite video which even people who anticipate the game found to be lacking. Genuinely surprised he was let testing the Horizon PC port, I thought John would be on that since he loved Horizon when it first debuted and I think he was also the one who analyzed it back in 2017/2018.

Re: Round Up: What Was Announced During Sony PlayStation's State of Play Livestream?


I thought the event was solid. Sony mentioned it won't be some massive PS5-focused event, and the expectations were met.

Hitman VR was insane. I liked Pathless for its direction, music and unique way for traversal. Bugsnax looks interesting though the FNAF-esque animations do make me nervous. Spelunky 2 looks fine af. Hood looked intriguing and the Control DLC2 makes me wanna buy the game. And frankly? I thought that Godfall looked really fun.

Aeon Must Die(?) looked terrific, though its development reveal definitely killed my desire to try it.

Re: The Last of Us 2 Outsells the Entire UK Top 10 Combined in June


@SolomonGrundy Uncharted 4 came out about 4.5 years after Uncharted 3, the last original mainline outing. I wouldn't say it's fatigue, since there was craving for another Uncharted as well as the next big exclusive for the PS4 after Bloodborne ended the original drought. The drop in the second week could be the result of other things, among them exhausting its launch sales (which as noted above iirc, is nothing unusual) and the launch of other high-profile games or sleeper hits like Doom and Overwatch which could eat at competition.

TLOU2 is a more unpredictable beast. It had a much higher launch weekend at 4 million copies and a slightly higher second week drop, which can be attributed to it having the aforementioned sale exhaustion or the amount of controversies attached to its name, maybe even some of the criticisms that mechanically it doesn't improve the first game enough - idk. Either way I believe it's too early to judge the sales until we see if Sony either releases sales figures or remains silent by the end of the year; but it should be reminded that a drop in second week sales, even sharp ones like this, are not that uncommon post-launch, but we'll see in the long-run how significant it was.

Also, you reignited a month-old discussion, so if I'm inconsistent rn, it's because of that.

Re: The Last of Us 2 Outsells the Entire UK Top 10 Combined in June


@SolomonGrundy Don't see a reason not to compare given how both titles were highly anticipated and acclaimed but still divisive and controversial (to varying degrees obv) among fans. And both experienced a noticeable dive in sales post-launch, yet U4 is now at about 20 million copies sold worldwide, if not more.

Also to my understanding TLOU2 actually became the 4th best selling PS4-only title in the US according to latest NPD report, so seems like it's still selling well even after the hype and controversy died down. ¯(ツ)

Re: Talking Point: Did Ubisoft Forward Meet Your Expectations?


It was alright. Watch Dogs Legion sounds ambitious and I like it, Far Cry 6's debut trailer was very well-crafted, I do not care for the multiplayer game and AC Valhalla felt underwhelming. A bit disappointed we didn't see some new IPs or the return of missing IPs/announced games, but oh well. It was a solid first stream for Ubisoft.