Comments 58

Re: Street Fighter 6 Set to Be a Colossal Fighting Game Hit


Good stuff, I haven't invested much time into an SF title since SF4 back when I gamed on my 360 and I look forward to sinking some hours into this.

Only thing I so far am not a fan of is how all the music (that I've heard so far) is hip-hop themed. I'm not saying it's bad or criticizing hip-hop beats, I enjoy them, they're just not what I prefer in a fighting game.

Sure as ***** not gonna let that spoil the game for me, that'd just be asinine.

Re: Street Fighter 6 Guide: Your Ultimate Resource


@Fishnpeas I'm not your pal, buddy. Yeah I tell you, those character models in Spider-Man 2 totally blow do the ones in Resident Evil 4 Remake and Dead Space Remake...all just, terrible. FFXVI character models suck too...

40 years of gaming still makes your opinion subjective and not objective.

Re: Activision Boss Bobby Kotick Blames 'Outside Forces' for Firm's Poor Reputation


@Triumph741 Yet even with 3 seconds of googling, you wrongly called him the founder of Tesla.

What is your definition of success? Didn’t you say what matters is how successful an individual is? Why the ***** would I care to compare my success to that tool, Elon Musk?

Cool, he’s a billionaire and he’s been a douche canoe the entire time, and he’s a pathetic individual to draw inspire from.

I’d rather be poor and respectable, than be a rich immature ***** like him who owes his success to daddy’s money.

Re: Activision Boss Bobby Kotick Blames 'Outside Forces' for Firm's Poor Reputation


@Triumph741 “At the end of the day all that matters is how successful you are.” That seems contradictory to what you said in your previous statement.

I have a roof over my head, well paying job and I’m happy with where I am in life and the work I put into to get here so I am successful.

Intelligence you may argue is not an ON/OFF switch, but ignorance sure is. You can choose to improve upon your knowledge and how to implement it with your daily routine or you can choose to remain an ignorant fool (not saying anyone in particular here) and stay dumb.

Re: Activision Boss Bobby Kotick Blames 'Outside Forces' for Firm's Poor Reputation


@Deshalu, Microsoft is only 1 generation behind Sony, they’ve been in it for a long time too. They’re terrible at managing their studios and swallowing up the industry is a terrible excuse for them to make to stay relevant. If it was any other publisher they’d be gone under. The only reason they aren’t is because they have FU amounts of cash to throw around which proves they are nothing without it.

Re: Activision Boss Bobby Kotick Blames 'Outside Forces' for Firm's Poor Reputation


@Americansamurai1 it would be better for competition if Microsoft could actually be bothered to make some games. They already have more studios without ABK and endless resources to pour into them.

When this deal goes through, Microsoft won’t have any incentive to create anything original. They’ll just reach into their well of tired IP and throw whatever ***** they can at consumers and hope it sticks.

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