I am old but not yet senile

Comments 433

Re: Talking Point: What Do You Want to Know About PS5?


I'd like to know what bright spark at Sony thought that holding out on answering these questions for so long was a good idea!

I know it's not a universal feeling but the possibility of no PS5 VR games and the ongoing embargo on disseminating the most basic information has really has taken the edge off the excitement for me. It makes me feel like they're now holding back because there are issues they'd rather have talked about before people hand over their money. I'm normally an optimist but something just doesn't feel right to me,

Re: PS5 Games Won't Support PSVR, Says Sony


If true they've just killed off sales of PSVR.
I am gutted. I have PSVR and was really looking forward to a huge boost to VR games. I know resolution can't change but the textures, LOD and complexity of the VR world's could be immensely improved with PS5.
This news seriously makes me wonder if I should cancel my pre-order and maybe just pick up a second-hand pro.

Re: How to Get a Free PS5 PlayStation Camera Adaptor for PSVR


After a dozen attempts I manage to get to the form and fill in all my details. Then it dumped me back to the start. No idea if it worked or not.
Like everyone else I'll try again tomorrow. At least it looks like there's a chance we can get the adaptor before the PS5 arrives.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Developer Denounces Death Threats After Delay


@NomNom Things get missed in testing, especially if you're under pressure to get something out. You may also find a problem that you think isn't quite serious enough to stop a release but you know needs to be fixed ASAP, before too many people use the software.

There are a large number of factors that dictate when a software release goes out and it's quite often not the actual software developers call.

Re: Site News: We Have a PS5


I'm hoping and expecting the answer to be 'Yes' but would nice to hear it confirmed one way or the other.
Can you move games and content between an external drive and internal/expanded SSD?
I know you need to have the PS5 games on the internal/expanded SSD to play them but being able to park them on an external drive would be useful.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Developer Denounces Death Threats After Delay


I was going to say it's all down to anonymity but then thought about some of the things you see on Facebook and Twitter, where many use their real names. Some real career limiting stuff posted on there!

There's no excuse for any kind of threat and this type of behaviour should not be tolerated or accepted by anyone. People who try to defend or excuse this behaviour are part of the problem IMHO.

Re: Devil May Cry 5 Takes Four Seconds to Load on PS5, 22 Seconds on PS4


@Paranoimia Agreed and I understand the pessimism but I think if the SDK is easy enough for devs to consume, they will use it. Maybe not to the extent of a first-party developer but I think PS5 and XsX consumers will expect it and vote with their wallets.

I know it's coming but we're a few years away from most gamers PCs having the necessary hardware to stream textures straight off SSD to GPU. Up to now SSD's have helped load times but not been a game-changer, at least not in my experience. Plus there's still a huge amount of spinning rust out there, so devs can't bank on an SSD being present.

Re: Devil May Cry 5 Takes Four Seconds to Load on PS5, 22 Seconds on PS4


@Axelay71 Heh. I'm lucky, haven't got a full-size cabinet but Mrs actually bought me a Monty Python fruit machine

@InvaderJim I think you can run PS4 games off the external drive, copying to the SSD is optional. I will be amazed if you can't also park PS5 games on an external drive if you run short of space, then copy them back later when you want to run them.

Re: Devil May Cry 5 Takes Four Seconds to Load on PS5, 22 Seconds on PS4


@Axelay71 Don't get me started, I'll get kicked off for going off topic with another old-man nostalgia trip! Currently have PSX, PS2 (somewhere I think), PS3, PS4, Amiga 1000, 3000, 500, CD32, Atari 2600s, Intellivision, Vic20, C64, ZX81 and a RetroPie None of which I really have time to play with and 99% of which is in the loft. So obviously I'm buying a PS5.

The only things I didn't keep or re-purchase were an A1500, A4000 and Net Yaroze dev kit. The latter I think is now worth a small fortune.

Re: Devil May Cry 5 Takes Four Seconds to Load on PS5, 22 Seconds on PS4


@Paranoimia It'll come, just takes time. The existing catalog/IP gets ported or tweaked first and that ends up funding the really cool stuff that comes later. Always been the case as far as I can remember in the in the 35 years or so I've been gaming.

Each iteration seems to give more opportunity for devs to work on AI and open worlds as custom silicon takes on the graphical and IO grunt work, freeing up cycles for other things.

I went through a phase of feeling a bit disappointed with what I was seeing over the last month or so but went back over the Road to PS5 presentation and some dev reactions to it. It's going to take time for devs to get to grips with it but the potential feels huge. It very much reminded of the early Amiga days and look what happened when people really started pushing that architecture

Re: Devil May Cry 5 Takes Four Seconds to Load on PS5, 22 Seconds on PS4


@Axelay71 Was showing my kids 3D monster maze on the ZX81 earlier. Baffled them, lol. Yeah, loft full of stuff from the ZX81 onwards. Was happy to move on to the Amiga and games on multiple floppies.
@deathaxe I was more a Commodore man, very happy with the fast loaders! Never made the jump to floppy until the Amiga.

I don't think just a visual boost would have made me upgrade from my old PS4. The haptics, triggers on the new controller, SSD and improved audio persuaded me to make the investment.

Re: PS5 Teardown Video Gets Up Close and Personal with the Console


@God_of_Nowt I can imagine that gets pretty frustrating.

I guess you could argue, given that you're working with an SDK others have access to, that it would not be unreasonable for someone else to have come up with the same approach independently. Therefore it would seem reasonable for you to use it for both projects as long as you compromise neither or re-use exactly the same source if it's effectively owned by one party.

Anyway, getting a bit off topic and I certainly appreciate it can be complicated.

Re: PS5 Teardown Video Gets Up Close and Personal with the Console


@God_of_Nowt Hey, if you guys are receptive to doing it, I'll keep reminding you! I'm a software engineer (commercial) but have some passing experience with hardware, albeit very outdated now. Seeing what they're doing now with the hardware, Sony primarily but MS to a degree, absolutely fascinates me.
I get the frustration around NDA's from both sides of the fence. It seems a bit odd that, with just a month to launch, some are still in effect. I guess some will expire on the 28th.

Re: PS5 Teardown Video Gets Up Close and Personal with the Console


@JJ2 Thanks for that link, I hadn't seen that. I'm not by any means a hardware guy but I thought I'd understood the basics of what Cerny said at the time. Subsequent talk about it made me think I'd heard something most people hadn't!

@God_of_Nowt Shame the dev talk has fallen through, I'd love to hear more from people who actually know what they're talking about. Is there no way you guys could do an online talk instead? Youtube channel people could subscribe to and contribute towards the cost?

Re: PS5 Fan Noise First Impressions Are Promising


Some great Hi-Res shots on the 4gamer site. Looks like it's pretty easy to get at the clips holding the sides on. Should make it fairly simple to blow out any accumulated dust on a regular basis.

I'm getting a good feeling about the cooling but quite a few questions still to be answered.

Re: Spider-Man PS5 vs PS4 Comparison Shows Off a Generational Leap


Much as I really want to see a big difference, like most here I'm not, which all feels a bit disappointing. But then again, I'm not seeing it for real on a 4K TV. Maybe the difference is more pronounced in reality.
There's hopefully a big difference in the 'feel' of the game when playing with the DualSense controller, though. so lets not discount it just yet.

Re: More PS5 Pre-Orders Live in the UK, with the US, Canada to Follow


Thought my luck was in on Smyth's this morning. Logged in, added a PS5 to basket and checked-out. 30 minutes of trying to checkout later, out of stock. Grr.

In Game queue for 2 hours, got transferred to Game site, failed to login. Back on queue. Sold out. Grr.

Oh well, congrats to all who got one!

Re: Sony Apologises for PS5 Pre-Order Panic, More to Be Made Available


Wow. I'm neither a corporate apologist or fanboy. Had you both got your pre-order I doubt you'd be calling people liars, corporate apologists or fanboys.

Not sure where loot boxes or microtransactions come into it.

I'd just really, really like to find a forum where people can have a sensible conversation about issues without name calling. Seems I've not found one here!

Re: Sony Apologises for PS5 Pre-Order Panic, More to Be Made Available


@Tchunga I really don't understand your anger. If they'd said pre-orders start at 1pm on Friday, and retailers waited until then, how would that have been better? Maybe for you, but not for the person at work with maybe no access to a phone or the internet. An hour later, all gone. Whatever date and time they made it large numbers of people would miss out.

You'll get one at some point if you want one, it's not life or death.

Re: Sony Apologises for PS5 Pre-Order Panic, More to Be Made Available


I get why people are a bit upset, been there, done that. What I don't get is the apparent need to vent so much about it. If you really think Sony have somehow screwed you over, just buy something else and quit any Sony based forums. Life is too short.

Personally I don't think this is all part of an evil Sony masterplan to screw us over, it's simple capitalism at its best/worst. Everyone in the chain, especially now, want to make as much out of it as they possibly can.

If all pre-orders started at 9am on Friday morning it would have made absolutely no difference to most people.

Re: PS5 Pre-Orders Are Live on UK Retailer Box Right Now


Having been through this every Playstation release it's come as no surprise. I'd signed-up to a few places but ended up getting one by chance from Amazon Thursday morning. None of the retailers I'd signed up for had any in stock by the time I got the notification email.

Doesn't really matter when pre-orders go live, always seems to be complete chance if you get one or not.