I am old but not yet senile

Comments 433

Re: Gallery: PS5 Pro Is Looking Sleek in These Official Shots


Worth mentioning to all those picking up on the GBP to USD parity, the USD price does not include any purchase tax. The GBP price includes VAT.

I'm not fussed about the vertical stand. The horizontal one that comes with it is probably as bad as the original but I don't move my PS5 around, so doesn't really matter.

Still too expensive for me to justify buying now, unfortunately.

Re: PS5 Pro Will Improve PSVR2 Games


You'd expect an improvement but how much? I'm hoping we'll get GT7 at 90fps native with a resolution and draw distance bump. Not enough to persuade me to pay 700 quid on release but it might at least be tempting at 600 next year.

Re: How to Pre-Order PS5 Pro


Jeez, this is why I don't bother with PS much any more, folks get so worked up over everything!

It's either worth it to you or it's not. It's not for me at £700 but for anyone who gets one, hope you enjoy it. Not much more to say, really.

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on PS5 Pro?


If it turns out it gives a really good boost to VR and the price comes down £100, it's a maybe for me.

I'm normally an optimist but I don't see it doing well at £700.

Re: PS5 Pro's Rumoured Spectral Super Resolution Tech Could Be Transformative


I'm on the fence on upgrading as it's really hard to tell what the leaked specs really mean, I don't think we really have the full picture yet.

If the pro lets me play more VR games without reprojection and with a noticeable fidelity bump, I'll be all in. Otherwise, hope the PS6 turns up in my lifetime!

You don't get to 5 generations of best selling consoles without knowing what you're doing, Sony obviously think they can make money out of this. It'll support UE5 games better than base PS5 and maybe give them extra time to get a PS6 out with some awesome tech that may still be a few years away from production.

Re: 900 PlayStation Employees Laid Off, London Studio Closed


I've survived nearly a dozen rounds of redundancy over the years and been a victim of 1. Seen these emails, it's really demoralizing. Stay in long enough, though, you kind of get hardened to it.

The software industry in general is struggling right now, so wish all those good luck in finding something else.

Re: Video: One Year Later, Is PSVR2 Doing Enough?


@Neither_scene It would be interesting to know how big an issue VR sickness really is, I mean from a numbers perspective. You obviously hear more from people affected by it than not. It's encouraging that Sony have experimented with head haptics to try and reduce it, though I'm not sure how effective it is.

I guess it'll improve as headsets shrink in size, lag reduces and refresh rates rise without reprojection. Lots of other factors involved, though.

I kind of like the idea of AR but not sure how soon the novelty would wear off for me. It looks great in the ads but it seems to rely on a fairly wide open, uncluttered environment.

We'll see how it goes, it's been a slower process than I hoped!

Re: Video: One Year Later, Is PSVR2 Doing Enough?


@Neither_scene And yet we have PSVR2, even after the same things were being said about PSVR1. Again and again and again. VR is niche for all sorts of reasons but I'm convinced it will be big business one day. I think Sony are just trying to be in the game. And I for one am very glad, because they always bring something a bit different to the table.

I simply don't get the apparent need that some people have for this to fail. I had no interest in a VIta but never once thought to slag it off, hope for or celebrate it's demise.

Re: Video: One Year Later, Is PSVR2 Doing Enough?


@Godot25 I think it's pretty obvious why Sony are looking at PC support. To help push people on the fence about PSVR2, people trying to decide between PCVR or PSVR, to go PSVR. Of course they're not doing out of the goodness of their heart, they're a business not a charity. The fact they are doing it at all means they still see a future in VR, or they wouldn't bother.

We're all going to see this through our personal bias. For those not interested, or disappointed in PSVR, it's going to be negative. For those of enjoying it, it's a positive. I doubt either side will convince the other they're right.

Re: Video: One Year Later, Is PSVR2 Doing Enough?


@Neither_scene " For every 1 unit of psvr2 sold, Quest sold more than 30 units"
Which is a surprise to no-none, surely? You can use a Quest on its own.

I'm sure PSVR2 is not selling as well as Sony might like, but it is selling well enough for them to still be working on ways of improving sales. Sony's problem is Sony PR, it's shockingly bad.

Re: Video: One Year Later, Is PSVR2 Doing Enough?


@Godot25 "Even Sony doesn't think PSVR2 is doing enough. Hence why they are working on PC support..."
Maybe. Or maybe they listened to people who have been asking for PC support? Or maybe, behind the scenes, there's some sort of collaboration going on to drive up adoption? So there's more profit to be had by all?

You can put any spin on it you like depending on how you view VR.

Re: Video: One Year Later, Is PSVR2 Doing Enough?


@XenonKnight "PC support is a sign they have given up. And zero new 1st party games shows Sony doesn't care about the thing."
Matter of opinion. My opinion is that if you don't care about something you let it go, you don't spend more time and resource on it. I also find it hugely amusing that people have campaigned for PC support of some kind and yet, when it looks possible, it becomes a portent of doom.

Gamers are an odd bunch, never happy.

Edit: Oh, as for first-party games, yes, more would be nice. But there's plenty else to play, so I don't really care.

Re: Video: One Year Later, Is PSVR2 Doing Enough?


@XenonKnight "With the failure of VR2 there will not be a 3rd one."
That's what people said about the first one and yet we got a second. VR is still niche and I doubt it's making anyone much money but I for one am glad the likes of Sony keep trying.

I'd be interested to know why you think it's a failure, what metrics are you using? I hear it said a lot but how would anyone know, as Sony haven't said? I guess some simply want to see things fail.

Re: Sony Testing PSVR2 Compatibility on PC, Aiming for This Year


@deanzel It may 'blow the PSVR2 out of the water' if you have a PC that can drive that lovely resolution. And maybe you're not so fussed about the black level or HDR. Or the constant frigging around you have to do to make VR work consistently and reliably! I'm really happy with the PSVR2 plug and play experience. I use it more than my Quest, primarily because the games I spend most time on are not on PC.

Sony are not throwing in the towel or going to do anything to stop people being mad at them. That's daft. They do things to make money. It makes zero sense to spend time, effort and money making the PSVR2 cross platform unless they think they'll profit from it.

Re: Sony Testing PSVR2 Compatibility on PC, Aiming for This Year


As an owner of both PSVR2 and a Quest, I think it's great news.
Assuming this happens in a way I can plug my VR2 into my PC, it gives me the ability for two player games with the family in titles that are not, and never will be, on PS.

The more PSVR2 headsets out there, on whatever platform, the more likely we'll see software that supports eye tracking,
haptics and HDR. Bigger market. That's a win for me.

As for the 'my headset is better than yours' garbage being spouted, I'd really hoped, as adults, we'd be passed that by now.

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Targeting September 2024, Will Have Proprietary Upscaling Tech


I'm in if it gives me a better VR experience, no reprojection or higher res, not otherwise.
Buy it if it has value to you. I don't see the point in bashing those who do if you don't.
Anyway, why do people get uptight over two specs of console but not over the dozens in PC gaming? I don't hear anyone demanding there be one PC graphics card.

Re: Court Rules £5 Billion Lawsuit Against Sony Can Go Ahead, Following Years of 'Excessive' PS Store Prices


I find it hilarious that anyone who thinks this is ridiculous is seen as somehow being on Sony's 'side'.

This is about a huge number of people simply wanting to pay less for a luxury item that is, in real terms, no more expensive than it's ever been.

You don't like that 30%? How much should Sony, or anyone else in fact, take then? How many of us actually know how much it costs to run a digital delivery service? I don't.

Sony et all are not charities, they exist to make money. Like the vast majority they'll screw us for whatever they can. Do I like that? No. Is it the way of the world? Yes. So I vote with my wallet like any sane person should.

As for physical vs digital, well, so far I've lost far less accessibility to my digital games than those on broken or scratched physical disks and carts over the last 40 years. Buying digital puts more money into the devs pockets and I'm all for that.

The only people who stand to make anything out of this debacle are the lawyers. Anyone think they give a stuff about us? Of course not, they smell an opportunity to make a lot of money and are taking punt on it. Capitalism at its finest!

Re: Court Rules £5 Billion Lawsuit Against Sony Can Go Ahead, Following Years of 'Excessive' PS Store Prices


Call me old-fashioned but when I think I'm charged too much for something I'll stop buying it or go elsewhere. I don't need someone to do it for me. I don't need any more 'protection', thanks.

This is utter nonsense. Either pay the price being asked or don't. If enough people don't one of two things happen: the price goes down or the software stops getting made as it's more profitable to do something else.

Re: Roblox Is Already Tangling with Call of Duty, Fortnite as the Most Played Game on PS5, PS4


There's some absolutely amazing stuff on Roblox, I don't really get the hate. My kids have played on it for years, have had a lot of enjoyment from it and co-operated with people all over the world in making content for games. Yes, there are issues with it and you need to keep an eye on it. They can ban accounts at the drop of a hat for very little reason.

Not spent much on it at all. It's not hard to lock it down, or better still, teach your kids how to spend money wisely.

Re: Poll: What's the Best PlayStation Startup Sequence?


PS1 by far, will forever be stuck in my head.
PS3 orchestra was pretty good, PS2 and PS4 I don't really recall.
PS5 is my least favourite.
Just got a second hand XBox Series S. What the hell were they thinking? Startup noise is horrendous!

Re: Soapbox: PSVR2 Already Feels Like It's on Course for Failure


@zeppray57 Not from reading the views expressed on this thread. It would have cost even more. To do much better it would seem we need a wireless headset, with PC compatibility, backward compatibility with PSVR1, pancake lenses, an instant increase in software and cost £300.

Tough crowd!

Re: Soapbox: PSVR2 Already Feels Like It's on Course for Failure


@sword_9mm I hear a lot of folks talk about HL Alyx but I'm not convinced releasing it on PSVR2 would make the blindest bit of difference in the long run. It's actually quite sad a three year old game is the poster boy for VR when you think about it. It's not going to mean anything to anyone who's not been a PC VR gamer.
And you're still not going to get a decent PC VR experience for £1000 if you're starting from scratch. £1500, maybe, and you still have a wired experience and one you can't realistically share amongst the family.

Re: Soapbox: PSVR2 Already Feels Like It's on Course for Failure


@Microbius I was looking at that myself, nice specs at an initial glance and an incremental improvement on the Quest 2. Good price too.
I like the lenses Display resolution is good but you need to be tethered to a decent spec PC to benefit from it, so not having one put me off a bit.
Software library wise it's basically the Quest 2 library. Extensive but mediocre quality. Reviews also quite subdued
For me PSVR2 was the better fit. Easy for everyone in the household to use, great controller haptics and beautiful, if slightly flawed, display. Library will keep growing and best of the Quest games will get improved ports.

It's good to have options, though and the more VR owners the better!

Re: Soapbox: PSVR2 Already Feels Like It's on Course for Failure


So, in summary:
It's too expensive.
The hardwares not good enough.
One month on the conclusion is there won't be enough support for it.
Should be made PC compatible, Sony should subsidise the PC VR market.
Sony haven't invested in it enough.
Sony invested too much, should have created another handheld.
VR is dead.
VR is not dead.
Not worth buying until there's more software.
Some people don't like VR and therefore don't see why anyone else should.
Some people can't afford VR and therefore think it shouldn't exist .
Informed debate is dead.

Have I missed anything?

Just did a PSVR2 search on Google. Once again clickbait doom and gloom articles are right up there. Congrats!

Re: PSVR2 Sales Off to a 'Slow Start', New Report Claims


@chorltonandwheelies Nah, if you want to play with PSVR you don't need a decent TV, just something to get started with. So that don't come into it.

Assuming you're not talking pirated software, yeah, plenty on PC. But how much of it is even worth playing for free? I got a second-hand Lenovo headset to mess around with VR on PC about a month ago.

Messed around a bit to get it setup, had a quick shuftie on steam for free stuff to try. Found nothing to keep me interested. Went back to playing GT7 and Kayak in the living room, on a nice comfy sofa with plenty of room to move around in!

My messing around with PC days are over methinks, sign of my advancing years I guess.

Re: PSVR2 Sales Off to a 'Slow Start', New Report Claims


@NEStalgia Hmm, I'm not sure the majority of Quest owners play tethered, I doubt they'll have a decent enough PC or the skills to make it all work. Certainly hear enough nonsense talked about tethered being a VR killer for that to be true. Maybe 50% at most. Would be interesting to find some stats.

I reckon most Sony first party stuff will have VR content, if not be fully VR playable within a few years, if there's enough take-up. I feel this may be a bit of a turning point but we'll see.

Re: PSVR2 Sales Off to a 'Slow Start', New Report Claims


@Toypop "I'd describe it as an abject failure."
Wow, harsh, somethings on the market for a month, with no actual sales figures announced and you're ready to call it a failure?

Quest 3 is not going to be the saviour of VR. No one headset will be. However, a combination of capable, 'affordable' headsets on the market, at the same time, that can be easily ported between, just might.

Re: PSVR2 Sales Off to a 'Slow Start', New Report Claims


@NEStalgia Kinda agree, kinda don't.
By 'Sony' I really really meant PlayStation, so I think my point stands. If it's "Playstation = Games Console" then it would follow that "Playstation VR = VR"? Well, when Sony get around to advertising it a bit more, anyway.

VR will gain more traction as headset prices drop and comfort and capability increase. It's not the same as '3D' TV, it's a truly immersive experience.

Quest might have sold comparatively well to PSVR1, but I don't think the attachment rate is good. Seems people buy it because it's relatively cheap, love the wireless aspect of it but ultimately find the experience lacking. So don't heavily invest in it, leading to few decent games. Those with a beefy PC and a bit of tech savvy can tether it and get more out of it but then you're really talking a cost of £1500+.

£1000 gets you a great experience with PS5 + PSVR2 with plug and play gaming. So it's getting there. PSVR2 might not be the headset that makes VR mainstream but I reckon we'll look back in 5 years time and see it as a big step in right direction.

Anyway, I'm rambling again, time for bed. Gn folks.

Re: PSVR2 Sales Off to a 'Slow Start', New Report Claims


@NEStalgia I take your point but it's not really a new market, just a difficult one to sell into. And to your point, if you argue people are buying PS5's just because Sony, they'd surely be right in thinking people would just buy a PSVR for the same reason?

I do think the focus is on shifting PS5's, that's where all the ad revenue has gone. Seems to have worked, so hopefully they'll start shifting focus soon. I hope so, anyway.

Re: PSVR2 Sales Off to a 'Slow Start', New Report Claims


Serious question. Is the problem Sony, or us?
Judging by how well PS5 is now selling, what actually is Sony doing wrong? I mean, I know what I don't like. I've a good idea of what others here don't like. But if they've got it so wrong, why are they selling so many PS5's when the world is going to sh1t?

Is it an age thing?

Re: PSVR2 Sales Off to a 'Slow Start', New Report Claims


@KundaliniRising333 Well, to be fair, just by owning a PS5 we're somewhat showing blissful ignorance Or at least an acceptance of the harm we're doing to the planet and people on it.

In order for the world to garner positivity I think we also need to accept people have differing views and learn to embrace them. Harmony often requires compromise.