

"I need scissors! Sixty-one!"

Comments 1,969

Re: Weirdness: 16-Year-Old Makes Minecraft in Trials Fusion


@ReigningSemtex in regards to him creating a piece of art, it's lazy and corporate. If MC's functions exist in every engine with a 3-d accelerated 1st/3rd person environment, is it still impressive to make one with giant (super easy) pixels? Not even arguing Rembrandt vs Monet, because the pixelation isn't used as a style to fool your eye into thinking it sees more than they really do, but rather trying to be retro by looking "8-bit" even tho kids don't even know what gameboys are! (MC's style is 16-bit, too. Not 8. SMH) Good for whoever and all that, but boo to r****ding the progress we're making as a community in game programming as an artform! 😜

Couldn't you have picked a better word? - get2sammyb

Re: You Won't Have to Worry About Watch Dogs' Infamously Tedious Drinking Game Ever Again


Oh, this game. It's just so boring to actually play that I don't care enough to play it more than occasionally. The tangible experience is pushing square (teehee) to hack, aiming EXACTLY at something to prompt hacks, and driving around invincible cars. You try to do something and the game makes you do something else! Then you lose and you're just SOMEwhere on the map. I also wanted to like it after loving Driver 1-3

Re: PS4 Title No Man's Sky Is Probably the Biggest Game Ever Made


@SimonAdebisi well then that just doesn't make sense as a playable experience. I thought each person was supposed to get their own blot of procedurally generated space in the same galaxy, and as you go where others have before you, you see the other players' content while it's still 100% new to you. So it's a kind of race to the galactic core to see what your pro-gen'd core will look like... but say a million people buy it; that's still 5,000 years per person at 1 second per planet? I must not get it.

Re: PS4 Title No Man's Sky Is Probably the Biggest Game Ever Made


@Oculon I'm sure they have a structure to their design which will keep us surprised. And the point is to reach "Coruscant," not to compare each detail you see to the last. If we went to our solar system and saw Uranus right after Neptune, we'd say "lazy programming! Another blue gas planet" But then we'd see Earth with intelligent life and oceans and mountains. I'm hoping there'll be monitored diversity among systems, not just random random random

Re: The Last of Us' Movie Adaptation Will Change Things Up, Says Neil Druckmann


@voodoo341 every other movie about a couple/duo has been able to. 2 hrs is a lot of cutscenes.
I say it should star a genuine Texan cowboy, snotty teenager, pissed lady, hick brother, gay friend, and last but not least a pissed gay snotty teenager friend. It'll be harder to buy the story in live action, so I sincerely hope it's amazeballs. I wonder what gets cut out? I mean isn't every scene important?😟

Re: Feature: 10 PS4, PS3, and Vita Reveals That We Reckon Will Happen at Gamescom 2014


@AeroZeppelin I'd love to see the misnomers of "AAA" and "indie" expand into more accurate descriptors for the bouquet of genres that have come to be. It used to suffice to describe the gameplay genre (2-d horizontal platformer = Mario, DK, Metroid, Castlevania, etc etc) (FPS = Doom, Wolfenstein, rainbow six, etc). Now that games are 1 accessible anywhere and 2 made by anyone, we wrongly call it what used to make sense when it'd be more accurate to coin new identities for the new types of games we're seeing become more popular than the classic console vs phone ideology. I'm playing KoTOR on my iphone for example. Am I indie or mainstream??

Re: Feature: Why You Should Try The Last of Us Remastered's Multiplayer Mode on PS4


@SimonAdebisi lol me too. Does anyone but moms use FB? (honestly wondering; I don't use it because my mom does!) Can't wait til that fad dies out... I didn't know it picked your actual friends, that's endearing
I really like the factions mp. Notwithstanding internet problems, I could play it for hours without getting too frustrated or bored (BF4 ahem!) and there's no real exploits or anything to make you feel cheated

Re: Review: The Last of Us Remastered (PlayStation 4)


@Davros79 PSN = popularity contest
If you'll insert any ol' cruddy game into your ps just to show other gamerz your 1337ness, then you're a caricature. It's fun to go thru and see what you or your friends have acquired from games you enjoy, but SingStar plats undoubtedly give bogus rank boosts. I bought guides to eventually plat my favorite games, but not for anyone else's approval or even knowledge. I hate social media!

Re: The Last of Us Originally Had an Epilogue That You'll Never Get to See


I would still love a direct continuation of the game's plot in novel form. Or another game either set during the original or before/after, with a Venn diagram overlap of characters. Or a movie picking up right as [SPOILER] Sarah dies, as in not "20 years later." Or anything to give more context to this alternate reality to which we all reacted so well!

Re: Round Up: The Last of Us Remastered PS4 Reviews Standing on Sturdy Ice


@mitcHELLspawn oh, I'm just still on the fence about the totality of the experience, not the plot/gameplay which I enjoyably endured a few times already on ps3 (being survival horror and all). I meant that the sp had über input lagz0r and my mp experience was hindered by my fatty's wifi card from 2006 (even at "28mb/s"DL) and I'm expecting great things from both on ps4. For the record, I've consciously denied myself from playing the sp (or mp really) for about 6 months in anticipation. We always remember experiences through emotional lenses, so I'll try playing it like a classic SH/RE more than an action game like Downpour or Uncharted. We'll see tomorrow!

Re: PS4 Edition of Sniper Elite III Puts a Bullet in the Console Competition


@RudysaurusRex I'm surprised too. I could tell the ps4 framerate was high, but that XB tearing is ridonkykongulous. I don't care how slowed down the video is.
@get2sammyb isn't it still proportional if they're both slowed down the same amount, though? Not hating on MS, but I was even disappointed by it's graphics on ps4, so good thing I bought Sony 😕

Re: Not Excited for Destiny's PS4 Beta? This Trailer May Change Your Mind


@JaxonH oh, I agree whole-heartedly. I just assumed this game in particular was being marketed to the Halo folks, who in my experience are more mature (even if they were teenage) and into the darker undertones of that series. I'm absolutely desensitized after Silent Hill etc., but that shouldn't be held against me I get that they want a wider target market but apparently it's alienating me