

"I need scissors! Sixty-one!"

Comments 1,969

Re: Talking Point: How Important Is Game Length?


Fallout 3 has no post-game whatsoever; the story is over and it even autosaves you in a locked room right before. I started ME3 but got a new PS3 so I'll be the only one on those servers while I complete it (without my character from the first two...kinda pointless!). It matters what you're doing in it that takes up the however-many hours. I spend many many hours doing absolutely nothing in gta but I spend just as many practicing in GT, gardening in Harvest Moon, or just doing Sims legacies. Silent Hill games have 2 hour speed run rewards, but they can easily take months to complete.

Re: Soapbox: Why We Need More Grounded Games


I liked LA Noire for example, but there's not anything to really draw the player in. I like Sims and Fallout NV's hardcore mode for their needing to eat and sleep, that's an amazing way to add to the experience. Imagine gta5 in FPS mode AND having to sustain/maintain your physical health a la MGS3. Then add jobs and genetics from Sims and that's my perfect game. Let me commute to my cubicle or let me invade my neighbors' homes! Make me cook and eat and sleep and clean and bathe and work and strive and achieve. Then make it Star Wars OT themed and get me a soda.
(TL;DR - I guess I mean that it depends greatly on the setting. If it's this world, make me cry man tears. If it's in SW Galaxy, let me make my own story a la TES)

Re: Talking Point: Are There Any Remasters You Still Want to See on PS4?


Remember when things were bc? Sigh... Of course I'd buy the console games I like if they look better. It's like buying a new PC but not maxing your old games on it (DA:O looks exactly like Inquisition on my PC, btw!). I'm way more excited about novel experiences to be had with new games, but re-releases are the direction the tech is taking us. P.s. SKYRIM SKYRIM SKYRIM

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 54


Far Cry 4 is pretty okay. I'm noticing a Star Wars theme in the special weapons at least, so that's endearing. Storm, Trooper, Rebel, HS-77 (instead of DL-44, Han Solo's gun), etc. Just makes me wish there were still SW clones of every popular game (Dark Forces was billed as SW Doom; Galactic Battlegrounds was re-sprite Age of Empires II; etc.!) cause I'd love to have a GTA/WD/SD game where you're a jedi or stormtrooper or whatever. Now I need to play Battlefront II or maybe Force Commander if I can get it working. Gimme a remake of FC, Disney!

Re: Dragon Age: Inquisition Marches Ahead as BioWare's Most Successful Ever Launch


@sonicmeerkat I like that it retained what others have noted as that unmistakable BioWare awkwardness that originally stemmed from KotOR's use of D&D's d-20 system for battle, meaning that the animations were merely representations in which clipping errors were common and still represented a hit if your saber didn't necessarily reach it's target. The DA series has less representative graphics, where ME is "literal" because the animation missing is always a miss (duh it's a "shooter" right?😋). My point is that it's not because they took the multiplayer out of an mmo, that's all.

Re: Talking Point: Are Bigger Open Worlds Really Better?


I SOAKED UP EVERY... but seriously, no I do not fast travel in TES/Fallout games! Speaking of which, TES:Arena was giant and Daggerfall was bigger and completely randomly generated. Morrowind was smaller with tons more to do, oblivion was big and a good mix, and Skyrim is the same size but with more topography and "filler" for lack of a better term. That being said, who didn't love Shadow Moses or The Big Shell? Small can be great, but gimme dat Black Sabbath while I explore mountaintops, too.

Re: Can You Relate to Any of These PlayStation Memories?


@Baron_Von_Aaron HEEERE'S TO YOOOOU always gets stuck in my head now lol, and I have the MGS1 soundtrack on my phone so I always tear up when that end song plays ("The Best Is Yet To Come").

My first system was the GT3 PS2 bundle. Got it in the morning and played it all night! That first race blew my ayuss off. And the MGS2 demo at Target always stuck with me. Lots of ps1 memories at friends' houses tho! I walked in on the hang-off-the-side-of-a-blimp-or-something part of FF8 and wanted one so badly...