

"I need scissors! Sixty-one!"

Comments 1,969

Re: Round Up: Star Wars Battlefront PS4 Reviews Feel the Force


I love SW. I'm in the 501st. I hated playing this game:
SP AI is in all seriousness the worst I've seen in years, decades maybe. They just stand there.
MP is set up so the rich get richer while the newcomers get creamed. So fun to get killed by T-21Ds and imploding grenades for a few hours straight........ Not.
The Rebels get extremely effective camouflage while the Imperials are always in white......
Everything is the ROTJ version which is plain lazy.
The TK helmet's tears and traps are blue instead of grey.
I got stuck in a rock but was still somehow able to kill the AT-ST in front of me with only an E11. Jump didn't work, so lucky I had a jump pack or I would have had to reset.
1st person is boring (no iron sights at all??) but 3rd is impossible to use with their control setup (ever played MGS4??)
The musical score is a shoddy rendition of the extremely iconic and known-by-heart themes.
The voice acting is jarringly inaccurate in terms of accents etc.
The aircraft turn as opposed to rolling, so there's auto-leveling only sometimes which makes dogfighting impossible.
There's no "take cover" mechanism or even crawling, which are pretty vital to a shooter.
The maps are TINY.
Kill tickets in SP have transformed into coins you must collect for your kills to count. I lost my first try with a better score than when I "won."
That's a total score of unlucky 13 legitimate frowny faces out of 10, which far outweighs any enjoyment I experienced. Pretty... pretty... pretty disappointed.

Re: EA Is Already Talking About Star Wars Battlefront Sequels


@Utena-mobile kidding or not, I genuinely like the SW HM concept. Or maybe closer to Rune Factory so there could be some iconic weapons and creatures. I'd buy that so fast!

My favorite SW games as a kid were Dark Forces (still outstanding), Rogue Squadron, Jedi Power Battles (still trying to beat), The Gungan Frontier (so underrated), and Force Commander (best of the bunch). As a bigger kid I loved the KotORs, the Battlefronts, and Bounty Hunter. Now I just want something that will evoke a similar fondness after a decade or more passes (too much to ask? Nah).

Re: A Huge Happy Birthday to the PS4 on Its Second Birthday


Waited in line at midnight at a GameStop that is now an ATT store. I remember the night before I went to Target and got AC4, KZSF and BF4 all for $120. I've shown mine nothing but love while it sprouted and could mostly just upgrade last-gen titles, and now my patience is rewarded with it being a strong enough sapling to support MGS5, FO4 and SWBF. I've had zero hardware issues with the system or accessories, only recently finally opting for a second controller (in white only to match my TK armor) to find the quality has slipped a little since launch; the new sticks feel looser and the rubber now has molding tags. As a whole, an extremely worthwhile investment, especially if you already had a Vita. I upgraded to a 1TB hdd and got a 50 ft Ethernet cable and it seems very happy. Be sure to vacuum dust rather than blow it into the console when cleaning them!

Re: What Do You Get in Star Wars Battlefront's Season Pass?


No point in complaining about gaming being an expensive hobby. This gen has season passes as optional add-ons. If you can't justify a purchase, then congrats on your frugality (sincerely!). To me, $50 isn't chump change, but also isn't unachievable with a day's work for example, so I'm not going to deny myself lol

Re: Fallout 4 Looks and Plays Fantastic on the Vita


I have an og Vita so I just want to pair one my DS4s to it and have a cheap cradle attachment. In my dreams, right?

Seems like the qHD resolution might work better with FO4's textures. AC4 looked great on Vita, arguably better IMO, for example. Must try! Now all I need is to use my fatty PS3 for videos and remote play FO all day ๐Ÿ˜…

Re: Fallout 4's Launch Trailer Will Make Your Hype Go Nuclear


@rjejr RPG via F/3PS. It's closest to Oblivion or Skyrim in terms of parameters. Borderlands is a hollow, plot-less parody of Fallout, at least aesthetically, if that helps. Serious in tone (death everywhere) but ironic or tongue-in-cheek for comic relief, which makes for a compelling rhythm. Allusions and Easter eggs abound, so it's kind of a "smart" franchise but it won't hurt to learn something new while you play by using Wikipedia. I love the whole Fallout experience and recommend it to everyone over 17 ๐Ÿ˜‰

Re: Fallout 4 Is Done and Ready to Go on PS4


I'm going all in for this one; pip-boy edition for PS4 with limited collectors guide and art book.. to go with my mini-nuke, Sneak bobble head, the two action figures and some shirts! Just need the Season Pass and I'll be done! ๐Ÿ˜… (and broke! but happy!)

Re: Fallout 4 Won't Have Performance Problems on PS4, Says Bethesda


@wmmbus you're just not doing it right. PS3 can run New Vegas with all the DLC if you do it in the right general order and complete your quests before launching new scripts. A 256mb DDR3 board and card can't keep up with Bethesda's content; try playing it on a PC with matching specs and it'd be worse. Not the game's fault.
OT: but an 8gb DDR5 board and card with 256mb of vRAM can do a heck of a lot more at once! The framerate issues I've had were caused by the coding, not the hardware maxing out or overheating. MGS5 for ex. is loud and hot, and I'm yet to have any problems whatsoever. It's up to the Bethy designers to make it work

Re: This PS4 Commercial Is Going to Sell a Lot of Consoles


Battlefront is a special class of art made for and by SW fans, and less of an online mp shooter made by and for gamers per se. We want the pew-pew! and the hum-crash! and to see our beloved characters represented on the best console around. Just like Snake or Drake or Quake it's inexplicably satiating to see just how good they'll look. Not to mention the role play aspect employed by enthusiasts like myself who wear the armor (or at least bucket) as we play to maximize all that. Its fun is partially not reliant upon the details of the gameplay mechanics

Re: Apparently, Hideo Kojima Has Already Left Konami


Reminds me of Big Boss leaving America after Op Snake Eater. He'll disappear, free to follow his own rules and philosophies. Can't wait to see our universe's version of Outer Heaven become reality. Is there a pool on the studio name? Cause I bet (hope) that's what it'll be

Re: Fallout 4's Live Action Trailer Is Pure Post-Apocalyptic Hype


I want to like their musical choices, but they're all much more popular songs this time, which means I've heard them my whole life on the radio already. Not that I hate the songs, I just really hope they put more of them into the game (maybe more with each DLC?) so they don't get stale after the 300 hour mark Can not wait for this!

Re: It's Weird to See Fallout 4 on a Vita Screen


@WARDIE I get over 30 mb/sec DL and around 10 UL when I test it, which is about 1/3 of what I pay for ("up to" right?). If the top tier of my prolific ISP isn't good enough for remote play, the blame is on Sony's bandwidth throttling. I'm talking milliseconds of lag, but it's extremely noticeable and frustrating to a CS 1.5 veteran like myself. It simply takes an amount of time to send and receive data packets.

Re: Soapbox: Why I'm Worried About Star Wars Battlefront on PS4


@itshoggie I'd LOVE for BioWare to make a return to single player, D20 system-reliant SW games made for consoles (notwithstanding ME as a franchise entirely; it plays distinctly from KotOR, so room for all)

All that's wrong with the Beta is weapon damage balance. I didn't die on survival at all. I didn't find a 3rd person camera option. I'm still excited for the full release, since I'll be able to be a clean TK (not a jetpack spacetrooper, lol obscure)

Re: Konami: Metal Gear Solid Can Continue without Kojima


Should have used Silent Hill as an example. There, the setting is the/a main character, so it worked when Team Silent was less (and then completely not) involved. Tones were all over the place, but 4, Homecoming and Downpour were good entries.
MGS however is about Solid Snake and everything about how he came to exist. You'd literally have to know every single detail by heart and spend years analyzing how relationships could [have] evolve[d] in order to make something that even makes any sense. From there, you can start writing a new story that must blow socks off a fanbase wishing for the moon but expecting garbage.