Comments 203

Re: Review: Slender: The Arrival (PlayStation 3)



So was this review purely based on the port job? If so, then yeah I do think the score should be low because the PS3 can do much better than this, but a lot of people look at reviews like these and judge it as the overall game's score (Like how the Jak and Daxter collection on Vita is bad but those games are actually amazing).

That said, hopefully this comes to PS4, where it'll probably have better graphics and possibly VR compatibility.

Re: Review: Slender: The Arrival (PlayStation 3)


I'm sorry but this review is waaay too harsh. I've played The Arrival on PS3 and I downright loved it as it was a solid horror game and was incredibly fun to play. For a $10 indie game with very low budget, it's pretty impressive. If it were longer, I'd gladly pay $40 for a longer experience, even though it took me roughly 5 hours to finish The Arrival on PS3.

There's also a lot of points here that don't make sense. For instance, you say you need to slam L3 in order to sprint? You can just hold L2. Low framerate? It only drops to 20fps when entering a new area, and there aren't even any threats during those times. Finicky controls? The controls are fine, yeah the head bobs a bit silly but that doesn't merit a 3/10.

The console edition also features new levels and new open areas as links between levels to make the experience a lot more fluid, so it's a lot better than the PC version in some regards. (Yeah there's a patch for the PC version out now but it wasn't at first)

Re: These New Screenshots Prove That Tearaway Unfolded Is the PS4's Cutest Game


I still think Tearaway and Tearaway Unfolded stand as their own separate games with their own gimmicks and their own version of the story to tell. Vita didn't lose an exclusive, Tearaway just got a new one.

As for which one is better, I have to play this first, but I really liked the interactiveness of the original. I think Unfolded will basically become this generation's Jak and Daxter. Just made of cute paper.

Re: Feature: Three Reasons Why PS4's Ratchet & Clank Remake Could Be Rad


Why does everyone hate FFA/QForce again? It was a $20 anniversary title and was mission based with a PVP mode. The Vita version was terrible but that wasn't made by Insomniac.

The only 'meh' games Insomniac has made were Resistance 2 and Fuse, both of which were still some of the best of their genre.

And another thing, All 4 One was a damn good game, in terms of quality and design. Wither or not you actually wanted an arcade style R&C game is up to you, but I had loads of fun with it.

If this is going to be $60, then this will be the first full budget, traditional Ratchet & Clank game in 5/6 years. Think about that for a while.

Re: Feature: Three Reasons Why PS4's Ratchet & Clank Remake Could Be Rad


If you know me you know I'm a HUGE Ratchet fan. That said, I don't really think R&C has been as milked as everyone says.

In case you haven't noticed, R&C hasn't been nearly as popular as he's been on PS2. I think with the movie AND game coming early next year (a little after holiday season and all the big games are finished releasing) Ratchet could be in the spotlight again and maybe even become as popular as Sonic is.

Just my 2 cents. :3 R&C is the #1 reason I even have a PlayStation.

Re: Killzone: Mercenary Developer Recruiting for High Profile PS4 Projects


Away with Killzone, we need more MediEvil.

You can't just have those cliffhangers for MediEvil 3 in both ME2 and PlayStation All Stars and NOT even consider such a game.

Also, they could be making a theater movie as a MediEvil movie listing was leaked along with a Jak movie a while back. Ratchet & Clank, Sly and Heavenly Sword were leaked at the same time SO IDK

Re: This European PS Vita Mega Pack Is Actually Pretty Good Value


Ratchet & Clank collection on PS Vita will make the Vita my ultimate source of gaming, even if the ports are like Jak and Daxter's (Which I doubt).

Hoping they make a Ratchet & Clank PS Vita bundle that comes with the collection, Size Matters, and a PS Vita 2k w/ 8GB memory card to cope with the movie. I'd totally buy that as a gift to a friend or sibling. No to mention others would definitely buy it.

Re: Ratchet & Clank HD Trilogy Fires onto PS Vita in July


I really hope Ratchet & Clank 3: Up Your Arsenal has online MP in this version.

Even then this is an immediate pre-order for me. FINALLY, Ratchet & Clank on my PS Vita that isn't Size Matters or that god awful port of Q-Force. Even if this game shares Jak and Daxter's framerate (Which I doubt it will), It'd still be better than Q-Force on Vita. That was like 5fps at times like no thanks

Re: Killzone Creator: Our Secret PS4 Game Is Really Awesome


Hopefully it isn't a FPS, I don't like Killzone that much, not because of the content but the delivery. The gameplay is solid, don't get me wrong, but it's just not that engaging to me. It feels like a heavy shooter that's trying to be Resistance 3 (which is actually fun) but is sticking to Call of Battlefield tactics like getting killed from like 5 bullets or taking cover almost 70% of the time. The alternative gameplay in the story mode is also uninteresting, like the akward Zero G levels and the sneaking missions where you're just running around. These guys are good but their FPS games aren't imo. Glad they're going in a new direction.