Comments 203

Re: PlayStation Vita Sales Quadruple in Japan Post Price Cut


But seriously. Anyone who doesn't have a Vita is missing out BIG TIME.
Even I, at first, was edgy about getting one. But I eventually got my 3G Vita, and I love playing LittleBigPlanet Vita at school online. It's the shit. Anyone who enjoys good indie games, and PS3 quality on the go, GET A VITA. It's so worth it. I also got my 32GB card for only 75 bucks on Amazon. Not to bad, since LBP PSVITA is only 1GB.. Also, Tearaway.

Re: Now Europe's Getting Two Free Games with Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault


I don't see why this game gets so much hate. I love it. I love playing online and making my own custom matches, and finding gold bolts in story mode. This game deserves an 8 because of how cheap it is, and how much content Insomniac will give it over time. The 3 map only excuse doesn't work anymore. You can now teleport to your base in Story mode, and online games are just fun to play. I can see why the sudden Tower Defense elements might be odd, but it's an anniversary title. And its going on Vita.

Re: Oh No, Sonic the Fighters Is Releasing Overseas


I played StF at an arcade when I was a kid and on GEMS collection later, and thought it was fine. I mean, I don't see anything WRONG with it. For a game back when 3D was pretty new, it was okay, and I'll probably buy this one if it has online multiplayer (plus extra characters). On another note, Sonic 2006 was horrid, but I enjoy glitching the hell out of it. It's fun for all the wrong reasons haha.

Re: Sonic the Hedgehog


@Varia01 It's alright if you can get past 3 things.
1. Long Load Times (about 15 seconds)
2. Slowdown here and there.
3. Over-responsive controls are a bit annoying.
I personally like the game a lot. It's really good considering it came out in the early PS3 and Xbox 360 days.

Re: Store Update: 2nd October 2012 (North America)


Sonic Adventure 2 is probably the best 3D Sonic game (Close tie with Sonic Unleashed if you asked me) And the HD port is absolutely amazing. Sure, it's got it's old graphics, weird animations, and voices talking over each other, but for some reason that makes this game special to me. And if you're a completion whore, this game can be looonnnggg. For 10 bucks, this is an awesome deal. (I am not a Sonic fanboy, just a fan of platformers in general)