Comments 174

Re: Onrush PS4 Open Beta Extended by Two Days


Had 30mins on the demo last night and nearly deleted. I normally enjoy just about any racing game but this just didn't do it for me. Will give it another go when I get more time / have more energy. Was maybe a bit tired from a 7hr round trip to take three of my sons to Cardiff for the Monster Trucks!

Re: Review: QUBE 2 (PS4)


Thanks. I'll wait until he gets bored of Talos Principle and maybe get him to revisit The Witness first. Had great fun with the latter, we managed to complete all of the lasers together and only have the end puzzle to do which stumped us at the time.

Re: Review: QUBE 2 (PS4)


Sounds good. My 9 year old loves puzzle games. Would this be suitable for his age in terms of content / difficulty?