Comments 23

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 316


Games I'm Playing:

  • Nioh 2
  • Doom Eternal
  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons
  • Far Cry 5
  • Exit the Gungeon

I'm loving Doom Eternal and Nioh 2, but Far Cry 5 has surprised me. It's just a ton of fun and I like how open world it is. It's a cheeseburger type of game (satisfying and filling and a bit predictable) but in this very weird time we live in, it's what I need.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 301


@Th3solution I wanted to give them both a chance, to feel them out a bit. I love both of them and I might jump into the other if I get bored with the one I'm currently inside of, to just change things up.

If the rumors are correct, the next one will be set in a Viking setting and to be honest I'm not sure why. They're not going to be able to replicate the amazing that is God of War, so that seems like a poor decision on their part if those rumors are true.

I'd love to see this series venture into India, during the Mongolian occupation.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 301


I picked up the Assassin's Creed Antiquity two-pack: Origins & Odyssey. I started up both at the same time and have played about an hour into each, I think I'm going to stick with Odyssey, there's just something about it that I enjoy more. I think the island setting just feels more fun to move around in. Origins isn't as vertical or as varied. Also, playing as Kassandra is kick-ass. She moves faster and lighter than Bayuk does. But I'm impressed with both of the games.

I haven't ventured into this series since Black Flag. It's nice to see that they've made the game feel less chore-oriented. Though I'm sure some will disagree with me, still plenty of fetch-quests. But it doesn't feel so grindy to me. It just feels like a part of the story and a part of leveling up my character.

Those are my first impressions, I plan on diving more into that the rest of this afternoon/evening.