

Gaming since the Atari 2600

Comments 5,851

Re: PS Plus September 2020 PS4 Games Announced


Ps Plus has been great the last few months. Fall guys, mw2 remastered, cities skylines etc.

If we want to make a case for PS Plus being bad, we should start by acknowledging its been okay, good or great. When someone says 'I haven't downloaded a ps plus game in ages' - Fall Guys is THE most downloaded game from ps plus ever.

This month absolutely sucks for me. I loathe SFV (USF4 was the nuts) and PUBG is less fashionable the crocs right now. But it's not the end of the world.

Re: Soapbox: Games As a Service Should Be Embraced, Not Misunderstood


@Papers92 I think most of the Pushsquare users are enthusiast gamers who play a lot of games. Supporting multiple developers. This in turn makes sites like Pushsquare a valuable resource. So it's surprising to see such an article. Liam writes from the heart and although I disagree can understand his viewpoint as he really does enjoy GaaS.

GaaS which will inevitably go on to become the de facto consumption of gaming is plagued with issues which are completely unregulated. GaaS is all consuming and extremely addictive. Which is why its popular with the mainstream.

I like a few service games, mainly Rocket League - it wouldn't function any other way than as a GaaS. In that respect its a huge success. But even I, as a weary old bloke with responsibilities have spent way too much time on a mostly worthless pursuit trying to break through platinum rank. I could have played a newer game or twenty in that time frame.

You have the nonsense of gimped games at release being charged at full price and not being able to play if the servers are down. My teenage sons solely play GaaS fueled games, I would rather they support multiple developers but they won't. Playing the same 5 or 6 games on a cycle - made worse by the LockDown. Its always social which is a positive, not really why I'm a gamer though - for me it's escapism.

We also have to make the distinction of what is GaaS. I summarise its a game that needs an Internet connection to function and incrementally alters the game mechanics and content over a period of time, funded via various ways to pay to play outside of the initial cost of the game. That to me is GaaS.

There is a myriad of cross contamination across genres in this respect, fighting games although they may not be considered GaaS are so encumbered with stripped down rosters you have to purchase a season pass or 5. This grossly inflates the price.

Anyway to draw a line under my own meanderings, the best stand alone games are the equivalent of Fight Club, Aliens, Rocky, The Shawshank redemption - one off movies that leave a lasting impression.

GaaS is the light, breezy, on in the background stuff like Coronation Street or Match of the Day.

Good stuff happens in coronation Street, We all know the theme tune. But in no way is it better than. Aliens. Game over man.

Re: New PS5 Advert Officially Revealed


@Midgar777 Kind of, you and me both are clearly looking forward to it - so £600 for console, pad and game seems reasonable.

To a less enthusiastic gamer with a limited budget - will probably wait. They won't have funds set aside for a keynote in our calenders.

Another analogy. I can literally go the shop and pick up a switch as an impulse purchase £269 and grab a game for maybe £300 all in. If the PS5 is £600 we'll it's expensive. There won't be many people who could afford to impulse purchase the unit.

Parents with a £500 budget per kid for Xmas would be out. (sorry any kids Santa is your parents). And I will be honest with a family of gamers, I wouldn't put a preorder in for the Series X for my son if it's over £500.

So they have to tread carefully with the pricing. My bets are on £450 without the Blu Ray and maybe £525 with it.

Re: New PS5 Advert Appears via PlayStation Hungary


@Midgar777 Because money is important. I can throw £2k-3k at a system but never would. With £600 I would want the console, extra pad and a game.

As for the general population the average wage for employed people under 30 is under 25k. Approx £1700 take home pay after tax, asking for £600 is a big ask during a recession to this group of people.

Re: New PS5 Advert Appears via PlayStation Hungary


@Artelous If no one buys the console your second year awesomeness won't happen so let's stop beating this drum.

It's the same drum people who primarily buy pre owned games beat. If no one buys at release there is no success.

#day1 #ps5 #hatersgonnahate

Re: Fall Guys Will Delete the Yellow Team if Tweet Gets One Million Retweets


@AdamNovice It's more a problem that infallible is a trophy. You have to beat 60 people - 5 times in RNG filled games, random people hitting the ball in your own goal and going awol, server disconnects and the sometimes dodgy physics and grab mechanic. The games great, the trophy unfortunately isn't.

I've ran some stats and after a session win, you then have a 2, 313, 441 to 1 chance of winning the next 4 sessions if 40 people in each session are on a similar level.

Re: Fall Guys Gets New Final Round Tomorrow as Part of a Big Update


@oats-81 I have always been an inverter since the beginning of time. Sworn by it for so many years, I couldn't play Crysis as it didn't give me the option as an example. This year though my brain has changed and I'm more happy using the default camera.

I think playing games with my daughter has done that. Also I can use both after a few seconds of working it out - even fps.

Re: Best PS4 Puzzle Games


1. The Witness
2. Fez
3. Statik

No idea why Gorogoa gets such high praise, yes it's different but it's guess work on your first go and a load of messing around.

Good puzzle games don't need guesswork, there's that enlightenment when you can see the answer. I think it's been so successful due to its early praise. Yes give it a go its not bad by any means. But better than Statik or Fez? No way.

Re: Reaction: State of Play Continues to Find Its Way


I liked it. The pedestrian looks interesting and Bug Snax looks great too. Godfall seems right up my alley, repetitive gameplay with a solid gameplay hook like Diablo 3 or Destiny - not for everyone but I will be all over it for a couple of weeks before moving to something else.

Some classy games showcased for underground gamers like Spelunky 2 and Braid anniversary. Nice.

My one to watch will be Hood. Its early doors but if Sumo can pull it off could be a big hit.

Re: PlayStation Maintains Facebook, Instagram Boycott


@cashflowx Right here and now both Trump and Boris Johnson are playing games and pushing barriers of the political systems which have kept our countries in relatively good stead for a relatively long period of time. Its up to you how you see things and living your lifestyle and who will benefit you the most it's clear who you will vote for. But we are heading into really choppy waters with those blaggers in charge on the international stage. But are we always in flux? Is this an inevitability? Will crap happen anyway? Are all politicians as selfish it's just Trump comes out and says what he thinks?

Trump is no angel and is clearly in it for himself. He comes across well at rallies and has quite the Persona. Unfortunately and unforgiveably he gave the nod to separate children from parents and lock them in cages with his wife wearing an I don't care coat. That never will sit right with me, kids should never be locked in cages. Mass immigration is such a taboo subject and is a real issue which has also faced our country, but you simply cannot lock kids away from their parents it's the single worst thing you can do bar murdering them. I would rather lose everything than have my daughter taken away to god knows where for who knows how long to face God knows what.

And with that I don't know how anyone could vote for him.

(I don't know anything about Biden but he seems like the American version of Jeremy Corbyn and that isn't a good look)

In a two horse race with a ton of history and experience behind them you could pull dirt on practically anyone the same age in a similar social standing. But for me America has a solid backbone to do good for the world, peace and unity, good will to all men. Is Trump the man who can unite everyone when he slanders everyone he works with?

Re: Fall Guys - Battle Royale Mayhem At Its Very Best


Played this with the Fall guys from the forums last night and 3 of us got in the top 4 for tail tag. Felt sorry for the other guy in a fun, consta pulling him back kind of way.

I think the grab button needs some work in the team games. I had a dude in a headlock and the tail must have been superglued up his anus.

Re: Rocket League Goes Free-to-Play This Summer


@Flaming_Kaiser They have a season pass which is every 15 or 16 weeks and blueprints which you can buy outright. The implementation is way better than the prior Lootboxes but its not a perfect option by any stretch.

@carlos82 It's stopped selling, in Smyths toy store it was on sale for £8.99 and was one of the cheapest games on show and they have a boss selection! (Go Smyths BTW great display and will likely drop in more often now).

Love me some Rocket League however I have reached a point when the aesthetical incentives have now lost their luster. A couple of thing Psyonix can fix to keep the interest.

  • make the rumble modes items appear a bit less frequently, it's too chaotic to be enjoyed as a main game mode. It's like if in Mario Kart you constantly got red shelled.
  • Have a designable home ground for matches. So you can pick a few templates with added extras like colour schemes, flags and chants.
  • Have a teammate rating system for people you are happy to be teamed with rather than just a reporting tool for idiotic behaviour. It would stop toxicity if you had a tracker of positive votes.

Re: Sony on PS5 Exclusives: We Can't Take Everyone with Us from Previous Gens


@TrolleyProblems It's not stupid though, my responses may be a bit silly but the points are valid. Microsoft wants it's customers in a never ending subscription akin to Microsoft Office. High price - low content with the same old tripe rolled out. It's their business strategy. I don't like were MS are taking xbox to be honest but PC is their natural domain.

Sorry for offending you, I was only having fun. I game on everything too.

@TheFatPonyo love the way you took my original comment so seriously. Look at this, '. A massive install base with low software sales = failure.'

If you really want to advise me on partaking in grammar classes, then you should revisit school and learn basic maths. Unlike TP above you are clearly a troll, coming onto a PS site to act all grandiose about your xbox fanatasicm. It's a playstation site, here's the xbox website you have been searching for, feel free to talk to these people instead;

Re: Sony on PS5 Exclusives: We Can't Take Everyone with Us from Previous Gens


@TheFinalBoss710 @TrolleyProblems here are the xbox fans, with your awesome banter. Gonna drink a beer, you can sup your Fanta. Marcus Phownix gives you kicks, beat years ago by the order 1886, crackdown wow what you done? Slapped on down by Infamous second son. But you got Master Chief, battered by Sackboy in his sleep, cortana eeek here's a horde, of playstation fans we got on board. So why dya come to a PS site and speak a ton of xbot *****? We got Aloy you got hmmmm, we got Nate you got hmmmm, we got cloud - mate we got cloud, and not that cloud you claimed was sound. We got Dreams you have depression, We got Astro for an upbeat session, we got games which are fantastic - epics acclaim is pretty emphatic, PS5 is where its at, for all of gaming off the bat, let's look forward the futures great, it's not the summer of 2008. 360 - yeah that was brill, red ring of death but otherwise chill, good times and memories but thats so then, when GTA V wasn't in the top ten. This is gaming there is no choice - between a behemoth and a Jealous voice, xbox wake up - stop beating this drum, competitions good for everyone, offering nothing and clinging on, to the absolute disaster of xbox 1.

Re: Sony on PS5 Exclusives: We Can't Take Everyone with Us from Previous Gens


Xbox - we got cross play nah nah Sony havent

PS - we dont need it, having 100,000,000 users around the world

Xbox - Well we give away our release day games!

PS - Because our games are made with passion, skill and expert craft. People don't mind paying for them.

Xbox - Well our new gen games are gonna work on old hardware. Go us.

PS - I don't think the new GT could work on the xbox 1, in fact it would probably blow up trying.

Xbox - We have game pass and it's great like Netflix for games

PS - well that's great we have PS Now which has more games and is a sideline as we devote our time to new experiences like VR and new SSD.

Xbox - Well we are gonna port games to Nintendo

PS - Well we can just game on switch then.

Xbox - not all of our games haha just some

PS - Are you okay xbox?

Xbox - Yeah, why wouldn't I be. Just look at our game plan.

Sony - Game plan?

Xbox - Yeah we're deep in 9th Inning and about to hit a home run.

Sony - You do realise we make 'the show'?

Xbox - Errr I meant we have a sure fire win.

Sony - like the microtransactions you put in all your games?

Xbox - wow Sony would you just back off, always going on about our deficiencies. Its bullying and I won't have it. Cries.

Sony - cheer up mate. Here's a copy of Astrobot for PSVR.

Xbox - now I can't stop thinking about our kinect which never worked properly sob sob sob.

Sony - wow xbox heres a hug

Xbox - but we have to social distance waaaaahhhh!

Sony - I realise its an unfair fight but with enough care, attention and innovation you could make a comeback.

Xbox - (looks at Phil Spencer) Where's the vodka?