

A chill gamer who loves Nintendo!

Comments 17

Re: Review: Marvel's Spider-Man (PS4)


@FoxyGlen Great review, but I just have a quick question regarding the stealth sections. Do you have to avoid getting spotted downright, or can you fight your way to the goal even after blowing your cover? Truth be told, I'm quite horrible at trying to stay hidden over the course of a stealth section, so I'm hoping at least it can transition to a "normal" brawl section.
Sure, it still might be annoying if this is indeed the case, but it's better than a Game Over after being spotted.

Re: Rumour: PS4 Slim Hardware Images Allegedly Leak Online


@DLB3 Ok, that's very sensible. And I guess your point does hold true in the case of the PS2. But sometimes there always isn't enough evidence to point out some things as wrong or false, and yet those things do come out as false eventually. And yeah, I do need a video of someone touching this thing and playing it before I finally 100% believe it's real. Pictures will never be enough for me at this point in time.
Well, I had too much pizza and I'm feeling sleepy, so I'll have to pause this enjoyable discussion for now.

Re: Rumour: PS4 Slim Hardware Images Allegedly Leak Online


@DLB3 See my comment above about the change in name from PlayStation 3 to PS3. And the point of my showing those hoaxes here was to show how legit and authentic something on the internet could look. Remember that those two hoaxes literally brought the internet down (well, the gaming side of it) and were believed by a substantial amount of people.
I'm not saying at all these are fake. Not at all! I'm just saying that due to how legit things can look on the internet nowadays I'll just wait until Sony formally announces the console. At least that way my hopes won't risk being dashed.

Re: Rumour: PS4 Slim Hardware Images Allegedly Leak Online


@IceClimbers Unless you're working for Sony, I'm not sure you can claim for sure photoshop wasn't involved. Besides, there's 3D printing, and you might think 3D printing can't produce this kind of thing, but you'll be shocked at the number of things that statement can be applied to. 3D Printing is a very impressive piece of technology.
To your second point, I guess that makes a lot of sense, but why would Sony want to completely phase out the current PS4 model with this smaller model (which has only 500GB NOT TO MENTION we don't even know everything about it, meaning it could be very well a scaled down model), especially since the current model is still making money for them? Naming the PS4 Slim "PS4" suggests some sort of relaunch for the PS4 and not a new addition to the PS4 family. Even though the PS3 Slim didn't have the word "Slim" on its packaging, at least it did have the name changed from "PlayStation 3" to "PS3" along with a changed font.
Whew. I think I'll just wait until September 7 at this point. Sony better announce the PS4 Slim at this rate!

Re: Rumour: PS4 Slim Hardware Images Allegedly Leak Online


@sub12 Considering this are images on the internet, yes I am having some doubts on the pictures. There are tons of things that look very authentic on the internet AND YET are still fake. Case in point, remember when this broke the internet?
And remember how tons of people were making premature decisions based on this very... um, realistic device that was later proven fake?
There's also something I didn't mention earlier. Look at the packaging of the supposed PS4 Slim. There's something off about it. Where's the "Slim" on the packaging? The "Mini"? Or the word that suggests this model is a smaller version of the current model? I can't imagine Sony just calling this model the PS4. No way. EDIT: Or maybe they can. Actually didn't realize that it was the same case for the PS2.
Like I said earlier, I want a PS4 Slim as much as the next person, but I'm afraid I have little cause to believe that a PS4 Slim model exist until Sony themselves confirm it (hopefully on September 7). The internet has well arrived at that point where anyone could post highly believable images, unfortunately.

Re: Rumour: PS4 Slim Hardware Images Allegedly Leak Online


@get2sammyb "It's real. People have got them in their houses."
That's the thing, though. This PS4 Slim hasn't even been announced yet. How the heck do people then get their hands on it like as if it has already been mass shipped and such (and why are the rest of us exempt)? It looks very real, mind you... but so was that "Rayman in Smash" bit that happened a couple of years ago (or was it last year? I can't remember lol).
I'm probably the person who needs a PS4 Slim or Mini the most, but I'm not sure I can believe there's nothing else going on here. Is there a YouTube video about someone playing this thing yet? Because that might make it more believable.