
Topic: Hot Takes Thread (Gaming and Non-gaming)

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Since we're talking Ace Attorney in another thread:

I think Turnabout Big Top is a good case. It's overhated. I thought the absurdity of it matched the tone of JFA rather well.

Ugh. Men.

PSN: Ralizah


Ralizah wrote:

Since we're talking Ace Attorney in another thread:
I think Turnabout Big Top is a good case. It's overhated. I thought the absurdity of it matched the tone of JFA rather well.

Holy sh*t someone finally said it.
Indeed, it’s a really fun and heartwarming case!

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PSN: Kat170499 | Bluesky:


I despise the words β€œstakes” and β€œstakeout” because they remind me of steaks and that gets me hungry.
There’s zero shred of sarcasm here. Anyone who dares to utter the word stake will involuntarily cause me to get hungry. And to this day, I still don’t know why. I don’t even eat or enjoy steaks which is probably the bigger hot take of the two but I care about the former one more.

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PSN: Kat170499 | Bluesky:


Adding to the food element, here is my hot take.

If you can't prepare and cook, from scratch, at least 10 meals, you should just go and get yourself processed into burgers and eat yourselves/each other and be done with it πŸ’€πŸ˜

Of course there are caveats in terms of whether you are physically able to handle these things, that goes without saying.

Buuuut to anyone physically capable, cook your own f***ing food at least some of the god damn time πŸ˜‚

[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


Ravix wrote:

Adding to the food element, here is my hot take.
If you can't prepare and cook, from scratch, at least 10 meals, you should just go and get yourself processed into burgers and eat yourselves/each other and be done with it πŸ’€πŸ˜

Of course there are caveats in terms of whether you are physically able to handle these things, that goes without saying.

Buuuut to anyone physically capable, cook your own f***ing food at least some of the god damn time πŸ˜‚

Give this man a TRUE

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PSN: Kat170499 | Bluesky:


The absolute best thing a person can do for themselves, as early in life as possible, is to get to know the things that are going into their bodies and begin preparing and eating whole foods.

Any functional adult should be able to cook eggs, chicken, beef, broccoli, etc. This isn't high-class dining with a ton of artistry involved.

Another bugbear of mine: people who whine about water and refuse to drink it without flavoring. IT'S WATER! ONE OF THE BASIC INGREDIENTS OF LIFE! I think people get so hooked on the sugars in the chemical swill they consume daily that it deadens their ability to enjoy natural flavors.

Ugh. Men.

PSN: Ralizah


Ralizah wrote:

…Another bugbear of mine: people who whine about water and refuse to drink it without flavoring. IT'S WATER! ONE OF THE BASIC INGREDIENTS OF LIFE! I think people get so hooked on the sugars in the chemical swill they consume daily that it deadens their ability to enjoy natural flavors.

I’ve always found it weird how people with say they don’t like the taste of water. πŸ˜‚ Is the β€˜absence of flavor’ a type of flavor? There’s nothing to dislike!

Also, definitely with you on the crΓ¨me brΓ»lΓ©e. I’ve never understood the appeal. Rarely it can come out decent if they get the top just right, but usually it’s fairly mediocre.

Ravix wrote:

… if you can't prepare and cook, from scratch, at least 10 meals, you should just go and get yourself processed into burgers and eat yourselves/each other and be done with it

πŸ˜‚ But how can I cook myself if I don’t know how to cook?! I’m so confused.

β€œWe cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution you can be part of the midweek special at McDonald's for everyone else who has turned themselves into burgers to eat 😁

Start with the feet, it will be over after a few trips to the abbatoir, I'm quite sure πŸ˜›

It had to be a hot take, but I suppose if you learn to cook you won't have to burgerise yourself 😁

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Th3solution Good water is just pure refreshment. Literally nothing else can compare. It doesn't need anything else.

I mean, you know, if flavoring is the crutch one needs to be willing to drink water, that's still vastly better than drinking diet soda or something, but I'll never understand it. And I say this as someone who ate like a raccoon when they were younger.

@Ravix On a scale of 1 to 10, how tasty would you say human meat is compared to the alternatives?

Ugh. Men.

PSN: Ralizah


@Ralizah how did the raccoon taste?

Agree on soda.

Glad there’s so many hydro homies in this chat.

Real footage of person who dropped soda in favor of water:

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PSN: Kat170499 | Bluesky:


@Ralizah probably about the same, I don't think people usually notice. Ahem


But it can hardly be worse than what "enter food chain here" are serving 😁 so, overall I think it will be good for people to replace their fast food trips with self burgerisation, for the good of all kind

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Ravix we’d get rid of a lot of annoying blokes for sure

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PSN: Kat170499 | Bluesky:


Not the biggest Star Wars fan, so take with a pinch of salt, but my hot take is that Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith are better than Return of the Jedi.

[Edited by Buizel]

At least 2'8".


@Buizel I agree with this one actually. RotS is my all-time favorite SW thing ever.

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PSN: Kat170499 | Bluesky:


This is likely not goin to be a hot take tomorrow but the SOP was pretty awesome
Just giving my two fils

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PSN: Kat170499 | Bluesky:


The dialogue in Lego Horizon is four hundred and eighty two million times better than the dialogue in Dragon Age The Veilguard, despite it being similar, in a way.


Another statement.

A statement.

Here's a statement coming at you, fast!

Ahh, a statement.

Or... statement? *winkyface


God, I really hate what they are doing with the fantasy genre in the 2020's πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ f***ing marvel can go and get f***ed for ruining the world. And that is said by someone that likes some marvel, to an extent.

DA:TVeilguard is even worse than "happy almost birthday" and that will haunt me forever from Forspoken. And that's just because it's something stupid that people wouldn't say unless they were being stupid on purpose for the sake of being stupid. Or if they are being hipsters or whatever those people who watch and or star in celebrity reality tv are called, too. They say stupid sh** that no one actually says.

So anyway... The DA script might legitimately have more fullstops than any script ever written before it. And someone at Bioware should seriously check it for the world record.

I mean, statement style scripting can work when it's supposed to be fun or goofy, so a Lego game, yes, yes, go for it, it is a perfect use of it. But oh my God does it stick out like a sore thumb in a serious setting.

Maaaaan, It just offends me so deeply, and I wish I could buy into it not being complete trash, because I love fantasy. But it is very much a hot take, and although completely true to me, I don't care how sh** they make it, it's up to them πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›

[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Ravix honestly yeah πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Lego also looks like a second Astro bot, jn a good way
I wanna hug the brainiac who thought it was a good idea to include those cameos because it was πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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PSN: Kat170499 | Bluesky:


@Ravix I did notice that too in the DA Veilguard trailer. The dialogue (if you want to call it that) was quite awkward. But it was a combat scenario so here’s hoping that the story bits and character interactions are more natural and genuine.

I am split on DA Veilguard. There’s aspects of it that look great, but something still feels off. Part of it is the dialogue but also even the gameplay was hard to know if it was going to be enjoyable for me. It has a hybrid action-turn based system, and looks fairly complex, so it’s hard to know whether it’s actually fun or engaging to play. And I guess here’s where it leads me to my hot take today:

The value of gameplay trailers are overrated.

Perhaps I’m biased because I lean more toward narrative importance over gameplay, although both are critical. But when I watch these gameplay centric trailers it always just looks like a mess because we have very little context of where we are in the game and it’s just a bunch of complex systems shown for 10 minutes that feel difficult and burdensome to follow. I like seeing the combat and gameplay in action to get a feel for it, but these deeper dives into the gameplay tell me nothing and actually often have the opposite effect to dissuade me from the game. For example with the Veilguard trailers, the full array of combat options probably feel more natural and intuitive when you’re drip-fed the mechanics over the first couple hours, but when you just start showing HUD elements, UI, settings, huge skill trees, companion synergy power-ups, and special attacks all with no context then it feels overwhelming to me. It’s the same feeling when I go to a class in school and on the first day they drop you a syllabus to review everything you’re going to cover in the course and you leave the class completely crestfallen wondering how in the world are you ever going to learn and understand all they material; only to realize when you do it gradually and slowly over several weeks, it’s not that overwhelming after all.

[Edited by Th3solution]

β€œWe cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution gameplay trailers aren’t the issue. It’s trailers that show basically nothing meaningful. Tons of gameplay trailers nowadays don’t tell you Jack squat about the game.
Ruffy and the riverside does an incredible job of actually conveying its world through its gameplay. Might be worth keeping an eye on it.

I think gameplay trailers on average still tell you more about the game than trailers without. You at least do actually know what the game looks like otherwise. You can’t possibly be convinced based on narrative alone and be ok with mediocre gameplay.
But an act of balance is key here. If you know nothing about the story, you have no reason to care and no incentive to play.
What story trailers usually lack is a hook. They’re too complacent, just like gameplay trailers.
DR;DR’s announcement trailer was a masterclass at giving you a hook.

[Edited by Yousef-]

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Bluesky: yousef7
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PSN: Kat170499
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PSN: Kat170499 | Bluesky:


@Th3solution yeah, gameplay in most games is worse to watch than actually play, too. So it is quite pointless to show a lot of it, beyond showing that it works (which they didn't do as they cut around stuff haha)

You also notice stuff you wouldnt notice while playing when they show gameplay trailers. I thought DD2 looked a bit plop because the world looked bland during gameplay, but playing it was incredibly fun and exploration and combat was 80% of that fun.

Every Dragon Age trailer has sucked with the character interaction and dialogue.

Here's a fun transcript πŸ˜…

1: We've gotten word from the Wardens. Full Stop! (Lol, "Gotten" in a fantasy setting, strong start, lets go!)

2: Have they found Ghilan'nain? (Slight inflection. Uh oh, they've used that up early)

1: Not yet. But they found something else worth killing. Full stop! Pause.

1: One of her bliiiiiiighted draaaaagons. Full stop.

2: Rook. Full stop.

2: You made it. Full stop.

2: Good! Big Full stop. 3 in a row bonus score πŸ˜‚

3: Wouldn't miss it. Full stop. Strong reply

3: We have unfinished business with that dragon. Full stop (Is the dragon the script editor? Because yes, you definitely have unfinished business)

2: We've tracked it to a ruined tower near by. Full stop.

1: That lair is a death trap. Full stop.

Awkwardly long pause πŸ’€

1: we need to lure her out to have any chance. Full stop.

Long pause

1: so we challenge her. Draw the dragon out into the open. Full stop. (wait are all of these my lines now, or was that supposed to be someone elses?)

1: And then attack. Full stop. (nope, still me talking, I guess)

Pausey McPauseface

1: Just you and me now. Full stop (just me and that script, ham ham hamming away)

And scene.

It also really helps it that all the voices blend into one big slop of monotonous american sh**e tbh πŸ˜‚

This entertained me, anyway, so it was worth doing πŸ˜› it is just as bad later in the trailer too, and all of the other trailers. I. The one where they showed character dialogue choices all the choices were actually the same but dressed differently, too πŸ˜…

[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck

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