Comments 184

Re: TGS 2013: Monster Hunter Frontier G Explores Vita in 2014



It's not a very good game I personally don't like it but what it would do for the platform is great, then again I don't like pokemon either. Soul Sacrifice is a better game in my opinion still not really my cup of tea (don't really like the controls think it needs improvement) .

If I were Yosp I would immediately pull the people working on panta rhie and get them and the rest of SCEJ to make me a MH killer. Freedom wars could be it but they will need one hell of a game and a BIG marketing budget. Sadly that's SCE biggest downfall the lack of big marketing push for their titles. Just look at titan fall nothing about it is special, it's all been done before. Hell graphically its not that impressive, but I reckon by its third game, hell maybe it's second it will win over most on COD fanbase. Loose on the first get em on the second. You are right, it is an insult!

If Vita tv does not work (I think it will ) it's time for seppuku
Vita needs japan to work

Re: TGS 2013: Monster Hunter Frontier G Explores Vita in 2014


It wont help or bring the mainline titles to Vita, it's just to tick the list to say here we tried it did not work. Rather just release a statement that states F you Vita owners and we can all move on with our lives Just like I finally buried TLG in my mind (was a moving ceremony crying was involved lol)

Re: Japanese Sales Charts: This Is Why Vita Needs Monster Hunter


@Gamer83 Is Sony Japan not helping with the panta rhei engine if I heard correctly during the stream? Deep down might being exclusive might be for that? Personally I just think they figure less effort, easier to rehash assets than building a MH for Vita ( would look much better........dat OLED hmmmmmm )

Re: This Beyond: Two Souls Advert Should Shift a Few Copies


Still I cant help but question some of these release dates...... Good marketing push, aim for gaps between big 3rd party releases and close to pay day should be the aim. again just my (usually dumb) opinion actually buying two special editions of this game 1 for me 1 for my sis CANT WAIT! but Rain, Puppeteer and killzone will tie me over

Re: This Beyond: Two Souls Advert Should Shift a Few Copies


They actually advertising for sony wws games??? Shock and Horror is that not one of the signs of the apocalypse lol but on a serious note wws make some good games but I wish they would not send them out to die! Even the sony satellite channel here never shows any advertising for ANY Sony goods. They do have regular samsung ads though #FacePalm

Re: The PS Vita Could Be Getting A Game About The Holocaust


On topic this has the making of what could be a great game! Personally I don't see any other manufacturer outside of Sony that would go for this, either way sounds like it will be niche but I'm fine with that. Just don't give me a typical happy ending (Heartless I know sorry)
@Lelouch I was still a virgin at 14 I was a geek and still did not like pokemon it was a stupid anime, there was so much better out there! Never played the game so cant comment on it. But Your avatar & name tells me You DO have taste in anime

Re: PlayStation 4 Will Cost $1,200 In Argentina


Guess I wont complain about our $615 dollars here, But then again ours has nothing to do with taxes just a greedy local distributor! (just fyi they are the distributors for x box as well) If I had known the local price i would have imported and had it here before the local launch! damn you for selling out amazon.

Re: Amazon Japan Reports That All PS Vita TV Pre-Orders Are Taken


@Lelouch It sold out same day! I went on to try and order one! PS Plus on this thing...Bonus! It's Sony way to get you into their ecosystem and wait for you to branch out! Kaz is doing a really good job at turning Sony around. I still don't think they are using all of their strengths together but it looks like that"s Kaz plan and if executed properly Watch out. Pity they don't market there games and products better.

Re: Sony Enters the Micro-console Arena With PS Vita TV, The Smallest PlayStation Yet


@Ginkgo THIS! Now I don't have to buy multiple PS4 consoles just one and a VitaTV on the other TV's It's awesome and save me a good some of money. that and sometimes you just wanna kick back in-front of the TV. P.S I think killzone merc will still look good on a tele. The more they sell the better the software support. It's win win for us consumers GREAT Idea!

Re: Sony's Latest HMZ-T3 Headset Will Cost You a Measly £1,300


gt5 with g27 PS eye and a hmz = heaven!
Strangely I have the old T1 but it feels like the refresh rate is to low. Looking at all the pics from the T3 it looks like they fixed all of my complaints bar 1(individual eye adjustments) 3D on the hmz eclipses any other 3D no tv can compete!

Re: Review: Killzone: Mercenary (PlayStation Vita)


@Sanquine So should I call off the villages?? they have pitchforks torches and everything lol I was so hoping for a 9! I have not played any of the betas deciding to rather keep my virginity Cant wait for Friday!

Edit: Just saw someone gave it a 5.5/10 I was like WTF! (sorry fanboy here, apologies ) Don't know if I'm allowed to quote but that review even bashes the VITA not just the game??

Re: Rumour: Could inFAMOUS Be Shapeshifting onto Vita?


Would you buy it if it launched just before second son I.E bridging the story gap? I would might shift some VITAS.
EDIT: After watching the video you could definitely see in his mind he was like " F*** " Right lets start the HYPE train

Re: Rumour: PS4 Will Take You to Another Dimension with Oculus Rift-Esque Headset


Already have a hmz-t1 Its pretty good but I had to mod mine to get it nice and comfy. it worked well with gt5 head tracking not wow but nice was just hopping the PS4 eye was going to improve it the hmz-t3 seems to have fixed what the uncomfortable parts were for me. the 720p screen never seems to have jagged lines like I expected. Would be a bit pissed to get a new headset paid $1000 dollars for the hmz-t1 but if their is support I'm there! I do get motion sick and the hmz-t1 actually a bit crappy to use in on-line shooters cant put my finger on why feels like refresh rate is to low but specs say otherwise