Comments 124

Re: Ubisoft's Troubled Skull & Bones May Finally Release in the Next 10 Months


Before, back in the day when this was announced I was super excited. I loved (and still do) Black Flag and it's naval combat and exploration. The things they could have done was endless- I was also hoping for PvE servers so friends can just enjoy the game without worrying about griefers.

However, with Ubisofts recent exploits of terrible releases, NFT's and mistreatment of employee's.... I have doubts this game will even release- and if it does, it'll be in a god awful NFT state.

Re: Poll: Does Sony Need to Take Action After Microsoft's Activision Buyout?


So as a fan of Sony, but also someone who enjoys PC a little bit more. (Pc - Playstation - Nintendo - Xbox) I think they need to do something, but nothing rushed. Take time to make sure they stay relevant, but don't push things in a way to make them desperate. (also make things more available for consumers)

We need more games available as a whole, and more consoles for ps5. The PS5 is having the same issue as the PS3, alil overpriced, and no games besides a small handful. (that and scalpers are ruining it all) They need to be humbled again, because Sony tends to get cocky as all can be after a good few years of good sales.

Re: NVIDIA Issues Statement on Possible List of Leaked Games, Used for 'Internal Tracking and Testing'


Ah yes, a troll for going against what you said. I mean if you built it years ago and it runs just as well/better than a ps5- of course it'd be pricey due to the time you made it.

Listen, getting those parts now, hell even better parts than what you had gotten years ago is significantly less today. Just because the parts were expensive years ago doesn't mean they still are today, making a PC that strong isn't hard or expensive.

Now am I saying "Oh yeah just build a pc and ignore a ps5!" Hell no, consoles have a purpose and I love playstation- But that doesn't mean people shouldn't be happy to play games on both or be happy that ports get to happen.

Re: Resident Evil's Movie Reboot Has a Familiar Poster


@kyleforrester87 Not at all, it can use quite a bit of improvement in it's story and plot holes. However trying to stuff two large games into a single movie is a mistake that we'll only see on screen.
But the RE story at it's core is fun and would be great to see used on the big screen correctly with someone who cares about the franchise. (The director described Silent Hill when he talked about 'loving' the game as a child)

Re: Resident Evil's Movie Reboot Has a Familiar Poster


This gives me some bad vibes honestly. While it's a cool poster that's simple- knowing the characters that are going to be in kinda tells me this is gonna be a trash film. "Let's take all the most well known characters, and throw them into this plot!"

I mean- why not just remake the first game into a film and go from there? Make a movie franchise and introduce new characters throughout new movies like the games did? Sure add in new flavor texts and points to make it a bit different like Marvel does, but don't destroy the core plot. This movie won't be as bad as the other live action films, but damn I expect it to run that terrible curse.

Re: Poll: Has Xbox's Bethesda Buyout Made You Reconsider a PS5 Purchase?


Although I'm not going to buy a PS5 at launch, I will still be getting it. (If nothing else just for FFXVI) Bethesda being bought out by Microsoft means nothing to me due to wanting to play a majority of their games on PC anyway- which they do sell on both platforms. So I see no point in getting an Xbox, it was good choice by them to do so but I'm not a party who's effected.

Re: Looks Like PC Players Really, Really Want to Play Ghost of Tsushima


@GodGamer And it seems you don't read comments and tend to copy paste the same argument without reading when someone doesn't 100% agree with the statement. I've been on this site longer than you kid, so I didn't just 'come on here and beg'. I'm a playstation fan and I have been for decades- that doesn't mean however that I can also play games on different platforms, PC included.

I commented on how toxic these communities are becoming with one another and how things like these shouldn't be praised. And you are proving my point in insulting my words without reading them, if you had any sort of argument to defend this whole thing I would have respected you and discussed it like an adult. But instead you act like a child who decided insults are better than words.

Re: Looks Like PC Players Really, Really Want to Play Ghost of Tsushima


@Nintyfan Did I even say I was owed anything? If you had even read the majority of my comment, I had even said I own a ps4. I play my playstation A LOT- that doesn't mean that I wish that other people who prefer different consoles could also play the games that I have on different platforms. I have not 'demanded' anything and it seems your blindly raged around at seeing someone not defending a ps4 exclusive.

Re: Looks Like PC Players Really, Really Want to Play Ghost of Tsushima


Isn't this kind of childish? Whats wrong with wanting everyone to be able to play the game? Exclusives are a terrible practice that makes people act like children having the bigger toy "HA I HAVE THIS GAME, YOU LOSE CAUSE YOU GOT THAT ONE"
Why can't we all just enjoy the same game on different platforms? I have a gaming PC and a PS4 and I enjoy both for different genres, but I hate that they don't share the same library.

It's terrible to see how toxic the playstation community can be with these comments, people need to grow up. I'm not saying the PC community are saints, but god try to have some self worth and not insult people for preferences on how they game. This article is an insult and just pushes forward people to bully others and look down on other communities.

Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake Continues to Look Incredibly Promising in Hype New Trailer


I have to be honest, I'm not a fan of Final Fantasy 7. I didn't care for the game much due to how it was presented with Cloud and Sephiroth, I've enjoyed the side content and the other characters but I never cared for the original game itself.

That being said, watching these trailers I'm very impressed with the direction it's going and honestly- I'm kind of excited. It seems like a different take on the original, enough where it seems really amazing! I really hope the Remake changes my perspective of FF7 because I really want to enjoy it.

Re: PSN Alone Generated More Revenue Than the Entirety of Nintendo in 2018


While I don't doubt Sony did amazing this year (with amazing exclusives like GoW and Spiderman) I think a good chunk of this revolves around PS+ which I can't really say is a win since it's still a stupid market practice. Without having to pay the monthly subscription, I'd probably say that the money from the psn sales would be cut by a large portion.

That being said while probably not higher than Nintendo's entire rev of the year, I'm sure it would still be pretty dang high.