

PS1,2,3,4 and 5 now I own a Xbox

Comments 15

Re: Bickering Begins Over PS5 Pro's Inability to Sell Out


Being sold out and not supplying the numbers sold is stupid.
Person 1 - I've sold 80% of my new game, that's 800,000 out of a million.
Person 2 - I've sold out, 100% world wide, Whoopi me.
Person 1 - how many games did you make.
Person 2 - Oh I made a lot of game, I made them in Indian, Japan, Europe and America too.
Person 1 - OK, but how many.
Person 2 - umm, 25000.
Person 1 - That's per country, right ?
Person 2 - No, that's world wide.
Selling out without the numbers mean northing.

Re: Sony Gates Customer Service Priority Behind New PS Stars Program


When it comes to Sony nothing surprises me any more, I remember buying a PS1 on day one and ever since it has been Playstation all the way but this generation I bought an Xbox Series X a good six or seven months before I got a Playstation 5.
There reported anti-consumerism is starting to make me think this could be there last generation and this favouritism is just another dick move.

Re: All PS Plus Collection Games on PS5


Would be nice to see this collection grow but if were honest it was only ever included simply so we had something to play right out of the box, it's not aimed at long time PS veterans, it's there so first timers will have something to play. There is nothing breath taking or overly fantastic there and most people will of already played many of these titles.
It's a nice gesture for a console but that is all it is.

Re: PS Plus December 2021 PS5, PS4 Games Announced


This is getting pitiful, of all the games out there you stick us with God Fall on the PS5, a PS4 locked Mortal Shell and a Lego game.
Makes me glad Endwalker is coming out this week at least then out of PS, Xbox and Nintendo I'll have something to play over |Christmas on my PC.