Comments 539

Re: Talking Point: How Would You Improve PS Plus?


Other: built-in emulator for ps3 games and ps now without streaming for all countries, so everyone can downliad and play ps now games on ps5.
Also, merging together psplus and psnow. Psplus collection is a great start for such initiative.

This will top Xgame pass easely.

Re: Reaction: Messy Ghost of Tsushima Upgrade Makes PS5 for the Payers


@ShogunRok sorry, can I ask?
How do I upgrade straight to PS5 version?
All I see in store is two options: 1. full price pre order of PS5 version 2. upgrade to director's cut BUT only for PS4.

Should I pre-order ps4 upgrade to director's cut and then, by some miracle, option for upgrade to PS5 version will appear?
Could you clarify the process?
I just don't want to risk of being stuck with unnecessary purchase.
My Ghost of Tsushima is digital, if this is imoprtant.