Comments 181

Re: Talking Point: What Are Your Thoughts on Protagonists Discussing Puzzles?


I’m really enjoying Horizon Forbidden West but Aloy outright telling me how to progress in certain parts has irritated me to a degree I didn’t expect. Now, I don’t mind it so much when there’s a few characters as it’s only realistic they’d try to puzzle it out together, but stuff like “I bet this specific item would work on this specific thing” is just annoying. There should be a feature to turn it off or at least a button prompt to hear the hint if you so wish.

Re: Hold On, PS5 Just Outsold Switch in Japan


@4kgk2 I prefer Phil to Jim honestly, or perhaps Don Mattrick really was just that toxic to the Xbox brand. The games on PlayStation have always been what attracts me but Phil’s put in the work to make Xbox enticing. Meanwhile, Jim seems to be a walking PR disaster.

Re: Nioh Franchise Ships More Than 7 Million Units Worldwide


Haven’t played 2 but 1 was an excellent experience. It wears the Soul inspiration very abundantly but I found the speed of combat made it exhilarating and empowering to play. Fighting Yokai as an Irish Geralt in feudal Japan is something that needs to be seen to be believed.

Re: Uncharted PC Port Has Lowest Player Count of Any Sony Game at Launch


I’ve come to regard Uncharted as one of PlayStation’s least interesting properties now. The original trilogy works in the context of design trends of the era they were released in but I found 4 hard to replay because I found little compelling about it other than it being a showcase for the PS4’s graphical grunt.

Re: Silent Hill 2 PS5 Remake Announced as a Console Exclusive


It looks very good, at least as for a first look. I’ll observe with cautious optimism, but Silent Hill 2 is something special. Like lightning in a bottle and not something easily recreated. At any rate, it does my heart good to see horror headlining the triple A industry again. Dead Space, Resident Evil and now Silent Hill are all back!

Re: New Mafia Game Confirmed in Development


These games are such guilty pleasures for me. Little janky, little meh in the open world department but their stories were pretty great. 3’s implementation of systemic 60s racism into its gameplay was an interesting display of games as social commentary, even if it didn’t amount to too much.

Re: Reaction: PS5 Price Hike a Sobering Sign of the Times


I'm probably gonna go with an Xbox Series S when the time comes. It'll be a shame to miss out on some exclusives (Final Fantasy being the big one) but the games that are really nudging me to go next gen (Dead Space, Resi 4, Street Fighter) are for the most part third party offerings. As a young adult, this is the first time I need to seriously budget gaming in with other expenses and the PS5 is just way too much. Luckily, God of War is still coming to the 4. I won’t be personally offended by Sony trying to do what they deem is good business. I’m just going to take my business elsewhere.