Comments 181

Re: Bloodborne Kart Rebrands as Nightmare Kart, Out for Free on PC This May


A far better outcome than nuking the project outright. I’m glad Sony were able to recognise the hard work of the dev and reach an agreement. Still, this is one of the most brilliant and hilarious bits of fan promotion I’ve ever seen so I don’t know why Sony would have a bee in their bonnet about it, especially as it’s free.

Re: Naughty Dog's Neil Druckmann to Receive NYVGCC Legend Award


@nessisonett yeah my jaw actually hit the floor when I pulled back that particular curtain. I’m not particularly invested in Naughty Dog while they’re all in on Last of Us at the moment but I probably won’t support them it regardless so long as Druckmann is a visible and influential force within the company.

Re: Indie Hit Stray to Be Adapted into an Animated Movie


Definitely would be interested. I would prefer if there was no dialogue, however. I think the game was at its strongest during the opening when you had to purely intuit the world as the cat and not have robots explain what’s going on as if a cat would be able to understand or empathise lol.

I think the robots were good characters but I would have preferred if they and the cat, two non-human entities, used non verbal cues to communicate. Trying to bridge the gap that the humans left behind.

Re: Street Fighter 6 Tops 2 Million Copies Sold, Celebrates with In-Game Rewards


@Shepherd_Tallon as a casual fighting game fan who can win a few matches but gets cooked alive by anyone with skill, I think the game’s push for accessibility is a resounding success.

Modern controls take the pressure off memorising inputs and let you focus on the raw strategy. I use the classic controls personally but every player I fight using the modern controls still has to open me up first and put in the work for their wins. I think it’s a fine playing field leveller and not a crutch. Well done, Capcom, for their implementation.

The single player campaign is actually huge. It’s a pseudo-RPG so as you level up, you gradually unlock the fighting mechanics as though they were new abilities for you avatar. Smart tutorialising in my opinion. You can also mix and match moves from the main fighters on your avatars so you can sample the various playstyles and see what you like.

The Battle Hub is a great way to muck about with players of your own skill level too. If you’re doing competitive ranked matches online, you do 10 placement matches so the game can determine what skill tier you’d be most comfortable in. You can very much start at the bottom and work you’re way up if you’re so inclined instead of being forever stuck in a purgatory of pros kicking your ass.

Really enjoying my time with SF6

Re: Final Fantasy Could Ditch Numbers for Future Instalments


I think Final Fantasy is one of the few series where the ever rising number for the mainline series is part of the brand. Personally, it makes me feel like I’m beholden to an extremely important legacy in gaming, foundational to its genre and still going strong. I like the anthology quality to the series as well, that each title constitutes its own world and stories, yet is still part of this incredible greater whole.

So yeah I like the numbers.