Comments 352

Re: PS5 Backwards Compatibility Will Play a Key Role in Transitioning PS4 Players to Next-Gen, Says Sony


If it is only backwards compatible with PS4, it will be a long time before I get a PS5. Because I already have a PS4 and there aren't many, if any, PS5 expected launch titles that interest me (yet!) But if they make it compatible at least as far back as PS3, then I'd get one real quick. It would mean I could box up my PS3 and PS4 and play PS3-5 all on one machine. Heck yes!

But my dream would be PS5 supporting Sony's entire library, from PS1-PS5 on one system!

Re: PlayStation's Future Will Be 'Immersive' and 'Seamless'


Not interested in VR or Streaming. But if that older rumor of PS5 being able to play Sony's entire library going all the way back to PS1 turns out to be true...

It will be the first console I ever pre-order.

I heard PS4 backwards compatibility is confirmed already, if we at least got PS3 as well, I'd definitely buy it but I'd probably not pre-order. I'd like to box up my PS3 and PS4 and have it all on PS5. That would really be seamless for me.

Re: God of War Superfan Wins Guinness World Record for Largest Memorabilia Collection


I mean, I certainly wouldn't collect the same thing because I've never felt GoW was more than just some above average action game... but if he loves it and isn't like, leaving his kids without food or something, then all the power to him.

I don't share the same interest in the subject, but if I had the financial ability, I would probably be much the same way with the things I enjoy.

Re: There's Speculation that Final Fantasy VII Remake May Reappear in Time for E3


Final Fantasy 7 has been built up into such a legend, such an insane standard in the mind of so many people that I cannot imagine any remake ever living up to the illusion of perfection so many people have of the original.

The original is a cool game and was amazing at the time, but the way I see people talking about it makes it sound like the greatest thing since sliced bread and indoor plumbing. No remake is ever gonna be able to match that perfected image in our imaginations.

Re: Poll: What Are Your Thoughts on the PS5?


Based on what we know right now, it wont be a day 1 purchase for me. Maybe not even launch year. Nothing about the PS5 so far - that is confirmed - has excited me. It is just more of the same, graphically better PS4 Pro. I need more than better graphics to get excited.

That rumor that was flying around of PS5 supporting PS1-PS4 titles straight from the disc, that would get me excited. It would be something unique on the market. Something no other company on the market has. You can play VR or get 8K graphics on a PC too. I need something that only the PS5 can do that is more than a small handful of exclusive titles.

Re: Round Up: Everything We Know About PS5 So Far


@Jaz007 Eventually I would likely pick it up. But among the rumors what appealed to me was the idea of being able to play the entire Playstation library from day 1 is what would make it a day 1 purchase for me. I would be able to box up all my old Sony consoles and have one machine for them all instead.

Sure PS5 will have new games in the future that I'd like to play, but I also have a big backlog of titles I want to play on PS4 and even older, not to mention other platforms like PC and Switch. But at launch if it has one or 2 titles that I really want to play, at best, and lacks that amazing feature, then I will just wait, like I did with PS4 and PS3. PS2 had backward compatibility day 1, had I had the money as a kid that would have made it a day 1 for me.

The other thing that would sell PS5 to me day one would be some, as of yet unannounced innovation that makes the PS5 super appealing. But since we don't know what that might be, it is just a wild card.

On a final note, 8K and PSVR aren't selling points for me. They are minor features that I will use if they are there and come with the device, but nothing I would go out of my way for.

Re: Sony's Censorship Guidelines Tackle Sexually Explicit Depictions of Underage Characters


Remember folks, fictional girls who don't exist being portrayed in lewd manners is wildly offensive and unacceptable. However fictional character violently murdering people by the tens, dozens, hundreds, or more, okay for teenagers!

Remember people, visible boobs are for adults only, but a game where you can drop a nuke on Canada is okay for teenagers!

Remember everyone, a literal minigame built around torturing a prisoner is okay to have on PS4, (GTA 5) but if you show an anime girl with frosting on her boobs, it has to be censored!

Grotesque violence is okay! But sex is the most evil and vile thing in the universe!

Re: PS5's Price Will Be 'Appealing to Gamers', Says Cerny


Appealing to me will depend on what the system entails. If the PS5 is just an 8K PS4 that also plays PS5 games, then it's not worth more than 300-350 bucks for me. And even then, it likely wont be a day 1 purchase for me.

On the other hand, if they surprise us with that full backwards compatibility all the way to PS1, I'd be willing to shell out 500 bucks!

Or if, for once, Sony actually innovates and gives us something truly new (lol, Sony? Innovate? Sony makes good products, top of the line hardware, but they don't do new things, they copy other people) then it will depend on what that innovation is.

Re: PS5 Will Support 8K Graphics


@bbq_boy Naw, people have been saying movie theaters are on their way out for decades now. But you'll never be able to have that experience of seeing a new movie on a screen that size in your home. Even with top of the line TVs and home theater sound systems, the biggest TV you can reasonably have at home is still dwarfed by a movie theater.

Re: PS5 Will Support 8K Graphics


Diminishing returns. That is what I am seeing here. I remember the jump from SD to 720p and then 1080p HD, THAT was a very noticeable and very nice jump! Especially as devices started using HDMI cables instead of the old analogue cables. But though I do have a 4K TV and a PC that can (if I don't mind the fan screaming in agony) run 4K, it only feels like a minor upgrade watching 4K video. I've seen 4K and 8K TVs in stores and even with the Demo videos designed to show them off, it is once again, only a minor improvement, and I would argue, less noticeable still.

Re: Round Up: Everything We Know About PS5 So Far


What I am reading is a lot of non-interest for me. 8K graphics? Meh, even 4K only felt like a minor upgrade from 1080p. PSVR? PS4 Pro already does that. PS4 games? Good, but what about earlier titles? PS3, PS2 and PS1? Now THAT would make things interesting!

If PS5 is just a more powerful PS4, then I am really not that interested. But if PS5 IS Playstation, as in, all of it, forget day 1, it will probably be the first console I actually pre-order in years!

Re: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Is a Single Player, Story-Driven Experience


I cannot bring myself to care about anything set in the new Star Wars "canon". It just constantly makes me salty and resentful about what happened to the Expanded Universe. I spent years wishing for a game of this sort, set in the post-Return of the Jedi Expanded Universe. We had some cool ones, with the Jedi Academy games but they always left me wanting more. I wanted games set during the Dark Empire with the clone of Palpatine. I wanted games set during the Thrawn trilogy, and I especially wanted games set during the New Jedi Order's Yuuzhan Vong War. I wanted more X-Wing games, a sequel to Empire at War and a NJO era Knight of the Old Republic style game. All of those things could have happened until Disney bought SW and threw it all right in the trash compactor...

There was so much amazing untapped potential in the old EU, and seeing the new canon forever makes me salty and resentful.

Re: Guide: When Is the Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Live Stream?


@LaytonPuzzle27 You're fully entitled to those opinions, but I don't agree in the slightest. I detest the new trilogy and think it ruined the characters from the original movies, especially Han and Luke.

I could almost tolerate that, if they treated the Expanded the way they did Marvel's other story-lines and considered it an alternate universe, rather than slapping the "Legends" label on it, calling it non-canon, cancelling all future work on it and stealing and twisting characters and content from it to fit into their "new canon".

Furthermore Disney not only shut down LucasArts but also abruptly fired nearly its entire staff. Quite likely ruing all of their lives with little warning and resulting in the cancellation of several products. But even that wouldn't be as bad if they made Star Wars an open license that any game studio can apply to make a game for or at least gave the license to a company that was actually reputable. But it is no surprise, both EA and Disney are massive conglomerates trying to dominate their industries and squash any competition. Both would happily establish a total monopoly if allowed to, and Disney is getting close, buying every IP they can get their dirty hands on.

Re: Guide: When Is the Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Live Stream?


I am a huge Star Wars fan but I am incapable of being excited for new Star Wars content anymore. I loved the old expanded universe, the Knights of the old Republic, The New Jedi Order, the Dark Empire comic, the X-Wing novels, the Thrawn Trilogy, the Jedi Academy games, etc (I could go on and on)

But I don't like Disney's new canon at all. I especially don't like them shutting down Lucasarts and giving the keys to EA of all companies!

Re: Talking Point: Should All Games Have an Easy Mode?


It's definitely been argued to the contrary, but I think all games should indeed have flexible difficulty settings. Having the option to lower the difficulty for younger or less experienced players does not prevent people who prefer a challenge for simply not playing on that difficulty. And if you are unable to resist the urge to play at a lower difficulty level, that's on you.

Having different difficulty levels is a win-win for both developers and consumers. That accessibility allows more people to enjoy a wider variety of games, while more people buying the games earns more money for the developers.

No one has made a logical argument against having different difficulty options. All I have really seen are subjective things like "The game is 'meant' to be difficult" or "The developers don't want it to be accessible." - Which, fine, if developers illogically want less people to enjoy their games and want to earn less money, that's on them.

Re: Everybody's Golf VR's Caddies Will Feed You Chocolates


@KingdomHeartsFan Hardly, western media is full of full blown sex scenes... Even shows based on comic books. The Netflix Jessica Jones and Luke Cage have a sex scene in almost every episode, for example.

Anyway the comment was about Japanese businessmen trying to look at things they really shouldn't be looking at and my issue with it was the implication that only Japanese people would behave that way.

Re: Soapbox: Sony's Server Shutdown Strategy Is Making the Publisher a Laughing Stock


This is but one of the reasons most of my gaming is still based around single player content, and why I have a preference of buying physical copies of games.

I love online features in games, years ago I played the crap out of the first 4 Halo games (1-3 and Reach) and a lot of COD all back when I was in High school and my first year or so of college. Loved it! But when it comes down to it, I cannot revisit that. But single player games, like Xenoblade, Final Fantasy, Mario, Pokemon, Kingdom Hearts, I can revisit that time after time into the future. Those games do not rely on online functionality to get the full enjoyment.

Re: Mortal Kombat 11's Fighters Will Be a Little More Kovered Up


@JoeBlogs Don't give me that, I totally understand how female characters have been sexualized in gaming. And it IS a problem. I would point out that male characters have, to a lesser extent been as well, and you can try and deny that, but you'd be wrong. Just like women are always portrayed as ideals, men are always sculpted Greek Gods of muscle. The only exceptions being monsters. And I understand the reasoning there. But don't whine about lack of realism in a game where people can rip bodies apart with their bare hands because some female character has an exposed navel or shoulder. If they want to tone down sexualization of characters, then they should admit that's what they are doing and do so in general. Frankly I am sick of this double standard. Immense amounts of violence exist in gaming and no one bats an eyelash until we push into maniacal torture or games where you literally carry out acts of terrorism and mass murder. And even that gets an M rating! But sexual themes, be it men or women, are treated as massively taboo and unacceptable. Have some exposed boobs, AO, censored, can't be on a console. COD can have a level where you gun down civilians in an airport, minor controversy, GTA has a literal torture mini game? M. Hardly talked about.

@Areus No, it's really not. I live in Japan, Japan is mildly more open to sexual themes in fiction, but that is still confined primarily to a specific otaku subculture. In most ways Japan actually treats sexuality even more restrictively than in the west. Which is why, in my opinion, that sexual aspect of otaku culture exists in the first place.

My main point is, this is an M rated, violent and highly adult oriented game, I don't think it is right to be upset by some sexualized characters but not be upset by intense grotesque violence. Why is the former so taboo but the latter no big deal? If this were some children's game I would be in absolute agreement that characters, women or men, should absolutely not be sexualized in any way, but it's not.

Re: Poll: Do You Think Google Stadia and Streaming Are the Future of Video Games?


Streaming will be really good for companies, so eventually it is going to dominate the market. But I don't think it will be soon because the internet infrastructure isn't there yet. Both in terms of speed and data limits. But companies are gonna push for it, and once enough of the market is capable, traditional gaming is gonna be phased out. Streaming is good for companies for a number of reasons:
No materials cost.
No need to tailor a game to common PC or console levels.
No shipping, retail or manufacturing costs.
Subscriptions will let them tailor ads to consumers to make more money - and rest assured, ads will come - or you will pay more.

It doesn't matter if gamers dislike it, us "gamers" are a minority of the market, as is evidenced by the explosive take off of mobile phone games as a multi billion dollar industry. Eventually we will be forced to adapt, or left behind.

Re: Animated Arcade Game Cuphead Skipping PS4


It really seems like Microsoft is moving away from trying to compete with a traditional console and instead what the push their brand outward to as many devices as possible. They might still make another Xbox but if they continue their recent moves, it seems like their own console will be of secondary importance within their own plans.

It's really not that strange, outside of the Xbox, Microsoft is more well known for producing software, not hardware. Maybe they want to transition back to where they've enjoyed the most success.

Re: PlayStation Could Have Fresh Competition in Stadia, Google's New Game Streaming Platform


I'm gonna copy myself here:

"Stadia will offer low-latency gaming that can support 4K, 60fps visuals and will also offer 8K support in the future" - for the 7% of gamers with a fast enough internet connection of course.

I will be honest, I want this to fail. Because if it works, console gaming and even gaming PCs will probably be made obsolete and I don't want the industry to go in this direction.

Re: Google Poised to Announce Potential PlayStation Competitor


I can't imagine a pure streaming system to be viable at all, let alone a competitor to Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft. PS Now is somewhat viable because PS4 is already a good machine that supports conventional gaming too. But the internet infrastructure for streaming games just isn't there yet. Only a fraction of the market has a good enough connection.

The only way I could see this working is if not only does the product work well, somehow, but also is significantly cheaper than PS4, Switch and Xbone.