MS was good, Fora Horizon 5 was the stand out looked good fun and the environment is really detailed. Not surprising that DF were praising it so much. Do like Flight Simulator. While Nintendo is not really my cup of tea they showed a lot of games coming this year and ones a lot people are looking forward to so they were good to.
From what Ninja Theory just said and showed looks like Hellblade 2 is way off, said the main actress has been training for 2 years for the combat!
That is one long list, although can't complain I didn't have too many issues with the game. Maybe the shooting arrows from horse should have always been in the game.
@Col_McCafferty wouldn't count Rockstar as good developer anymore, they hardly make any games anymore. And based on how bad their support is for red dead online which is still bug ridden and badly supported and everything they add or change now is aimed at new players and driving them to buy in game currency by putting things behind paywalls.
@Dezzy70 seen a few series s consoles available but the series X sells out as fast as the PS5 doesnin the UK, game, Amazon, shop to etc never have them in stock.
@lacerz you do realise people have different tastes and just because somebody says it's hit doesn't mean I'll like it, I only care about tlou, gow and horizon and they all on PS4 still the rest I don't care about, so far there is no exclusive ps5 games I want to play.
Well if you have a PS4, now that you don't need a Ps5 to play any of the worth while Sony exclusives, the smart choice is get a series X for the Bethesda stuff and all the cross platform games and use the PS4 for the Sony exclusives.
He has a point though you should never have to pay more than once for a game, but if you all seem happy to have Sony try milk you for every cent they can by having you buy the games multiple times. FFVI being a primary example.
I enjoyed it, not the best game ever and not the worst, didn't get too many bugs only the you have to be anonymous one. But I only had the std version and I can't justify paying another 20 to 30 for the season pass for the expansion.
@Dezzy70 To the general gaming population game pass is great option.
At work we noticed the those of us that play games normally have a PS and the the people that don't play games but have kids all have Xboxs because of games pass having all the games their kids play, and when they can get 3 years of it for same price as 3 years of PS+ its a no brainier for them.
@Exlee300p Well BAFTA, IGN hardly small and it won them fair and square, the NPD data is there and confirmed, and the Amazon verified purchase data is there showing 80% liked the game enough to give it 5 stars, confirmed data proving most people that played it liked it.
@Exlee300p NPD data showed it outsold GoT in 2020, just correcting your miss information.
Also your statement that most people didn't like it is also miss information, its won far far more gamer or readers choice awards than any other game like the recent recent BAFTA or the Official PS Blog awards. To be exact it has received 195 Media GOTY awards and 108 Readers GOTY awards.
if so many people dislike it how do you explain that on Amazon for verified purchases over 80% are reviews of 5 stars?
@wiiware well it is always in Amazons top 50 in the UK and over 80% of the reviews there are 5 stars so most people who play it like it as proven when UK gamers recently voted it BAFTA game of the year.
In the US it was the best selling PS exclusive of 2020.
@nessisonett Hunting is not the issue, its poaching that is the issue.
Hunting maybe not nice and many people don't like it but is it is a necessary evil. People in 1st world countries need to understand that 3rd world countries can hardly feed them selves let alone worry about conservation and anti poaching, so in lot of cases they have had to turn to hunting as way to to fund these. The Anti Poaching units in Matusadona are 100% funded by hunting and have helped increase amount of animals. Programs like Camp Fire which gives a % of proceeds to local villagers has prevented a lot poaching and snaring because those animals now have a value to local villagers and not just the thing that eats and destroys their crops and they now help protect them. Namibia has used hunting proceeds for conservation and helped push their elephant population from 7500 to over 20000.
I'm not a fan of it but if helps save more animals then I can live with it.
I've started going Digital more and more as using discounted PS Store top up cards is sometimes working out almost the same or cheaper than physical games, and when on a discount in the PS Store its an even bigger saving.
Really enjoyed AC Valhalla so far there have been some minor bugs about 3 times that stopped me completing a quest in 50hours of play. I had to restart the game to fix it, but when it's loading back up fast on ps5 its.
All I'll say for the TLOU2 is I enjoyed it and don't really care if anyone else disliked it.
@Exlee300p strange because it's never left the top 40 best selling PS4 items on Amazon and more than 80% of verified purchase reviews on Amazon are 5 star.
If tanked it would not be the 5th best selling game of 2020 and the best selling PS exclusive of 2020 as shown in the NPD data.
@TheArt If you look at google trends its suggests not many people even know about the The Game Awards itself, probably less than 5% of gamers. I only herd of about it this year because Push Square mentioned it.
Easiest one was the Best Accessibility Features = The Last of Us Part II. Whatever you think of the game its accessibility features were incredible and should be then benchmark other studio's copy so that more people can enjoy games.
@Kirbyboy92 Maybe you misunderstood but to clearer, in online communities there is a division because that's where you get people discussing games etc, but these communities like this one are probably less than 5% of people who buy and play games. To the general wider public as with the majority of games whats said and happens in online communities like this is never seen or known about. Things like metacritic as well a lot of people never even herd of it and that why its review score has no impact on its sales either.
If there was some big divide we would not be seeing over 80% reviews on amazon uk being 5 stars and that's verified purchases.
@Texan_Survivor It didn't divide the TLOU fan base in any shape or form, it may appear that way from the discussion in online communities etc but these only make up a fraction of game playing public out there. In reality most people take very little notice of whats said online for any game. Most people that purchased the TLOU2 liked it.
@ApostateMage still happy about this update after what they done with daily challengers and silly price some of stuff is now. I had my streak at 78 days but not played it at all since they stopped that.
pretty clear what their plan was for this, Introduce the new standalone Online only version priced at $5 to entice new players with some new content locked be hind gold bars. Then also reduce every method of making gold in the game so much to make it as difficult as possible so that that they can't afford any of the additional content to effectively force them into buying gold bars by locking things behind gold bars.
Not surprising and well deserved. More people liked it than disliked it as shown when it won the vote on this site for favourite game of 2020 so far beating GoT, on Amazon UK 84% of the reviews are 5 Star reviews.
Watch it arrive the same time as the VRR for the X900H TV, they probably left it off because they didn't have a TV ready with VVR.
Seems that a lot of items on the PS5 were not ready but they had to launch so xbox did not have an advantage, so they've got it out the door with basic items needed to play games and then be patch and fix the rest later.
Comments 263
Re: The Last of Us 2 Celebrates First Anniversary with New Merch
That people are still debating this game a year on tells you something.
Re: Poll: Did E3 2021 Suck?
MS was good, Fora Horizon 5 was the stand out looked good fun and the environment is really detailed. Not surprising that DF were praising it so much. Do like Flight Simulator. While Nintendo is not really my cup of tea they showed a lot of games coming this year and ones a lot people are looking forward to so they were good to.
From what Ninja Theory just said and showed looks like Hellblade 2 is way off, said the main actress has been training for 2 years for the combat!
Re: Assassin's Creed Valhalla Update 1.2.2 Gigantic Patch Notes Revealed
That is one long list, although can't complain I didn't have too many issues with the game. Maybe the shooting arrows from horse should have always been in the game.
Re: Reaction: Xbox Game Pass Is the Thorn in PS5's Side
@Col_McCafferty wouldn't count Rockstar as good developer anymore, they hardly make any games anymore. And based on how bad their support is for red dead online which is still bug ridden and badly supported and everything they add or change now is aimed at new players and driving them to buy in game currency by putting things behind paywalls.
Re: Reaction: Xbox Game Pass Is the Thorn in PS5's Side
@Dezzy70 seen a few series s consoles available but the series X sells out as fast as the PS5 doesnin the UK, game, Amazon, shop to etc never have them in stock.
Re: Bethesda's Starfield Will Not Release on PS5, PS4
Outer Worlds 2 looks exclusive to Xbox as well, and they had Xbox console exclusive before the new A Plagues Tale games.
Re: Bethesda's Starfield Will Not Release on PS5, PS4
November 22, looks like it's only on series X and s and pc.
Re: Reaction: Partnerships Show PlayStation Empowering Creators, And Avoiding an Acquisition War
@lacerz but if I did have a series X and game pass and my PS4 that's still getting all the big Sony exclusives I care I about wouldn't miss anything.
Re: Reaction: Partnerships Show PlayStation Empowering Creators, And Avoiding an Acquisition War
@lacerz what you said makes no sense, why would only one item??
Re: Reaction: Partnerships Show PlayStation Empowering Creators, And Avoiding an Acquisition War
@lacerz you do realise people have different tastes and just because somebody says it's hit doesn't mean I'll like it, I only care about tlou, gow and horizon and they all on PS4 still the rest I don't care about, so far there is no exclusive ps5 games I want to play.
Re: Reaction: Partnerships Show PlayStation Empowering Creators, And Avoiding an Acquisition War
Well if you have a PS4, now that you don't need a Ps5 to play any of the worth while Sony exclusives, the smart choice is get a series X for the Bethesda stuff and all the cross platform games and use the PS4 for the Sony exclusives.
Re: Xbox Head Targets Sony for Not Launching Games Day and Date on PC
He has a point though you should never have to pay more than once for a game, but if you all seem happy to have Sony try milk you for every cent they can by having you buy the games multiple times. FFVI being a primary example.
Re: Assassin's Creed Valhalla Update Planned for Ubisoft's E3 Show
I enjoyed it, not the best game ever and not the worst, didn't get too many bugs only the you have to be anonymous one. But I only had the std version and I can't justify paying another 20 to 30 for the season pass for the expansion.
Re: Much of Horizon Forbidden West Development, Playtesting Done on PS4
Sounds like they have made getting around the much world easier, allowing you to climb anything then get down easily with the glider.
They do like that Hero Light.
Re: UK Sales Charts: Good Week for Sony as PS5 Stock Boosts Spider-Man
Must be a sad and miserable life to feel the need to still be whining and complaining about a game 12 months on.
Re: Horizon Forbidden West Mesmerises in 14 Minute Gameplay Sequence
Still top of my list. Those elephant machines are straight out of the lord of the rings return of the king movie.
Re: PS Now Has a Respectable 3.2 Million Subscribers
@Dezzy70 To the general gaming population game pass is great option.
At work we noticed the those of us that play games normally have a PS and the the people that don't play games but have kids all have Xboxs because of games pass having all the games their kids play, and when they can get 3 years of it for same price as 3 years of PS+ its a no brainier for them.
Re: The Last of Us 2 PS5 Patch Out Now, Adds 60FPS Option
@H38 no it was a locked 30fps before this patch.
Re: The Last of Us 2 PS5 Patch Out Now, Adds 60FPS Option
@Old-Red enjoy, I found grounded to be the best game experience. I need to try complete a perma death run though, not full game though by episode.
Re: Lewis Hamilton, Max Verstappen, and Charles Leclerc Are the Cover Stars for F1 2021
@Muttt Those were already there, think they added them in the 2020 version last year.
Re: Dreamy PS5 Controller Colours Cosmic Red, Midnight Black Announced
Wouldn't mind if they just copied the Xbox design lab, they could include the console plates as well.
Re: Dreamy PS5 Controller Colours Cosmic Red, Midnight Black Announced
Red one is more expensive, £65?
Re: The Last of Us 3 Story Outline Has Been Written, Says Neil Druckmann
@Exlee300p Well BAFTA, IGN hardly small and it won them fair and square, the NPD data is there and confirmed, and the Amazon verified purchase data is there showing 80% liked the game enough to give it 5 stars, confirmed data proving most people that played it liked it.
Re: The Last of Us 3 Story Outline Has Been Written, Says Neil Druckmann
@Exlee300p NPD data showed it outsold GoT in 2020, just correcting your miss information.
Also your statement that most people didn't like it is also miss information, its won far far more gamer or readers choice awards than any other game like the recent recent BAFTA or the Official PS Blog awards. To be exact it has received 195 Media GOTY awards and 108 Readers GOTY awards.
if so many people dislike it how do you explain that on Amazon for verified purchases over 80% are reviews of 5 stars?
Re: The Last of Us 3 Story Outline Has Been Written, Says Neil Druckmann
@wiiware well it is always in Amazons top 50 in the UK and over 80% of the reviews there are 5 stars so most people who play it like it as proven when UK gamers recently voted it BAFTA game of the year.
In the US it was the best selling PS exclusive of 2020.
Re: The Last of Us 3 Story Outline Has Been Written, Says Neil Druckmann
@wiiware sorry to burst your bubble again but its still selling in the markets where sales matter to Sony.
Re: E3 2021 Confirmed for June, Sony Nowhere to Be Seen
Wasn't Sony's last E3 where they had the TLOU2 barn and then moved everyone to the GOT style theatre, both with live music?
Re: UK Sales Charts: Just Two PS5, PS4 Games Make the Top 10 This Week
@rpg2000 was about to say the same. Have always thought the switch would have more as physical cartridge sales than digital.
Re: NASCAR, F1 Speed into Rocket League Season 3 Next Month
@TrueAssassin86x that doesn't really make sense, 1 death in F1 since 1994, Senna and Ratzenberger deaths.
Re: Sony Wins Many BAFTA Awards, But Hades Takes Game of the Year
@Vyns On this one the EE Game of the Year was the player voted category. Best Game was the one voted by Bafta.
Re: Mini Review: Hunting Simulator 2 (PS5) – An Unexpectedly Tranquil Excursion
@nessisonett Hunting is not the issue, its poaching that is the issue.
Hunting maybe not nice and many people don't like it but is it is a necessary evil. People in 1st world countries need to understand that 3rd world countries can hardly feed them selves let alone worry about conservation and anti poaching, so in lot of cases they have had to turn to hunting as way to to fund these. The Anti Poaching units in Matusadona are 100% funded by hunting and have helped increase amount of animals. Programs like Camp Fire which gives a % of proceeds to local villagers has prevented a lot poaching and snaring because those animals now have a value to local villagers and not just the thing that eats and destroys their crops and they now help protect them. Namibia has used hunting proceeds for conservation and helped push their elephant population from 7500 to over 20000.
I'm not a fan of it but if helps save more animals then I can live with it.
Re: Over Half of Players Completed Ghost of Tsushima's Campaign
@Col_McCafferty does the epilogue count towards completing RDR2 story line though, people might not complete that?
Re: PS5 DualSense Drifting Triggers Class Action Lawsuit
Guessing if they did win, Sony would just pass the costs onto consumers in some form.
Re: 67 Per Cent of UK Game Sales Were Digital Last Year
I've started going Digital more and more as using discounted PS Store top up cards is sometimes working out almost the same or cheaper than physical games, and when on a discount in the PS Store its an even bigger saving.
Re: UK Sales Charts: Assassin's Creed Valhalla Grabs Christmas Number One, Cyberpunk 2077 Slips to Third
Really enjoyed AC Valhalla so far there have been some minor bugs about 3 times that stopped me completing a quest in 50hours of play. I had to restart the game to fix it, but when it's loading back up fast on ps5 its.
All I'll say for the TLOU2 is I enjoyed it and don't really care if anyone else disliked it.
Re: The Last of Us 2 Dominates Biggest Ever PS Blog Game of the Year Poll
@Exlee300p strange because it's never left the top 40 best selling PS4 items on Amazon and more than 80% of verified purchase reviews on Amazon are 5 star.
If tanked it would not be the 5th best selling game of 2020 and the best selling PS exclusive of 2020 as shown in the NPD data.
Re: The Last of Us 2 Dominates Biggest Ever PS Blog Game of the Year Poll
Well deserved and not surprising when actual people that played the game vote.
Very small percentage of people dislike it, if you look at amazon reviews over 80% of verified purchase reviews are 5 stars.
Re: Poll: What Is Your PS5 and PS4 Game of the Year 2020?
TLOU2, AC Valhalla, Sackboy, Astro playroom and last one to Fall guys
Re: The Last of Us 2 Sweeps The Game Awards, Wins Game of the Year
@TheArt If you look at google trends its suggests not many people even know about the The Game Awards itself, probably less than 5% of gamers. I only herd of about it this year because Push Square mentioned it.
Re: The Last of Us 2 Sweeps The Game Awards, Wins Game of the Year
Good Going Naughty Dog, and glad Laura Bailey won as she did an incredible job.
They will have to give Druckman another promotion
Re: Where to Buy PS5 Search Query Beats Out Toilet Paper, Face Masks on Google
Top Search in the UK for delivery was Afternoon tea delivery
Re: PS Blog Wants to Know About Your Favourite PS5, PS4 Games of 2020
Easiest one was the Best Accessibility Features = The Last of Us Part II. Whatever you think of the game its accessibility features were incredible and should be then benchmark other studio's copy so that more people can enjoy games.
Re: Ghost of Tsushima and The Last of Us 2 Battle for Player's Voice Win at The Game Awards
@Kirbyboy92 Maybe you misunderstood but to clearer, in online communities there is a division because that's where you get people discussing games etc, but these communities like this one are probably less than 5% of people who buy and play games. To the general wider public as with the majority of games whats said and happens in online communities like this is never seen or known about. Things like metacritic as well a lot of people never even herd of it and that why its review score has no impact on its sales either.
If there was some big divide we would not be seeing over 80% reviews on amazon uk being 5 stars and that's verified purchases.
Re: Ghost of Tsushima and The Last of Us 2 Battle for Player's Voice Win at The Game Awards
@Texan_Survivor It didn't divide the TLOU fan base in any shape or form, it may appear that way from the discussion in online communities etc but these only make up a fraction of game playing public out there. In reality most people take very little notice of whats said online for any game. Most people that purchased the TLOU2 liked it.
Re: Ghost of Tsushima and The Last of Us 2 Battle for Player's Voice Win at The Game Awards
TLOU2 easy choice for me, I found GoT a bit repetitive and lost interest after after act one.
Re: Red Dead Online Gets Standalone Version From Next Week
@ApostateMage still happy about this update after what they done with daily challengers and silly price some of stuff is now. I had my streak at 78 days but not played it at all since they stopped that.
pretty clear what their plan was for this, Introduce the new standalone Online only version priced at $5 to entice new players with some new content locked be hind gold bars. Then also reduce every method of making gold in the game so much to make it as difficult as possible so that that they can't afford any of the additional content to effectively force them into buying gold bars by locking things behind gold bars.
Re: The Last of Us 2 Sweeps The Golden Joysticks with Five Awards
Not surprising and well deserved. More people liked it than disliked it as shown when it won the vote on this site for favourite game of 2020 so far beating GoT, on Amazon UK 84% of the reviews are 5 Star reviews.
Re: PS5 Controller Not Charging in Rest Mode - How to Fix DualSense PS5 Controller Charging Issue
I don't use rest mode and just recharge while playing when needed, using a 3m cable to reach and works great.
Re: Assassin's Creed Valhalla (PS5) - Next-Gen Upgrade Is One of the Best Games in the Series
Enjoying this so far, got mine of shopto for £48.
No bugs or issues, but is the controller light supposed to be off in game?
Re: A PS5 Firmware Update Will Add VRR Support in the Future
Watch it arrive the same time as the VRR for the X900H TV, they probably left it off because they didn't have a TV ready with VVR.
Seems that a lot of items on the PS5 were not ready but they had to launch so xbox did not have an advantage, so they've got it out the door with basic items needed to play games and then be patch and fix the rest later.