Comments 27

Re: Game of the Year: #3 - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (PS4)


This is depressing, i mean rocket league is really good but not a chance facing witcher, bloodborne is really great but still, i think witcher should be in the first place, then bloodborne, then rocket league. Oh n i sold my fallout 4, i don't think it deserve a place in the first 5 top games ever.

Re: PS4 Exclusives Dominate The Game Awards' Most Wanted


To be honest Quantum Break is one of the main reasons i got an xbox one, but Horizon is going to be the winner no doubt, it's amazing, am patiently waiting for it. No man sky n uncharted 4 are great for sure, but i think that Horizon with it's "horizon", it will be on the top.

Re: Round Up: PES 2016: Pro Evolution Soccer PS4 Reviews Hit the Back of the Net


I got pes 2016 yesterday, and will get fifa 2016 in the next three days, am a fifa fan, but imo pes did a great job this time in the graphics and game play, i find it a bit different because am used to fifa style but even though pes gets u addicted, it felt a bit slow n the players were not that flexible but when i raised the game speed everything was great.