Comments 11

Re: Play the Worst Ratchet & Clank on PS5, PS4 with PS Plus Premium


My biggest issue with that generation of handheld spin off releases from the main consoles is the same issue I had with Uncharted on the Vita. They're not made by naughty dog or insomniac etc... so therefore never really had that level of talent behind them. Just felt like watered down copies to me. I didn't hate it when I played it all the way back then but I think it was more the novelty of having a R&C title on something handheld back then.

Re: PS5 Is UK's Best-Selling Console in November 2020


Well I'm absolutely loving mine - feels way more next gen than was expecting what with the controller and such. Curious if anyone else feels like PS VR games are running much better than Pro, it could be my imagination but everything seems way less grainy using PSVR on a PS5, anyone else notice this?