Comments 1,383

Re: Poll: Did You Buy GTA Trilogy?


Im on to vice city now and enjoying more than i ever have. Played the ps4 version last month and couldn't get into it. Not having that problem this time. I just wanted better graphics and smoother controls and i got that and more.

High expectations can be a bitch!

Re: GTA Vice City's Fan PS Vita Port Pitted Against Nintendo Switch Remaster


Right, either it doesnt look any different or theyve completely ruined the aesthetic. Which one is it? The game looks great!

My gripe is with the slowdown which seems to happen in the same place every time, which means it is loading. On ps5 i should be seeing NOTHING slow down when it comes to loading!

Apart from that and the ultra aggressive police getting me down im really enjoying it.

Re: GTA Trilogy Patches and Updates Already in the Works for PS5, PS4


@ATaco Its called a smoko break. And if you stopped @ing me i wouldnt even be on here. Im trying to watch young sheldon. Im not apologizing for anyone. Im sticking up for the work grove street games has done, you lot seem to be over looking it to fit your weird agenda. Its not perfect at all and it needs a patch or two but it is a far superior product to the og's, but im only talking about the ps5 version. I can't speak for the other ports as ive not played them.

Re: GTA Trilogy's PS5 Framerate Analysed, And It Ain't Pretty


@GREGORIAN best you got? Like ive said before, i don't like rockstar in its current state and dont think gta has a future. These games have had alot of work done to them and the npcs have been changed or not, deliberately.

Nobody owes you anything mate. If it wasn't for grove street games we would still be playing the abominations that are the og trilogy, so maybe if anything, show a bit of gratitude daft lad.

Or if you aren't happy with it just say meh and move on instead of crying and insulting like a petulant child.

Re: GTA Trilogy Patches and Updates Already in the Works for PS5, PS4


@ATaco Ive already said it had framerate issues and the rain needs sorting out. My copies aren't perfect but they are far from deserving of the reaction It has gotten. Its fake outrage. Its ridiculous. Take some time off of the internet and actually play some games.

Its ironic to me that its the same two people crying at me to shut up about £70 games are now asking to be able to moan in peace.

Re: GTA Trilogy Patches and Updates Already in the Works for PS5, PS4


@ATaco There is no chance of that ever happening so i was never worried about that. You haven't paid for anything so really you've got nothing to complain about. You haven't played it so how can you complain without any first hand experience?

Are you being influenced by one of those nasty people in youtube?

Re: Hands On: Is the GTA Trilogy Really That Bad on PS5, PS4?


They're nowhere near as bad as people are making out and i went back on og gta 3 last night, to make sure i wasn't going mad and i am right! Anyone saying these look the same or worse haven't played the og's in a very long time. They are shocking. Grove street have done a good job (framerate aside) and it will take more than a few karens on here to change my mind.

Re: GTA Trilogy's Inevitable Backlash Is Already Brewing


@TheDudeElDuderino Clown. I can't stand the current rockstar, i think their output is ridiculously slow and now lazlow and dan howser have left i think gta has no future, but these games were made at their prime and i believe grove street have done a good job. I dont feel pain in my eyes while playing anymore and that is worth 55 smackers alone.

Re: Here's the Obligatory GTA Trilogy PS5, PS4 Bugs and Glitches Compilation


They certainly are still rockstar games through and through but i love them all the same. San andreas is one of my all time favs and its never been perfect but you're right. Grove street need to get on the frame rate more than anything else. Personally that is all that needs sorting though as now im playing the missions, the slowdown has kicked up a notch.

Re: GTA Trilogy's PS5 Framerate Analysed, And It Ain't Pretty


@Flaming_Kaiser Most people dont let a game get to them like that. Unless they have a grudge. And the npc's where never pretty. It a tad racist but the two guys are meant to look beady, just like candy sux is meant to look like a meff. These arent remakes they are remasters of really poor looking games. Framerate issues aside (which im hoping is an easy fix) theyve done a stella job of modernising the game without losing its character.

The music disappeared 7 years ago so any outrage now is ridiculous.

Re: GTA Trilogy's PS5 Framerate Analysed, And It Ain't Pretty


Dave chappelle was right about this gen being the worst to entertain ever! A few framerate drops (that I haven't experienced at 1080p or are that slight i can't notice them) and its the worst remaster ever made. Just look at the actual work that they have put in. Its unreal!

Hater gonna hate though while they are rubbing their hands together for saints row in feb.

Re: GTA Trilogy's Inevitable Backlash Is Already Brewing


@Juanalf there is nothing wrong with the game i am playing. I'm 100% satisfied. I feel like im playing it for the first time again, but better! Like ive said im playing 3 now, vice city next, so by the time i get to san andreas it will hopefully be sorted.

Re: GTA Trilogy's Inevitable Backlash Is Already Brewing


Ive just collected all 31 hidden packages in portland (until the bridge opens) and put out 50 fires (earned me over 300k) and it is buttery smooth so either ive got a magic playstation or i can't tell when it slows down.

Either way, im laughing and this is exactly what i wanted. I am playing gta 3 though so that might be a different story.

Re: GTA Trilogy's Inevitable Backlash Is Already Brewing


Ive got no interest in what the npc's look like. From my hideout in Portland i can see the alley with the pay and spray in staunton, and cars driving past it. That was special and why would you want the fog? Are you trolling?

Have you all changed the settings to performance mode as mine was in fidelity mode by default.

And id just like to add, apart from the odd visual glitch around lamposts and the rain not looking very good. I think theyve done a great job and it feels great to play.

Re: GTA Trilogy's PS5, PS4 Soundtracks Missing Songs from PS2 Originals


@fR_eeBritney I haven't seen that documentary. I was talking about the multiple pay offs before that. There is no seperating the artist from the art. Thats just your way of coping with liking what they did before you found out.

There has been no change since 2014 and yet people are going mad now? Fake outrage and its boring.