Comments 212

Re: PSN Data Says Foamstars' Future Is Bleak, Just Two Months After Release


Good. The more Live Service Games that die out the better.
Perhaps Sony will then finally get it through their thick skull that people don't want them. At all.

Singleplayer has always been Sony's strongest suit (Last of Us, Spider Man, God of War.. hell, even R&C Rift Apart's story was great). Not this live service crap.

EDIT: Apparently Foamstars isn't exclusive to the PS5.. Odd. Oh well, my point still stands haha

Re: Talking Point: What's Your Favourite PS5 Game of 2024 So Far?


None, unfortunately. I'm none too pleased with Sony right now, so I won't be getting any new games from them - not until they make another Ratchet&Clank, Uncharted or Infamous games.. Or, you know, anything that ISN'T a generic open world experience of cinematic JRPG.

That said, I do plan on getting Trails Through Daybreak and YS X later this year for the system

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 523


I got unfortunately spoiled on a big event for FF7R, so I'm going to put that off until I forget about it... if ever. So instead, I started YS VIII Lacrimosa of Dana again. Still a fantastic JRPG and pretty much perfect aside from a slow start. Otherwise, i'm also still playing Mass Effect Legendary Edition. I literally cannot stop playing this lmao!

Re: Older Live Service Titles Take Up Over 60% of Overall Playtime, Report Says


See? This is why I keep saying.. DO NOT TURN SINGLEPLAYER GAMES IN LIVE SERVICE GAMES. It. does. not. work.
Really wonder how long it'll take before these knuckleheads finally get it through their thick skulls that people play Live Service that were either optional (in the case of GTA Online) or actually brand new and not tied to an already existing franchise (like Fortnite)

Maybe I'm sounding a bit hot headed here, but I'm personally extremely offended by companies that turn a beloved single player mascot like Crash bandicoot into a live service type of game.. Nobody will remember Crash Team Rumble in ten years time, nobody. Meanwhile, Crash 4 It's About Time will still be talked about years from now (if mostly because of how difficult it is, but still!)

Re: Rumour: Sony to Host Big PlayStation Event Next Month



Yeah, I see what you mean. Personally, I'd love to see them make another Infamous game, or Gravity Rush/Knack.. something that ISN'T open world or JRPG.

Though I will have to admit that I'm currently playing FF7R and that one is really good.. though one of the major events in the game did get spoiled for me :/

Re: Rumour: Sony to Host Big PlayStation Event Next Month


@Specky I sincerely agree with that statement 100%. Weird is, though, that Nintendo games still have that spark that they did 20-30 years ago (Kirby Forgotten Land, Super Mario Wonder.. even Zelda Tears of the Kingdom).. Sony and Microsoft games have lost that spark completely. It's all generic open world/action games nowadays and it makes me sad to be honest.