Comments 212

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 542


@Kraven Oh my goodness, i'm so sorry to hear that.. Sorry for your loss I lost my dad three years ago. I can imagine the extreme pain.. but YS VIII is an excellent game to keep yourself occupied. I do have one tip though, something that really helped me: Making a photo album of your loved one and maybe add some personal text in there too. It's a really good diversion to handle the pain and grief.. at least it was for me

Re: Dragon Age: The Veilguard Opening Will Make Inquisition's Finale Look 'Like a Minor Inconvenience'


@Radekbejbl1 So let me get this straight: If companies DON'T talk about their games they don't have faith in it according to you people online (Which makes somewhat sense), but now that a company (Bioware in this case) IS talking alot about their game, suddenly they don't have faith in it either?? Seems contradictory.. though Bioware's words aren't doing them any favor either, I'll admit that much. On the other hand, they seem really excited for this one to be played by everyone online and all you lot do is just ***** on it, again and again.

I literally can't with people online. What a bunch of sour hypocrites. It's not just on here either; it's everywhere.
Social media - and comment sections - should really just be banned or removed.

Re: Poll: Are You Sick of Soulslike Games?


Not at all. I don't play them, but I can see why they're so popular.

No, if there IS something i'm sick off is these stupid live service games. Most of the time they either: Don't work well at all and are unsuccesfull.. or they ARE succesfull but then are quickly forgotten weeks after launch. People really should stop making these types of games. Almost nobody cares and nobody will remember them 10-20 years from now, unlike games like The Witcher 3 or Zelda Breath of the Wild which were both created with love and passion.. unlike these ***** live service games.

Re: Poll: What Are Your Summer Gaming Habits?


If anything, I play more in the summer; I absolutely HATE the heat, the bugs and the big amounts of people everywhere.. So I usually stay indoors, out of the sun, where it's cooler thanks to my AC.

I can't wait until Summer is over. Such an awful, awful season. Hugely overrated too. I can't take anyone seriously that says it's their favourite or when they say that 25+ celcius is ''great''

Re: Nudity Confirmed for Dragon Age: The Veilguard: 'This is a Mature RPG'


Love how my comment got removed for stating the obvious. These people just don't get over their hate for this game. Having an opinion is fine - just expressing it EVERY time a new article pops up?

You know what, fine - two can play at that game. How about I'll just comment how they don't give it a new chance and need to open their eyes instead of blindly hating. The good way.. or the harsh way <3

Nice weekend everyone!