Comments 212

Re: Best Uncharted Games


Uncharted 3 is by far the weakest of the franchise. Weak storytelling, weak story, weak characters... Oh, and don't get me started on that ***** ass ending too. The Atlantis of the Sands deserved better.

Re: PS5, PS4's New PS2 Emulator Fails to Pass Tech Test


@JohntheRaptor No, it's really not. Especially compared to the PS4; In the three years I had the console I've only had two games I really liked.. Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart and Hogwarts Legacy. None of the other titles appeal to me or I found enjoyable. Meanwhile, on the PS4 I loved:
Uncharted, Sly Cooper, Gravity Rush, Knack, Mass Effect LE, and many other titles. The PS5 is lacking in variety imo. However, this is probably slightly solved with the release of Astro Bot in September.

Re: PlayStation Likely to Go All-Digital By PS7, Analyst Predicts


@Intr1n5ic Haha yeah? You really, honestly think so?
The Stadia.. failed.
The Playstation Portable GO.. failed.
The Xbox Series S... pretty much heading the same way.

All three of them were/are digital only and completely failed; if you actually believe a full on digital console will actually be succesfull, then.. yikes. Major, major yikes.

Re: Unsurprisingly, There Seems to Be a New Tales Game in Development


It was my first Tales.. and I really, really did NOT like the characters at all; especially the snotty little princess.. What was her name again? Shirone or something? I couldn't stand Alphen either, or the son of that mercenary. The girl with the owl was cute, though, and the battle system was pretty good too. Story and characters wise... yeah, not really.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 534


I'm almost done with YS VIII Lacrimosa of Dana (Still best JRPG of all time for me).. and probably going to start Atelier Ryza for the first time. I've never played this franchise before, so i'm curious to see how it'll go.
Also still playing Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. Just unlocked SSJBlue!

Re: Sony Is Allegedly Pulling PSVR2 Funding, Report Claims


Not really surprising. Sony is known to just ditch projects/franchises/hardware. I'm still astonished that people seem to think Sony/Playstation is at their best currently when they're clearly the weakest link out of the big three.
Microsoft needs to stop sacking studios as well, but they have the advantage of a massive backwards compatibility library and the best controller of all three systems.

Nintendo easily dominates the gaming market right now; denying this is just setting yourself up for failure and ignorance

Re: Poll: So, What Are Your Thoughts on Dragon Age: The Veilguard?


Unlike most people, I'm actually not dumb or childish enough to immediately write it off; its art style will take some time getting used too, and yes some of the gameplay sections can be questionable.. but we won't know that until we actually PLAY it, right? So yeah, I think it's quite funny - and pathetic - that people are already complaining this much, saying stuff like ''Bioware is officially dead'' or ''This does disgustingly alot like Fortnite" We've grown so entitled, so selfish and so greedy as a community... One of the main reasons I stopped using social media. People just can't seem to stop the negativity, and the moment someone says something positive that most other people hate.. the positive one gets swarmed by the negative ones. It's truly outrageous to be honest, but nothing to be done. These kinds of people... truly have no life.

Of course, there are also people who have legitimate concerns about the game; i'm not dismissing them, as concerns ARE valid in some aspects. However.. people first of all need to give it a chance, at the very least, before deciding a game is ''ultimate trash''.

Re: Sonic X Shadow Generations Looks Legit on PS5, PS4


@LikelySatan Haha I understand that though; 06 is.. kind of weird in a way. It has alot of great playable characters, a fantastic soundtrack, empty but kind of fun open world to explore.. But then there are the glitches, horrible story and loading times to contend with. However - I still vastly prefer this over almost any modern Sonic game after Generations, where it's JUST Sonic playable and has some of the worst writing i've seen in gaming, even more so than 06 (Lost World, Boom, Forces, Superstars..) and it didn't get better until they fired these two buffoons that wrote all of the ''stories'' starting with Colors. Ironically, writers should become BETTER with time.. These two (Pontac and Graff I believe their names are) became far, far worse.. which is the reason I almost left the franchise too. However, with Frontiers we've entered a brave new world with the Sonic comic writer (Ian Flynn) now entering the fray. Here's hoping all will go well from here.. but one more massive mistake (Like Forces), and I think i'll exit the franchise too.. permantely.

Will still enjoy the older titles, obviously!

Re: Sonic X Shadow Generations Looks Legit on PS5, PS4


@LikelySatan Yeah, that's what most people say. Thank goodness I usually think the opposite what people think.. I think it's hilarious how people say Lost World and Forces are ''not that bad'' when they definitely are. And FAR worse than even Sonic 06 too.. aside from some minor glitches and perhaps an unneccesary dumb plot , that game is not that bad.

Re: Sonic X Shadow Generations Looks Legit on PS5, PS4


@Telepole506 "Some people" Literally.. who? Comments on Youtube, I presume? Because I have never, EVER hear people say the downfall of Sonic started with Adventure 2. If anything, people claim it happend with Heroes or 06
(Actual truth answer is with Lost World though).

Re: Preview: Astro Bot on PS5 Could Be the Best 3D Platformer This Side of Nintendo


@Mustoe Probably not. Playstation gamers (unfortunately) tend to play only ''mature and cool'' games like God of War and Spider Man. They think games like Littlebigplanet and Astro Bot are too childish for them.. ALOT of them think that way; that's why games like Knack, Gravity Rush and even Sly Cooper are no longer around.. Because the sheeple only care for the ''biggest and most beautiful'' games.

They don't appreciate small games anymore

Re: Preview: Dragon Age: The Veilguard Leans Hard into Companions, Choices, and Consequences


It looks really good - don't understand why it gets so much hate from the Internet Babies, but I don't really care either. These people have nothing better to do and are just angrily waiting for a thing to hate on - in this case it's Dragon Age..

Anyway, what a bold move to kill off Bianca! She was kind of a bitch to us in Inquisition and was WAY too reckless.. but she was also Varric's love interest. Yeah, wow.. I have a feeling her death will make Varric angry and reckless and that he will be in some serious peril down the line.. Can't wait for the full game to drop; will be purchasing it on both Playstation and Xbox!

Re: Reaction: You Said You Were Sick of PS5's Sad Dad Sims, So You Better Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is


Both of them, obviously! We need to support games that aren't depressing walking simulator 2.0 or another Naughty Dog remaster. I haven't bought a new mainline Sony game since I bought the PS5 itself (Four years ago now), as I really don't care for Spider Man, Stellar Blade or God of War. Hell, the PS5 is so unremarkable thus far that I struggle to list any more exclusives on it here lmao. Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart was fantastic though.

Re: Dragon Age: The Veilguard Reveal Has Utterly Torn Fan Opinion as Trailer Gets Slaughtered


@breakneck Right? I say let these people be negative - their choice, their decision. For me, I'm simply going to allow myself to be excited, as I absolutely love the art style that they used here. Unexpected, and kind of weird, but I really dig it. Still, it remains to be seen if the gameplay itself is good or not.. If people dislike that, then I understand turning away from the game.. But dissing it JUST after a first trailer? That's just plain silly - and to be honest, kind of childish too. Considering how many childish comments are left on not just Youtube but also on here worries me for the gaming community...

Re: Dragon Age: The Veilguard Reveal Has Utterly Torn Fan Opinion as Trailer Gets Slaughtered


Yeah yeah, whatever. People will bitch about everything these days; no wonder the whole industry is under immense pressure. As for myself: While I didn't expect this kind of style, I don't particularly hate it either. People are SO quick to judge, so quick to just toss it aside from a first glance. It's pathetic and childish to be honest. Now - if they don't like the gameplay that's going to be shown tomorrow that'd be another thing and I would understand that.

But for the love of the maker, don't dismiss the ENTIRE game just because you don't like the artstyle immediately. Remember: People absolutely hated Zelda Windwaker when it was first announced and now, twenty years later, is one of the most beloved Zelda games out there. Just saying. I hate modern gamers.. We've become so monstrously entitled, arrogant and just plain hostile towards not just each other but to gaming companies as well. Something needs to change.
I'm definitely picking DA: TVG up when it releases.