Comments 188

Re: Ace Combat 7 Opening Movie Has All the Cheesy Dialogue You Could Hope For


let me know when you guys have anything other to say about ace combat besides "corny story" "cheesy dialogue" which seems to be your main headline / talking point for every article and proceed to play it off as a complement. I'm sure if the dialogue had some vulgar language and swearing you would rate it higher.

They fact that you can't write about any of the other aspects of an ace combat game of which there are many, says it all. You can't because you don't know what you are talking about, you have no clue what fans appreciate and like about ace combat. A review by someone who doesn't like, understand, show enthusiasm or appreciates flight games is hardly a fair review, flight games are not everyone's cup of tea.

Re: Fly Through Two Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown Missions


Please don't take this as a personal attack, every one is entitled to their own opinion but please stop trying to give the impression that you understand the ace combat series because you clearly don't. Nothing but insults disguised as complements. Every game series has it's own DNA, fans don't play Ace Combat because the music is cheesy, they play for the story /strangereal universe lore, characters, super weapons / boss battles, real world and fictional aircraft, good music and gameplay as a whole.

Megalith Agnus Dei is one of many EPIC OST's of the Ace combat games.

Re: Spider-Man PS4 Toggles Vocal Takes Depending on Hero's Exertion


Being a huge audiophile this is something I notice allot of games don't bother doing and it really breaks the immersion for me, wish more devs on the audio team would do this. Especially when a character is running, sprinting, climbing or in the middle of combat it's so jarring. The character's dialog doesn't match what they are doing at all. Well done Insomniac Games!!!

Re: Days Gone Uses Realism to Up the Sense of Tension


What's wrong with a bit of RPG style resources management? It's impossible to please everyone, no game ever can or will please everyone. The last of us weapons broke as well, metal pipes and 2x2 timber, and we had limited ammo / resources, still a good game.

Many gamers want games to get better or be better than the previous game in a series but they don't want the game to change, they want something fresh yet they want more of the same, it's dumb. Assassins creed origins is a great game all the changes were for the better, God of war, also a great game all of it's changes were also for the better.

Stop complaining just because you can, just for the sake of complaining, wait till you play the game then you'll have some informed opinions.

Re: Shadow of the Tomb Raider's Devs Not Worried About Spider-Man


These type of articles always bring out the ignorant fanboy/ girl types. Why not enjoy both games independently instead of feeling the need to type stupid comments as if to say your taste is superior to someone else's.

I don't have enough money for both and so I chose to buy Tomb Raider as I wouldn't consider my self a spiderman fan and I have more of a connection with tomb raider, been playing the games since 1999. If I had money for both I would definitely get spiderman as it looks like an immersive and fun game.

Re: Sony: We Need to Cater to All People, Regardless of Age, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Ethnicity, or Belief


The issue is that many people foolishly believe that disapproval automatically translates into discrimination, I still like the character (Ellie) just as I would a real human being, I don't have to agree with everyone (support and encourage) but I do have to treat everyone like I would anyone else, with LOVE (Forgiveness & Kindness).

Approval translates into Support & Encouragement; Disapproval translates into the absence of Support & Encouragement.
Discrimination is born directly out of hate not directly out of Disapproval. Unfair treatment comes from hatred! Opinions don't change facts.

When we're all dead we will fully understand how little / trivial opinions are. Creativity / Inspiration comes from many places. Not worth arguing about.

Re: E3 2018: New Ace Combat 7 Screenshots and Details Nosedive into View


@BAMozzy Ok, fair enough. I'm not in the habit of forcing others to like the things I like but I like to encourage others to give what ever it is, game, movie, tv series, a fair chance and after giving it a fair chance and they don't like it then that's their opinion and that's fine, doesn't bother me at all. What does bother me is when someone who has no personal experience with something speaks about it as though they have. Just of curiosity which ones did you play previously?

Re: E3 2018: New Ace Combat 7 Screenshots and Details Nosedive into View


For those who want to sh*t / "poke fun" all over Ace Combat, all I'll say is if you never grew up playing the original games on PS1 & PS2 then you will find it impossible to respect and appreciate this game and understand why some people actually like the series allot. When I was little I wanted to be a pilot, so Ace Combat games were an escape for me to live that dream. The original games had amazing music, characters, battles, stories, fictional planes and super weapons. There is so much more to AC than what's seen on the surface, when you play a AC game from start to finish you feel like you've truly been on a journey and like a hero. To be clear I'm referring to those who have never played AC.

Re: E3 2018: New Ace Combat 7 Screenshots and Details Nosedive into View


@BAMozzy Unfortunately you played the version of Ace Combat that's nothing like the previous games, all ace combat fans agree that is was trash. If you play the previous games I'm sure you'll have a fresh perspective. Fans of AC don't even like to mention AH lol it's that serious. Sorry your first taste of "Ace Combat" was a game that's not even Ace Combat; only holds it's name.

Re: E3 2018: Did Xbox Really Need to Copy Sony's Iconic Start Up Screen?


PlayStation is in such a strong position at the moment that they can afford to focus on 4 of their biggest upcoming games, Xbox on the other hand has been getting allot of heat from Xbox gamers more and more about the lack of AAA games so they had to come out swinging! One thing I respect them for is having a UHD Blu-ray drive in their device and supporting Dolby Atmos in games but other than that I will never give them my money because their business models are disgusting. If the PS5 won't support Dolby Atmos or have a UHD Blu-ray drive I'll still buy it for the exclusives but I'll build a PC for third party titles with Atmos support.

Re: E3 2018: Did Xbox Really Need to Copy Sony's Iconic Start Up Screen?


The Xbox division don't seem to understand the meaning of "exclusive" if I can play the game on a platform other than Xbox one it's not an exclusive! That's like if god of war was available on pc and PlayStation calling it an exclusive. Xbox is killing it self, all of their "exclusive games" can be bought or pirated online and played on PC with better hardware, graphics and user control. Having an Xbox app on windows doesn't turn it into an Xbox, it's a PC. PlayStation has apps on PC to remote play and stream games but it's not a PlayStation it's a PC.

Re: PS4 'Entering Final Phase of Its Life' Says Sony CEO


I'm ready for the next PS console, the PS4 will still be sold and supported so it's not like as soon as the PS5 releases PS4 will be dead and forgotten. There are features the PS4 don't have and at this point in time will probably never have so my hope is with the PS5.

Re: Guide: The Best 4K TVs for PlayStation 4 and PS4 Pro


For anyone serious about knowing what they are getting for their money check out Rtings reviews, forget all the manufacturer marketing hype and get the pros and cons explained fully. The next TV i purchase has to have smooth, clean gradient performance plus dolby vision. I don't plan on upgrading to a 4K TV until PS5 comes out, because then we should hopefully get true native 4K gaming and a UHD Bluray player. The top TV models right now in 2018 by that time will be allot cheaper, I plan on waiting for an amazing black friday deal. If people only knew how incredibly overpriced TV's and AVR's are... Retail VS Trade

Re: Guide: The Best 4K TVs for PlayStation 4 and PS4 Pro


I wonder how many buyers will turn on their new TV and proceed to the picture settings for calibration maybe 1% lol 99% of buyers think you buy a tv, turn it on, job done. What's the point of spending money on any TV regardless of price or resolution if you're not going to make the most out of your investment by calibrating the color, brightness, contrast ect... same goes for audio a calibrated sound system sounds miles better than one that just got taken out of the box and powered on.

Re: Grand Theft Auto V Has Made More Money Than any Other Entertainment Product Ever


GTA V & Online was fun while it lasted. Currently it has nothing for me personally, the majority of the updates are lazy, recycled crap, the only update that looked like any effort actually went in to it was the doomsday update but I sold my copy a few weeks before that released so I cant comment on that too much. Not many people talk about the issues with GTA Online only the fact that it continues to sell and continues to release free updates (even if said updates are crap that rockstar just threw together in the creator/editor) I had enough of doing the pacific standard over and over just for the sake of having money for stuff, just for the sake of having it. Rockstar introduced some really good elements to the game like, Ceo missions ect.. then crapped all over it with backwards restrictions and a forced PVP element.

Re: An Ace Combat PS4 Collection May Be Flying Our Way


If this is true THANK GOODNESS!!! That Crash Bandocoot insane trilogy remaster got many rethinking previous statements about their own remasters, money money money.... nothing like the prospect of lots of money to get people motivated huh... and on another note, I don't care what anyone thinks of me, AC6 felt like a betrayal to me, after playing AC2 & 3 on PS1 and AC4, 5 & Zero on PS2, yes it felt like a betrayal to find out AC6 was xbox only! Call me a fan boy if you want but consoles ain't cheap where I'm from, I could only afford one console not 3 or 4 at a time. It effected not only me but all AC fans at the time because PS1 & PS2 was the only way to experience the main titles in the series at the time.