Comments 468

Re: Rumour: This Year's Call of Duty Is Modern Warfare 3 for PS5, PS4


@Intr1n5ic my money is on Sledgehammer being relegated to a support studio after how bad Vanguard did. They were probably asked to put together this "Premium" DLC content that will be treated like a full release. It's likely MW2 related, a MW2 Episode 1 if you will or MW2.5, but the full release would be done by the studio that runs MW. That's infinity Ward. So I don't see this being MW3. Just doesn't make any sense. I'm sure all those other things are coming, but only becuase we always see those things every year. If anything Warzone has less to do this year becuase it isn't themed after a new release like a Cold War 2 or Infinite Warfare 2 or anything like that.

Re: Rumour: This Year's Call of Duty Is Modern Warfare 3 for PS5, PS4


Heh no. If anything it's the Uncharted Lost Legacy or Left Behind DLC or even Quest for Booty of Modern Warfare. Assuming this even exists. The rest wouldn't surprise me, but that's about as Premium as including Uncharted 4 Multiplayer with Lost Legacy. Dude's got his wires crossed. As far as we know there is no new cod this year.

Re: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor's PS5 File Size Is Ridiculous


@PenguinLtd Why would it be frustrating to someone who purchased a digital only console? The PS5 has an expansion bay for more storage. Go by some if the ~1TBish amount of storage of the PS5 isn't enough. 2TB's are cheap, 1TB and 512GB cheaper still. If you're digital, you're probably eyeballing that 4TB since you saved 100 dollars by going all digital in the first place.

146GB, not a big deal in 2023. More power to them. I just hope they put the game on two discs. After all, we didn't pay for digital, we expect your data to be on pretty coasters that we can re-install at any time once PSN goes away.

Re: Rockstar Removing PS2 Versions of GTA from PS Store


@Telekill I don't really think it makes any kind of sense honestly lol.

These are PS2 classics on a PS3. They can't be played anywhere else and the Trilogy can't be played on a PS3 either. It's like going out of your way to remove the older versions for the sake of doing so. Unless they were being charged money for having them there, I don't honestly see the point. Just leave them there. Whole point of a digital store front is that they are always accessible for those who want them. Those that want an as close to authentic experience as they can get.

Anyway not a huge deal to me, just doesn't sound like something that really is considering all the angles and simply going out of their way to mothball the PS3 for no other reason than spite. It would be like removing FF7 from the PS3/Vita/PSP store because the PS4 has the trashtastic PC Remastered version.

Re: A Big PlayStation Remake Is to Be Announced This December, Says Irish Artist AVA


A lot of pointing at Mitsuda here. Just looking at the mans schedule for the last 3 years, he hasn't had the time to revisit any of his previous works. Meanwhile a perfectly good MGS remake rumor has been floating around for much longer in conjunction with a Bluepoint acquisition. Much of what we've heard out of bluepoint has been what they are gearing up for next, nothing on what they've been working on along side Demon's Souls and the time since its release.

If you're going to speculate don't dump off the rails for a random inaccurate speculation. Especially when the rumor stems from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and not anything else Mitsuda has worked on. XC2 has a different composer, that should tell you something right there about these rumors.

Re: Talking Point: Would You Buy a PS5 Remake of The Last of Us?


I'm fearful that ND has run out of steam. They released a sequel to a game that didn't need to and in the process of doing so they made it either a controversial mess or a half bake contrived collection of poorly written scenes depending on who you ask. Most of us have moved on since TLoU and the noise over TLoU2. TLoU2 pretty much killed any excitement I have even the first game as the second one just sticks in my head. I just don't feel any reason to care about a Remake even if the transition is like Shadow of Colossus on PS4 from BluePoint.

Which begs the quest, why is ND handling this and not say BluePoint, the masters of remakes and remasters? Maybe they don't see a point in working on such a pointless project.

Seriously I'd take a Remake of Uncharted over TLoU, at least there I can understand it. Even then, I'm not really looking at games that were masters of execution and remastered once already over a new IP, new sequel, and more importantly titles that deserve or need the love more than any of ND's post Uncharted titles.

If I end up getting this, it'll likely be through PS+. Even then, htere is no guaranty I'll even take time out of my day to play it. It was worth one good play through, subsequent play throughs just really aren't worth it. It's a one and done. Unlike Uncharted.

Re: February 2021 NPD: PS5 Is Fastest Selling System in US History


"It’s now exceeded the Nintendo DS in terms of lifetime dollar sales, which is a staggering statistic really."

considering the system sold for 100 to 150 most of its life. Not all that impressed. Switch really hasn't had a price drop in 4 years. That isn't even getting into inflation and everything else involved. This is why you list unit numbers and not cash.