Comments 468

Re: Indiana Jones Game Deal Amended to Exclude PS5, PS4


@__jamiie it's not that sony wouldn't survive without cod, the difference is between surviving and being relevant. How many console gamers consider a Nintendo switch relevant to them when they can't get cod. What about beyond cod. How many Bethesda games have made a presence on switch before the acquisition and how relevant is the switch now that future Bethesda games aren't coming to it.

You kick one support out a table may still stand, kick enough out and you just have modern art. Manages to he around for something, but I guaranty you're not going to be eating dinner off that table any time soon.

That's the problem here. MS is buying big publishers, this will be the second. If they buy ubisoft, ea, square, maybe embracer group starts unloading its acquisitions like eidos/crystal dynamics. Suddenly that playing field becomes insanely hard to survive in. Nintendo has managed to remain part of the discussion, by creating a new market. For the most part sony and ms compete in the same market. Sony doesn't have the funds to start spinning up a franchise every time ms buys 20 of them up in a single go. This is not good for the industry and would cause Microsoft to have a stranglehold on how we play our games, what games we can play, and what companies we can play with. There are no options at that point. Classic Microsoft strategy, keep the competition alive just enough that they limp a long off your bread crumbs, while dictating to them what the new standards are. No gamer wants that.

Re: Ex-Apple Exec Tasked with Spearheading PlayStation's Mobile Gaming Division Has Already Left


Seems pointless to even have this division. Bringing big sony ip to phones is a bad fit. Create something new to the platform maybe, but what's the point? While there is some overlap with mobile gaming, with things like cod mobile, fortnite, and minecraft, its not really an ideal model. At best they could take their games and just straight up port them over. Use the phone as it's own mini pc. I don't play these games on my phone like a traditional mobile game. Touch screens are terrible for gaming beyond simple trinkets. So either evolve that underpowered market or stay out of it. That means trophies and making the games bigger than what mobile is known for. Even then you have to deal with the legal mess epic and others have had to deal with on iPhone and Android.

Remote play and cloud is their best options beyond that. The former already working great. So why bother with anything else.

Re: There's Growing Concern Over Persona Dev's Metaphor: ReFantazio Being an Xbox Exclusive


As far as 3rd parties go on Xbox these days. Just bet on it being timed exclusive at the very worst. I the case of persona related games, that's probably what happened here. Not the first time a release skipped playstation and swung back to playstation when atlus realizes it was a stupid idea to cut the playstation in the first place, then porting else where. I think in atlus's case it's less, "big bag of money" and more "we just don't have the resources for a simultaneous cross platform release". The latter a lot of people don't seem to understand.

I wouldn't sweat this if you're a personal fan. I'd still give ms the finger over it personal, maybe atlus too.

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Will Ship on Two PS5 Discs, Square Enix Proudly Points Out


@Matroska I highly doubt it'll be 100mb on the second disc. It wasn't that way for rebirth. Coming from a background in game development myself and working the build systems for part of my career. The team will usually try to save space some place else to get that 100mb's on to the disc. It's when you start approaching 1gig that it becomes a bit unwieldly. Then again producers suck so who knows (they have a tendency to make bad decisions like, print 1meg to a disc in order to make a deadline, instead of delaying a month).

Given Square putting so much time and energy into this, I'm guessing FF7Rebirth will be 98 gigs on one disc and 50-75 gigs on the other. They are pulling out all the stops including making the world way more open than FF7 Remake was. I would not be surprised if they ended up using 200 gigs either. At least we don't have to worry about the duplicate data problem like in the past, prior to PS3, even less so on PS5 (data duplication was less of an issue on PS3/x360, but still useful on hard drives for access times, which was half the problem with duplication prior to PS3 as opposed to the whole problem).

I'm excited either way. There was a lot going on in that trailer, They showed us as far as cosmo canyon. I believe they'll stop after cloud hands over the black materia, settling the Rebirth part of the title. Unless the rebirth has to do with the fact that the entire team is dead at the start, becuase they are the cast from the original game, our new cast has taken their place. Effectively doing an edge of time scenario like in Chrono Cross.

Re: Apparently Some People Hate the New PS5, PS4 Prince of Persia Game


@nessisonett The Marketing material is out of touch with the source material. Hip Hop (not rap) was used, which has nothing to do with the Prince of Persia. If they really wanted to market this right, they'd use more classically oriented music embeded with the type of styling and instruments for that region. So that's strike one. Ubisoft is notorious for trying to push this sort of music where it does not fit. I'd expect it from Watch Dogs, not PoP or AC. This is more "Hello Fellow Kids" than "Damn this is bangin, but no one but me is gonna appreciate it". Even if the latter was true as opposed to the former, why would you limit your audience with music that would alienate a good chunk of your user base as well as the fans who come from a very different era of music. It's tone deaf in the worst ways.

I don't know what the hell you're talking about when you use terms like "a bit icky", just say what you mean. If you can't say it, then what's the point of Free Speech and open forums? So you're going to get a response with some assumptions about what you meant as opposed to something well thought about what you actually meant. The character design is a bit out of touch. It's as bad as having Jake Gyllenhaal play the prince in the movie. Though Jake was a lot closer to what we'd expect the prince from that region to look like. Sadly I agree with the comparisons being made with the lie that is Netflix's Cleopatra. A Bunch of uneducated or indoctrinated idiots making assumptions based on bad information about how to design the character. It's insulting to the end user no matter how you shake it. Including if you're dumb enough to be ok with it. Ultimately the character looks out of place, especially amongst the rest of the cast. Only one other looks like she's on the wrong continent, so there better be a damn good explination for that (like AC Revelations, back when ubisoft had a brain in its head and not some goose steping DE&I agenda).

As far as your opinion about the series' roots. While I agree sands of time is not the series' roots. It is hte formula most people are familiar with. The classic game from the late 80's from broderbund (sorry Jordan), isn't what people think of these days when you say Prince of Persia. As it stands we have the Sands of Time and the reboot style we saw only get one game on PS3. There isn't any other expectation for what that franchise is. So I think these people are a bit grounded in their request. Though I think they should all direct their frustrations to Jordan Mechner as he owns the IP, Ubisoft is licensing it and been trying damn hard to keep that license in their possession. Same goes for the Tom Clancy games, they should be contacting the Tom Clancy estate about yanking that franchise away from ubisoft as they have been abusing it to no end. I'm not sure if it'll save splinter cell, since ubisoft may have domain over that depending on if Tom Clancy wrote books to that end with that character. I'm only really familiar with Jack Ryan my self. They've certainly taken a scorched earth strategy with that ip as much as they have with PoP.

I think if it wasn't for the marketing, the character design, and the fact that we haven't seen a mainline PoP in over a decade. I think people would have had less of a Metroid Prime Hunters reaction to this. This would have been a nice compliment in the way Metroid Fusion was to Metroid Prime.

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth PS5 Gameplay at Summer Game Fest? Nomura Promises More Soon


@Matroska there is a lot to consider with ff16. I think the three big issues it faces are the fact that the style of gameplay has shifted heavily to a more devil may cry style, which doesn't have much of an audience overlap (even I'm put off by these changes and I love action games like dmc). It ls also facing down ff15, for as well as the game did, its not a shining beacon of what to expect from the franchise and its compounded with the last single player ff before it being 13, not being lauded as a success story. FF15 was bad, I think hold outs after 13 who were hoping that Hajime Tabata could save versus 13 and give us the game we should have gotten back in 2008 as ff13 would finally arrive. Instead we got a broken mess of a game that barely resembles a final fantasy with bits and piece leaving clues about of what could have been if they hadn't chopped the game up into tiny individual cross media projects and focused on what call the area just outside of midgar. The last problem being ff14s savior isn't well known in the ff community let alone the more casual ff player who isn't aware of any of the background factors I listed above, but were still impacted by it in very negative ways.

Point I'm getting at is most people are fence sitting on this game. They aren't sure they are going to be dooped by what they are being shown and aren't sure of squares ability to deliver an action adventure game.

Not saying you're wrong, actually agreeing with you. I really think people are hyped and excited to see this game and play it, at the same time a good number of them are cautiously optimistic. I didn't even think twice about ordering the collectors edition. The reaction ff7 rebirth is getting shows people are still paying attention to the franchise. Though i wish 16 took more cues from ff7r than dmc.

Over all as it's clear at this point, I'm optimistic. I think the initial preorders will be rough, but the promise of something not openworld for once and delivering ona. Strong final fantasy story with fun gameplay might turn some heads and bring in new fans. Maybe even encourage a few of them to look back at older entries, you can almost play every ff on ps4 and 5 now. We are just missing the ff13 trilogy, revenant wings, and ff11 at this point. I'm sure we will see an ff9 remake, I would not be surprised if they play to do something with ff11 at some point.

As far as the pr. I agree mostly on them not being the best versions. 1 and 2's 20th anniversary versions on psp were better, though the boost and new functions help with ff2 a lot. FF4 complete collection is still definitive in my book and that's locked to psp also. FF3 I'm leaning towards PR being best. They fixed somethings in the ds version that were nice improvements, but oof that art style, ff3 deserved better. There is no good version of ff5, but I think I'd choose the pr even over the ps1 version. Then there is FF6, I think the opera house wins out and so does the rebalance and fixes. GBA versions were just awful, no amount of bonus content could improve those dumpster fires.

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Will Ship on Two PS5 Discs, Square Enix Proudly Points Out


Last paragraph is kind of misleading. While true Disc 1 for FF7 Remake was just installation data, but so was disc 2. You always install the game. The original PS4 version was pretty huge approaching 100 gigs in size. There was no download required either. The complete game is on that set of discs. PS5 version had 100 gig discs so it was easy to accomidate that with the ps5's compression for 4k textures.

The second disc doesn't exist to just play the game. It's just your license at that point. PS4 doesn't use discs to play any games. All discs have ever been is a means of content delivery. That hasn't changed in 100 years, we've only been requiring installs in the console space for the last 18.

Re: Meta Quest 3 Revealed as Cheaper, All-In Rival to PS5's PSVR2


@TrickyDicky99 Pretty sure both will be replaced with new technology by time PSVR3 happens. They are being used not because they are a benefit or an improvement, but rather for a cost and target form factor. It's not taking the world by storm or changing the world for the better. There are many inferior technologies in use today for that reason.

As I said. New doesn't equate to better. So your point is moot and not relevant.

Re: Here's Why You Need to Tune in to Ubisoft's E3-Style Livestream


Embracer hasn't bought them out yet? AC is a dead franchise thanks to Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla. Not sure why I should even care about Mirage, a pointless reboot attempt to return to the series' roots, but they'll just turn around again and screw us over like they did after AC3? Ya no. Not falling for that trick again.

Do not care about Avatar.

Care even less about the Crew especially after what they did to the last few entries.

BG&E2 is likely a dead game, if it isn't it should be. PoP is in development hell, which I don't even know how that happens to a remake. Ubi has no interest in releasing anymore rayman. Splinter Cell is a dead franchise, good job with that ubisoft.

What are we left with X-Junk and a thousand GaaS games no one asked for. Where's Adam Jensen when you need him.

Time we acknowledge that Ubisoft in their pursuit of AAAA GaaS games, they've become a very C tier company.

Re: Meta Quest 3 Revealed as Cheaper, All-In Rival to PS5's PSVR2


@TrickyDicky99 I disagree. On both accounts. Just because something is new, doesn't technically make it better. If it were I wouldn't be supporting two different methods of doing things at work all the damn time for two different types of work flows, even though technically they do the same thing.

Sure Fresnel lenses have their own set of problems, but so do pancake lenses, I don't feel like the trade off is worth it and I'd rather have the Fresnel lenses till the material sciences improve enough to take care of the reduced FOV and impacts to light passing through pancake lenses. Not to mention the additional issues with heat from the display, since the pancake lenses reduced the amount of distance from the face.

nothing wrong with Pancake lenses, but not my first choice and actually a con in my book.

Re: PS5's Remote Play Portable Will Allegedly Launch in November


@OrtadragoonX PSTV was an awesome bit of kit, but there was a lot I would have done differently with it lol. I did end up with 3 of them. One I bought at launch because of remote play and vita games on my tv (including PSOne). It's a solid PS1 player. The other two I grabbed when they were dumping inventory at best buy for 10 bucks. They were going for more than launch a couple of years ago. Wonder if that's still true today.

My biggest issues with it is that they didn't extend its ability, at times I felt like the Vita it's self probably could have just been docked making the whole thing pointless to have. I know the Prototypes did have TV out as a standard feature before the touch pads were added, so I'm guessing some higher up made that decision. Thanks Nintendo for bad influence. I think if they updated the Bluetooth on it and allowed it to carry more devices it would have taken the system further. Additional USB would have been great, especially adding the ability to add a USB Hard Drive support which we never got. I ended up hacking the system and putting my PSOne, PSP, and PSV library on there from the store. Before running head first into OS limitations on how much software you could have installed. The OS should have been reworked on both devices. Still baffled by why it wasn't updated to be more inline with the PS4. For a good while it was a nice remote play device till my phone took over. I'm still surprised we were restricted to 720p and 1080i, 1080p support would have been nice.

Overall I'd love something to take over those remote play duties, but if I'm going to be paying the cost of a portable game console for something to fill that void, I hope sony makes a good case for it.

Re: PS5's Remote Play Portable Will Allegedly Launch in November


@Rudy_Manchego Not to be a d***, but sounds more like a problem with your phone. Galaxy S10-S22 have had no issues. You can pair an Xbox or PlayStation controller to your phone, that's 60 bucks there. The Backbone or what ever that officially endorsed controller they have with both Xbox and PlayStation is pretty solid from what I hear. So I don't know what to think about citing bloatware and controllers, just sounds like you might need to update your phone to something new, doesn't even have to be top of the line. As I said S10s ran Remote Play fine. Though Cloud gaming. I just won't go there, its consistently trash as far as I'm concerned.

I agree the OS to let it stand on its own would be great. I'd be completely on board with that. I think overall I just want a Vita 2. Love my Vita, it just needed a few more tweaks to be perfect. Sony just keeps making stupid decisions when it comes to portables, like Nintendo level stupid where it prevents the hardware from living to its potential. PSP lacked that second analog stick, vita lacked tv out and a full Dual Shock layout in favor of that rear touch pad and rear touch screen. Vita could have been something special. Instead it got relegated to medicority. I don't think they learned their lessons here if the feature set is, bluetooth headset and remote play though Wii U Tablet over Wifi. Looks like you and I are of the same opinion that bare minimum TV out with a dock and controller support is an absolute must. Question is will Sony hear us in time

Re: PS5's Remote Play Portable Will Allegedly Launch in November


@Rudy_Manchego It'll probably be 150+. It'll likely leave everyone asking "Why not release a full handheld at that price point". I think this will turn a lot of people off. I also think many will ask why they need this over just using their phone or tablet with a controller. So I'm not sure there is a market for this. I'm interested in it, but the price is a huge question mark, since I use remote play to grind games like Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster so when I come back to the PS5 I can just play the story.

So I'd wait till sony dumps the inventory before grabbing it. We might be able to get these things for 25 or 50 dollars if it bombs as hard as the PSTV.

That being said, be prepaired to buy more than one.

Now if this thing has TV out and can dock, then let me use a Dual Sense to play, allowing me to replace my PS4's around the house. Could be worth a day one buy. So its success will likely be heavily dependent on its features.

Re: What the Hell Is Going on with The Last of Us Factions, Naughty Dog's Standalone PS5 Multiplayer Game?


Better question is what the hell is going on with naughty Dog. Studios been kind of down hill since Uncharted 4. I know U4 rated good and got tons of praise. Overall it wsan't as polished as past entries in the series. The story line clearly shifted course from its original teaser trailer and changed the nature of many of its characters to a plot line that kind of fell flat outside of Ellie and Nates relationship. I'm greatful for what it did and changing the pacing in a few areas to be something different than its 3 predecessors, but the content between kind of fell short a little. There was a lot of bad collision detection, a lot of lost features that worked great in the last 3 games like grenade toss back (why did this go away), and more. Then we got TLoU2 which was more interested in trying something everyone knew wouldn't work, that was poorly executed, and pissed off half its fan base in the process. Writing was poor as well, turning me off to the final product and not even finishing the game. Then you have this multiplayer mode floundering for years.

Then there is the fact that ND for years managed multiple games a console generation. We got 4 jak games on PS2, 4 Crash games if memory serves on PS1, 3 Uncharted + 1 out of no where game called The Last of Us on PS3, and then 2 games on PS4. What the hell happened on PS4? We're almost to the third year of PS5 and we have yet to see a new project out of ND. Just a remake of a PS3 game, talk about a multiplayer mode that is what 4 or 5 years late to the party and most people have forgotten about?

I think its time to come out and say it. Has Naughty Dog lost its mojo? Have they burned themselves out like Bioware? Has the leadership gone sour? What the hell is going on over there? Don't give me this garbage that it takes longer to release a game, when insomniac has released a game every year the PS5 has been out. Spiderman Miles Moralis, Ratchet and Clank, Spider Man 2 later this year. With the technology changing very little and the tools getting better, the detla should be improving unless ND has significant tech debt that is finally catching up to them or the creative process has been hindered in some way. Banking on The Last of Us is not something they should be doing, especially givne how the first game was a damn 11th hour miracle.

Re: Ubisoft's Open World PS5 Star Wars May Not Be in a Galaxy Far, Far Away


@MFTWrecks Ya you subscribed hard to the "Players Story" model which is what that was born out of.

You got the game they intended to make out of that aside from the busted AI, which Ubisoft honestly lacks the chops to do right. I agree on GAAS its an industry cancer.

This game will not work, star wars is strongly narrative driven. Open ended game play, especially when ubisoft does it where the toys in the sandbox they give you either don't work or are really generic and really ad dnothing to the experience, just isn't good.

I'm pretty sure any fun you had (believe me I have hard time taking anyone who says something is "fun af"), can be largely attributed to you and your friends hanging out and watching the game implode on its self. Shenanigans is good for about 2 or 3 hours, not a 40 hour campaign. You basically invested in "The players story" which was the design philosophy of ubisoft at that time. This is a stupid way to make a game as most of the time its game breaking bugs that fuel that story. If you're not creating anything in that world of any real objective, then you're just playing with a box of junk. To be fair ghost recon wildlands' box of junk isn't that fun to play with.

The game it's self is a collection of other ubisoft games slapped together. Recycled systems (that didn't work in the original games they came from) bolted together to make this game that feels uninspired and requires more work out of the player to achieve what the game should be doing by default.

This won't work for star wars. There is a reason Respawn built a fresh game from scratch on unreal instead of just slapping it on Titanfall. I say that as someone who loves titanfall 2 and the MP of Titanfall 1. Even then that wouldn't work.

Ghost recon is not a good foundation for star wars. I assure you ubisoft does not understand their own games let alone what makes them fun. What you invision doesn't even make sense. Hey Star Wars Masters of Teräs Käsi was a great idea right?

Re: Ubisoft's Open World PS5 Star Wars May Not Be in a Galaxy Far, Far Away


@MFTWrecks lol I admire your optimisim. However Ghost Recon Wildlands is an awful game, from stem to sturn. AI is garbage, the missions are generic boring trash, it suffers from the worst case of ubification if any of the Ubisoft IP released during that era.

Additionally open world is not the end all be all for game design. For star wars, "This is not the way".

I think its funny that they could to Star Wars Wildlands and then add additional planets when they had hard enough time just doing the small patch of land on a single planet.

EA/RESPAWN finally got it right. Ubisoft hasn't made a solid AAA game in almost a decade. Let alone one that works without breaking in the last 15. This will be a dumpster fire, what you're asking for is gasoline on the fire.

Re: PS5 Exclusivity Over Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake Appears Uncertain



1) Elden Ring was originally targetting last gen hardware. Not really the best case and honestly doesn't look as good as it could have had it targeted current gen. Regardless of whether or not it was on Xbox Series X.

2) All the games you listed have been impacted as well. Dead Space Remake had attention taken away from playstation to fix its issues on xbox, leading to both versions having their own unique issues.

3) "What game is held back" You just listed 2.

4) "All the games from top tier developers are running perfect." Couldn't be further from the truth. Call of Duty, pick any release, simply not the case. They aren't the only ones experiencing issues. Often times it forces them to develop for a common denominator.

5) "they're made on an engine on PC and then ported to consoles, then developers optimize games for each console." That's actually not how that process works at all. Depending on the developer not every member of the staff may have access to a PC powerful enough to even run the game. So tools maybe setup to run in tandem with console dev kits and test kits. Additionally a target platform tends to be chosen and the PC is built around that target platform and upgraded during development. So all platforms get equal attention. This leads to the lowest common denominator problem.

6) The Lowest Common Denominator problem. Made worse by parity mandates at 3rd party studios to keep first parties happy.

7) Series S is as big of a hindernece and provides some level of scalability. Projects have compromised themselves to suit the lower end CPU and GPU.

8) Xbox is also not using the same compression algorithms nor the same speed SSD. This can cause compromises as well, likely already has in the name of parity.

9) truth be told, its to early to chatting about what has been hindered just yet. We won't be feeling the consequences till later in the console generation. If more 3rd parties start opting for PlayStation and PC compatibility, cutting out the xbox, you'll know the limitations are there and developers are not willing to deal with it. So one of three things will happen, the games stop coming to xbox, the games start to become of lesser quality on xbox, or sony's game is held back to make xbox happy.

Re: PS5 Exclusivity Over Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake Appears Uncertain


The real question is, does it really matter at this point?

Seems everyone has decided the PS5 is the place to be aside from some xboxer hold outs thinking all those acquistions microsoft made will start spinning gold befroe the generation is out.

PC seems doable. Sure.

Doubt anyone will want to play a remake of MGS3 on switch. I mean sure portable. Great. Sounds good. If that was the case they could have done that with Vita, 3DS, and Steamdeck already. If you don't care about parity with the high end machines.

Whatever, its coming to PS5, will likely be the best version to play. I'm happy in with this fact tha tI don't need anything else to play it.

Re: Poll: How Hyped Are You for the PlayStation Showcase?


These things have made me miss E3. 3 hours of back to back announcements, hype, and gamer debate wrapped in a tiny package where everyone usually finds something to be excited about and everyone can get a feel for the state of things. These are more frequent, but they don't really carry the same energy. A lot of the announcements you sit through don't always have that one thing that'll make you happy at some point. WE've come away with some pretty flat state of plays, more often than not.