Comments 468

Re: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor PS5 Update Available Now, Here Are the Patch Notes


@Whately86 How are you not mentioning a console that has credible sources pointing to its existence and even Microsoft says is coming.

"(Perhaps it would be best not to be friends, if you believe you're playing a console that isn't out yet)"

I believe I made it clear with "no". You're not intune with whats going on enough for me to want to talk to you beyond a comment section thread. You'd make a terrible friend. You're the last person I'd share what dev kits I do have in my possession.

Re: Goodbye Volcano High (PS5) - Wonderfully Written, But Stumbles on the Rhythm


Sorry this game still looks incredibly lame. Hard pass. I question giving a game an 8/10 when it has a busted trophy list. That's like giving Cyberpunk 2077 a perfect score. Worse so it sounds like the gameplay is in worse shape when its a con that the rhythm game doesn't click. Sort of thing stinks of bias and wanting this game to be a success regardless of the reality of whether or not it should be.

This is a bad review.

Re: Sea of Stars Now at 250K Sales, Beats First Year Targets


Can't we have the whole studio working on the next game instead of screwing around with dlc? Let's be real here, that's time that could be shaved off a new game or quality amplified on said new game. DLC does about half the sales of the product on average, costs more to develope then the same amount of content in the base game and takes longer to make for the same amount of content. What's the point.

Re: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor PS5 Update Available Now, Here Are the Patch Notes


@StrickenBiged ya I'd like to see an update too.

I'm also hoping that Respawn does a PS5 PRO update patch when that happens. Would like to see a stable frame rate with more Ray Tracing in Quality mode. It's taken forever to get this far. Back on topic I'd like to see another video to see how this game does with today's patch on a PS5 Pro.

I own the game, I just haven't started playing it yet because of these patches lol. I got it on sale. This really hurts EA more than me.

Re: Final Fantasy 16 Sales Have Been 'Fine', Nothing More, Nothing Less


@MidnightDragonDX It is. You're confusing an earnings call with reality. It's always been fine. Problem when you walk into an earnings meeting is that you have to explain numbers differential between releases. "Why did this not sell as many as FF15?" "Will it sell as much as FF15?"

Then you're stuck with whether or not you want to throw anyone under the bus. Which when it comes to Hajime Tabata they absolutely should throw him under the bus. As that game hurt the FF brands reputation enough to impact FF16. Though he isn't the sole cause for not reach FF15 numbers. PS5's are selling extremely well, but it'll be a slow burn for people to pick up FF16, still have a ways to go. While Xbox sells a few million you can attribute the lack of that platform to be a source of woe, but any share holder will look at the distribution and see that its a very small impact on numbers. PC was a higher contributor than Xbox has ever been in its life time. Even this move for FF14 on Xbox Series is a pretty questionable move, as all it does is provide existing users with another platform to play on. I doubt any Xbox die hards are just screaming for a console version of a decade old game. That's FF14.

It's doing well. Dare I say very well. There isn't a PlayStation discussion with new users where FF16 isn't brought up as a must have game for their new PS5 when they get it. I'm sure we'll see fantastic numbers when the PC version of FF16 releases as well. Especially from those looking to play it on Steam Deck or its successor, as thoes who just want to double dip to have it on their PC like myself.

anyone else says its not doing well is just an xbox die hard trying to find reason to have fault with the game. To say "see not even playstation gamers want it" when the sales numbers clearly show the opposite.

Trust me we'll see this game have some legs which is why FF16 isn't selling for 40 or 30 bucks right now. Might see a Black Friday sale for it, but beyond that it'll spend most of its time at full price.

Re: You Can Now Buy PS Plus Premium Classics Tekken 2, Ridge Racer Type 4, More


@Smiffy01 I actually own every Nintendo console made except the Virtual Boy. I was also there for their launches. My history does pre-date playstation by more than a decade.

I also happen to own most of Sega's hardware line and still have those systems hooked up to this very day.

I also in fact much to my discontent every xbox with the exception of Series line.

I've also been gaming on PC since before there was a PlayStation or really a Super Nintendo, Genesis/MegaDrive, Turbografix-16/PC engine, etc. Still have a gaming PC to this day I've been updating it component by component as far back as PCI was a thing and 6 gig hard drives were considered huge. I also own a steamdeck.

Just because I cross platform game, doesn't mean I don't enjoy having virtual challenges to chase after in my favorite games. Including Ridge Racer Type 4 and Tekken 2 which I've owned and still own on PS1 since they released. Even have the special edition of RRT4 that comes with the wheel controller and the shirt. I still manage to play these games on my PS4 instead of my Xstation modified, soon to have a Retro Gem installed, Wireless Retrofigthers Defender controlled, PlayStation.

I have friends too if you can believe that where we compete on who can unlock them the fastest, who has the most platinum trophies (I'm currently in second among the 23 of us who share a discord channel and game regularly together online), we even take them on for fun. FF7 Remake happens to be my favorite trophy list, I didn't just autopopulate on PS5, I went through the entire game again and re-earned them all over again. If that wasn't enough I did it again on Steam. Safe to say FF7 Remake is one of my favorite games.

I've been chasing after platinums on some of my favorite ported/remastered/remade games on PS3/4/5 to add to my score and relive every aspect of the game. It gives me one more excuse to revisit my older games too. Instead of playing breifly for a nostalgia hit. Currently trying to get a platinum on every ff game available on playstation. I just need 3 more, FF12, FF9, and FF5. Not including Lightning returns, because I hate that game, good luck getting me ot play it.

It's not just about validation. You need to get past that.

Re: PS Plus Premium Poised to Add Tekken 6, SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny


Much rather have the PS3 version of Tekken 6..... Stupid nonsense like this which lands us inferior versions of the game when a better version is available. Honestly wish they'd just port T6, don't need to do anything with it, just port it.

Additionally these probably won't have trophies either, so I'm going to care a bit less. Namco's lukewarm half assed implementation of this is rather sad.

Re: Red Dead Redemption PS4 Announcement Gets Slaughtered by Fans


@IAmAshCohen17 Not what I meant at all. It's because Xbox has BC that you're not getting a remaster.

However if you trace the history of Backward Compatibility, you'd find Sony use to provide 99% Backward Compatibility for 2 hardware generations on PS3. Because of Xbox 360 and Microsofts half assed approach to BC was the reason you not only saw that feature removed on later revisions of PS3, but saw a complete absence of it on PS4.

I also find it ironic you call sony's implementation half assed and not microsofts. Microsoft doesn't even offer 50% of the Xbox 360 library on Xbox One or Series. The original Xbox its practically non-existent across all three of those platforms and does not work right half the time. Panzer Dragoon Orta still bugs out in later stages.

BC for PS1-3 is dead as a result of consumer decisions.

Re: Red Dead Redemption PS4 Announcement Gets Slaughtered by Fans


@Rafie Let's break this down:
1) Xbox hasn't done a great job of BC. If we are talking pre Xbox One, Xbox 360's BC on the One and Series platforms has been utter trash beyond the few titles they hand picked. More than 50% of that library is still stuck on Xbox 360. Titles like Tales of Vesperia are still locked to the Xbox 360 resulting in the Definitive Edition. That isn't even getting into the original Xbox which is also garbage BC across 3 generations of Xbox.

2) Xbox also didn't support BC 2 generations ago. They were bullish on it not being needed. Sony had supplied 3 generations with 100% BC prior to the Xbox 360 on PS3. So between consumers and that lack of commitment Sony abandoned Ken Kutaragi's Vision for the future of PlayStation. This also resulted in the Adoption of the X86_64 architecture instead of the furthering what we saw on PS2 and PS3.

3) You miss understand how its Microsofts fault. They had BC. They are only offering parity. The Xbox is not getting this port. So if you're mad this isn't a remaster, its the xbox's fault.

Re: Red Dead Redemption PS4 Announcement Gets Slaughtered by Fans


I say blame the Xbox. They feel the backward compatibility of Xbox os consoles provides them with a get out of jail parity card so they can just port it. Same with the switch. Bring it forward and just let it sit there till everyone forgets it's just a port. So when we are all waiting for rdr3 to release people will splurge on the clunker port instead of hunting down an Xbox, clouding it, or running it off a ps3. If they are playstation gamers.

They'll let it sit at 50 untouched.

Re: Square Enix Bafflingly Backtracks on Final Fantasy 16 Sales, Blames 'Slow' PS5 Adoption


@DarkHitman82G nope finished the game just in a week. I find people for some reason falling off before reaching Phoenix Gate and Others before the Garuda fight.

Not sure if it's a modern players attention span has been so ruined by online games and gotcha that they get bored for no reason. Pacing is about the same as ff4 with an opening sequence that shows you what to expect after the game gets done teaching you with cid and company.

Re: Square Enix Bafflingly Backtracks on Final Fantasy 16 Sales, Blames 'Slow' PS5 Adoption


I still maintain that ff15 and the change in genre format are to blame.

I love ff16, its a fantastic game. It delivers. I also don't love a homogenous library of titles either. I have action games. Even have dmc 5 on ps5. Love to have more, but not at the expense of series from genre's I love. I was hoping we'd get something closer to ff7 remake at the end of the day, that's not what we got. Instead we got this decently crafted combat system that tends to alienate friends and consumers who love ff, but don't care for the genre. So that's an uphill battle. Additionally ff16 isn't exactly sticking the landing. I say that as someone who gives it a 9.2 out of 10. The game feels incomplete, not in the way ff15 does, but in the way the original ff7 does. Like there was more story to tell. It's a bigger hole than ff7 left. Leviathan being the biggest issue. Talks of dlc are also not helping this games cause. More than a few people who were about to purchase this game said they'd wait till the dlc released. FF is not the Witcher or Mass Effect, higher expectations are had. I do not care how good the dlc was in either. It's expensive to produce and expensive to purchase. It just distracts from the release product. People are tired of it. Especially in a 70 dollar world. There are some rough edges that feel like they were rushed. Some menus with redundant info and little things like that. Camera is solid, but could use just a little more polish, the lack of control options that did get patched recently still feel like an after thought. So the game has some detractors.

With that being said. There are people seriously put off by ff15. Ya it sold well. There is such a thing as poisoning the well. Those people do not understand just how well ff16 crushes story, game play, and other factors. I get ff15 has its fans, but at the end of the day it did not deliver on the things that an ff game needed and tried some marketing bs that gave the ff series a black eye.

I'd also point out that ff16s marketing was extremely weak. There are people who have no idea that it is out in the US. Meanwhile I see double Deckers in the uk driven around with ff16 ads. Wasn't there an ff14 event in Vegas this past month, can't say I heard anyone mention that the game was pushed there at a booth at the very least.

The problem isn't the ps5. It has a strong 40m install base. With the high attach rate, I have a feeling ff16 sales will have legs and a slow burn. I hope they don't drop the price, because I guaranty that this holiday season that trend will continue with the increased ps5 availability. Some wife, girlfriend, mom, is gonna end up getting that ps5 for that person in their life who wants it, if not themselves.

This game will do well, square just needs not to square themselves out of a profit like they always do. Hopefully this silly eradict behavior does not impact FF17 development.

Re: Poll: Will You Be Muting Your PS5's Beep?


I will be muting it, but not because it bothered me in any way. It's just a pointless feature that should only be used for posting the hardware. Right now we have an LED indicator that does most of this functionality and mostly need to know its active state.

I also feel like the beep was a pointless feature added to the playstation brand that started with the PS3. Why? Didn't need it on PS1 or PS2, neither of which beeps. So it was a questionable addition. The PlayStation startup is already iconic with each system. I guess with resume on PS4 and PS5 we don't hear that startup, but do we need it?

To add insult to injury, none of my Nintendo Hardware does this. Pretty sure my xbox's have never done this. So ya, don't need it.

Re: Fans Vote Clive the Second Best Final Fantasy Protagonist


@mariomaster96 Nah Clive deserves it. Not only does he have the story to back him up. His attitude, his loyalty, the jill factor.... you see his life unfold before you. He's the most authentic lead character since Cloud. Say what you want about Cloud, he was way more human than most. What gets me is why Terra was listed, sure you start with her, but if you know anything about the game you quickly find out that the entire cast is the main character. Second half of the game you start with celes, I'm pretty sure you can finish it without terra.

Re: The Fantasy 6 Remake Talk Has Started Again


I hope it gets the same level of love as ff7 has received. Granted ff7 remake is not a true remake, but a sequel to advent children. The level of quality and care taken is one id love to see for ff6. It'll be interesting to see how they navigate the shift in technology. I would not be opposed to a classic turn based random encounter systems like the early days. I think we've had a sufficient break from it to warrant reintroduction, directors choice of course. I just know that the most important elements need to remain intact, the opening, the opera house, the floating continent, tower of zozo, ghost forest, the final battle, Kefka tower, Figaro, and of course suplexing the phantom train.

Re: PS5's Remote Play Portable Appears to Leak Online


@sop Don't have time to go back and read what I wrote, but this is where I was coming from if it wasn't communicated properly:

3.5mm jack design on that unit is not in line with sony's typical design philosophy or components used. What's in there is cheap dollar store quality parts.

As far as it including a 3.5mm jack, I'm not sure that this thing would have it. I guess the goto factor would be the dual sense has one. Fine. All their headsets have 3.5mm plugs on them, I think most of the wireless ones include the nzones, so that would make sense. Especially if you want to run the party chat through the device. You'd need a properly shield 3 point interface plug to do that with... this is not. I'd also argue there should be a USB A or Bluetooth interface for this thing too.

over all the port is suspect, not the fact that it has one.

Re: UK Sales Charts: Final Fantasy 16 Sales Way Down, Out of the Top 10


@rjejr not really, you merely play the fool for doing so. Difference between giving exposition about the story as it happens and a history of the lands to give context for why you might choose guying by land or sea. For that matter giving a mere recap of events.

As much as I love xenogears, comparing ff16 to the must busted aspect of xenogears, a point where they ran out of time and money to finish the game forcing them to narrate the last few hours, is a great disservice to ff16.

As far as I can tell you just sound like a dad looking for excuses not to play with such a lame duck nonsensical reason. It's OK you don't have time to play. Happens the best of us. Making snap judgments based on 25 year old half finished game is just absurdity.

Re: PS5's Remote Play Portable Appears to Leak Online


This is suspect. The video shows an android OS running on this thing. Not something a PlayStation product would indulge in. See PlayStation Vita. They might have some underlying core functionality, but I don't see Sony going as far as keeping the UI right down to the touch screen back, menu, and app drawer menu on the screen.

Additionally disassembly adds even more questionability to this product. This isn't standard design for a playstation product. Lots of structs and in a PlayStation Controller, as someone who has taken many Dual Sense controllers a part to mod, something feels rediculously off about this product. we should be seeing ribbons for the button membranes coming in from the left and right of the controller. Two Power connectors, etc. I don't recall a 3.5mm jack being a part of the original spec for this thing.

If its a fake, its a decent one, but something is seriously off with what is being shown here. I don't think its the real deal.

Re: UK Sales Charts: Final Fantasy 16 Sales Way Down, Out of the Top 10


@HonestHick "Xbox port would cost near nothing to the return on investment and the only way to increase your sales on a platform is have that platform market your games and have the games"

That return on investment has to becarefully weighed. As someone who has been on the other side of this process, I can tell you it is not cheap. Especially with a delayed port like Rise of the Tomb Raider. It hurts the game significantly and requires way more marketing to get consumer interest up. Less than 9% get's eatin fast. If you're lucky that's 450,000 copies on xbox at 5m units. A port tends to cost more than twice that, after kits, engineers, build inspection, certification, electricity, production staff, marketing staff, materials, 1st party licensing fee (aka their cut of the 3rd parties profits), on a game the size of FF16 with the kind of large scale set pieces they do. You'd need to make up more than that. Cross platform development is no cake walk. Imagine having 40 hours in a week, where 10 of those hours are filled with meetings. Another 10 hours just lost in context switching between issues that crop up in the day. Eventually you get left with 1 to 5 hours in a day. In an industry trying ot be more mindful of overtime. You eventually have to get those missing hours from some where. I find myself working our leading platform, but then spending additional months of our time based on our Jira tracking alone wasting it trying to zero in on a single platforms specific problems. For every platform you add you add a quarter more cost of the leading platform best case. that's N * 25%. It's not cheap. That isn't even factoring in bonus' and compensation for OT. Food for OT. Other related services they have to try to keep us sane.

Now you talk about MS marketing themselves as a WRPG company. They haven't. Furthest thing from it. Just looking at the Witcher 3 alone they don't even make up 1/3rd of that. PC and PS4 made up the bulk of its sales. We're talking over 24m sales out of 28m with both of them being pretty neck and neck.With Switch amazingly enough almost justifying the cost of its port at 800k. That's really the same across the board when looking at things like Fallout 4. In Xbox's defense they sold more copies of the Witcher 3 than they did of FF11, FF13, and FF15 combined on their systems. Hell you could even through the FF12 and FF10 remasters into that and you still wouldn't even come close to that of the witcher 3. So porting to Xbox makes absolutely no sense unless you're extending an olive branch to microsoft for special privilages. Even pulling your market to xbox makes no sense, because it drives your development, production, and marketing costs up to do so.

I will say porting to PC certainly makes sense. Only platform where a game could be 15 years old and still generate a quarterly profit. At the same time Square Enix ports haven't been paragons of porting virtue on PC. Even their latest, Forspoken is questionable in performance and configurable options.

A little food for thought when it comes to ABK. Most of their games are very dependent on PlayStation and to a lesser extent PC, for the Xbox Ecosystem to even have a large enough user base to exist. It's nearly dead when you turn off cross play for any of their games, wait times are unbarable without it.