Comments 468

Re: Sea of Thieves Reportedly a 'Key Test' for More Xbox Games on PS5


Nope. Bad Litmus test. Why would I buy a game I don't care about that I didn't even enjoy on Xbox on Game Pass, just so I can pay more money later for a game I actually want. Given how bad starfield is, I'm not sure I care about that enough to put money behind it. Hellblade 2 has its own problems in the background, a game that should have been out a while ago that saw its Creative Director sneak off without anyone noticing until a public event was held and he wasn't there.

I'd be far more interested in Halo, Gears, and some other legacy IP and 2nd party titles locked to the 360. As it stands xbox has nothing I want, that really hasnt changed beyond those legacy titles. Maybe DE&I (Didn't Earn It) hires are hurting their games, because they lack the quality they once had. Many of their acquisitions have the same problems.

Re: PS Plus Classic Resistance: Retribution Gets Infected Mode and More in Upcoming Update


Been playing this, loving some of the unlocks. Like the ps3s dual shock mode.

Sadly this game has not aged well. It really should have had vita remake instead of burning skies or even released along side it.

I found it playable with the edge controller using a lot of remapping. Some for convenience, others just to bring it more in line with modern layouts. After all the controller has evolved to suit the shooter. Here we are pressing buttons that make no sense for one on a psp game emulated on ps4/5. So there will be some adjustment needed unless you want to be living in accessibility mode till you finish the game. Aiming is just going to be a rough experience no matter what you do. At least analog stick mode removes the games worst feature that tried to emulate a right analog stick. To this day the lack of a right analog stick has to be the dumbest thing they ever did to the psp. Only sony hardware to do this. Almost like they forgot that sony was the genesis for dual analog support on a console. God of War absolutely needed it and it wasn't even for camera control. Anyway tangent.

Graphically it's rough. For its time bend was trying to do a lot to bring resistance to psp and it was good for its time. No amount of filters is going to save this game. R&C Size Matters some how manages to visually out class this game in some ways, so I'm not sure what happened here that they went for metal gear solid and fell short visually.

It's a fun game. Grayson is a character I wish we saw more of, but this is a title for the hard-core resistance fan that wants to show their support for the dormant franchise. Do we ever need resistance to come back with fanfare so loud that you hear it across the world.

Re: 'Smaller' PS5 Exclusives Still Reportedly Coming Later This Year


I'll take anything at this point, but astrobot is one I've been asking for since ps5 launch. Hopefully they have some remasters from ps2 lined up. Wouldn't mind playing the God of War Greek saga right now. A surprise uncharted remake would make my year too. Seems pretty clear that anything important from ps3 including ps2 remasters should be up for consideration these days.

They may need to keep a list going into 2025 as well if marvel is all we have to look forward too.

Re: Random: Vladimir Putin Considers Creation of Russian Gaming Console


@Mince erm you do realize that russia's economy is of little importance to me beyond how it relates to the war in Ukraine. Need money to wage war.

Nothing would make me happier than a non-putin run russia having its own game console. In the current hands, this is just an assimilation and indoctrination device that will ultimately end up fueling Ukraine v Russia.

So I'm not really sure what your point is here, unless you have something against Ukraine.

Re: Tekken 8 Boss Says Younger Players Prefer Team-Based Games Because They Can Blame Losses on Others


He's right. Though I don't think developers should course correct because we have a generation of babies raised on the "Everyone is a winner" philosophy. This is a cultural problem. Particularly in the US where kids in the 80's and 90's were starting to be raised with this drivel and not taught about the cut throat nature of everything from survival to simply getting that promotion. They shy'd away from this and as a result, finding out you're not special, that you need to try harder if you really want to come out on top is a hard pill to swallow. I hear this crutch of an excuse of it being someone else's fault across the board. Whether its in the work place from younger staff or from kids in the CoD lobby who run around nuking everything with a grenade launcher with no concept of how that is impacting their own team when they do. Then they turn around and blame their team for it. Same with overwatch, which will result in 5 people pointing at the one person who is saying everyone else is at fault without listening to the 5 other players who know exactly what the 1 person did wrong. Of course Blizzard doesn't help matters, by eliminating the end of match coms, so you can't have it out with idiot on your team who needs a good tongue lashing to maybe consider either leaving the game or learning how to play it.

Not every young person has this issue, but it seems like most. It's why those who are adjusted to competition seem to fair better in the real world then those that don't. Number of times I have to explain to someone why they weren't promoted over someone else and they blame the rest of the team for their short comings, just blows my mind.

Re: Random: Vladimir Putin Considers Creation of Russian Gaming Console


@Sequel China as much as you may like it, is still an enemy of the west. This hasn't changed in the last 100 years. As far as their leadership goes, bunk on that. In all of my visits I've seen nothing to support your position. I can only assume you are Chinese. Probably explains why you'd be interested in a Russian console.

Re: Random: Vladimir Putin Considers Creation of Russian Gaming Console


@Sequel there are 10 places in the world you shouldn't ask to see things from. The top 4 are Russia, China, north Korea, nd Iran.

Russia is in a state of Flux, with a man using tactics no to different from biden right now to stay in power. I think the only difference is biden hasn't thrown anyone under a prison to die that is a political opponent. If an Ex-KGB agent wants a game console, the reason is nefarious if ps, Nintendo, or pc isn't good enough for him. In fact one would have to ask why the man himself doesn't have a 4090 to play metro on.

Re: Rumour: Sony to Host Big PlayStation Event Next Month


Well got for pc releases next month so maybe that'll get shown. Ps5 pro will be announced soon to give people some hype going into the holiday. They still need to show us sonys next big game. Been dead silent since spider man 2 and they've been riding on ff7 rebirth to buy more time.

We need a big event as playstation fans are getting restless and threatening to buy pc. I really think sony needs to look at pc as the new threat now that Xbox is gone and has inherited Xbox ex exclusives.

Re: Sony Beta Testing Intriguing New Feature in PS App on Mobile


@Mikey856 well first off trophies aren't niche, as much as the haters might attest to them being so, but second they've put a lot of time into them. Video guides on the os dash for starters. Plenty of search options, not entirely sure why you need them sorted alphabetically, but its come a long way since ps3. If I had to ask for anything it would be a way to permanently unhide trophies once you've beatin the game or even a toggle for the whole list. Comes a point in clean up that having hidden trophies is kind of dumb.

Re: Devs Allegedly Pondering the Point of Sony's PS5 Pro Upgrade


GDC has honestly fallen a long way from top talent over the last 7 years. I went most of the last decade before moving out of the Bay Area to work at a different studio. The quality of the discussions had taken a dive in quality and the people visiting for connections were the bottom end of the hiring pool that didn't have a lot of experience with top tier projects. So I don't know who he was talking to, could have been that collection of screaming idiots that were there for all I know.

Point I'm trying to get at here is, that while these people may be in the industry and involved with somer truly interesting aspects of the games they are working on. They aren't exactly working close enough to the bare metal to know what is going on and likely not paying attention to whats going on with AAA projects of late to know the ways they are struggling.

I think the PS5 and Series X needed another year or so in the oven and used more recent tech. Yes we're using ray tracing, but we're not really benefiting from it. Some games really do a good job of handling RT like R&C Rift Apart, but then you get a game like CoD which is barely using it. I think DF put it best is that the utilization of a lot of the tech has made games looks worse than last generation titles. FF7 Rebirth if you saw their last post on the blog indicates that they are throwing more polygons at their models (not sure why this was done, unless they are were trying to get greater articulation out of their characters, that I wasn't seeing from Remake to Rebirth).

Games are starting to push the performance to the point that performance mode isn't seeing any real benefit. I'll easily point back to RTX and RDNA now being ready for prime time. Not to mention the over reliance on image reconstruction techniques in an attempt to fake higher resolutions combined with a lot of these AI solutions to upscale the image.

I can honestly tell you, GPU wise (which the PS5 Pro/Edge) focus' on for its upgrades, is at the very heart of what will need to be addressed. It's holding developers back from really utilizing the underlying hardware. We are seeing games starting to struggle, by the end of this year it'll be a little more apparent, if not obvious. By Christmas 2025, it'll be obvious how much this 4 year old hardware is holding us back and why this upgrade was needed. That isn't even getting into the RAM.

Those of us messing with the hardware closer to the metal see the problems forming already. I can see a reason for the update for those who want performance mode that doesn't look like a 1st generation PS3 game.

Re: Horizon Forbidden West Off to a Sturdy Enough Start on PC


@AhmadSumadi yes, I very much do. However the remasters and remakes aren't enjoying such 2 year margins in time. Hell divers 2 was sony published and funded, it got a day and date release.

You have to understand that 2 years is not a long time. It's still very much within the life time of the release and the hardware. Even playstation owners know the relevance of a timed exclusive thanks to Xbox with titles like rise of the tomb raider. They just wait it out. Pc gamers are super vigilant in playing the waiting game. Suddenly the more current releases become devalued. I wouldn't be surprised if part of the reason rebirth's numbers are down on ps5 from remake, had something to do with the pc release not long after.

I think it would have been fine if much older titles saw pc release. Decade old titles preferably, after the hardware lost relevance. Who wouldn't kill for a remaster collection of God of War's Greek saga, uncharted 1-3 (which yes all 3 of those games are 10+ years old), a ratchet and clank future collection, or even a return of infamous. Bring those to pc and maybe ps5. That makes sense. Bleeding edge titles, lock them to the hardware till the generation is over. Don't go taking a 2 year old title that gives your platform value, then take that value away. Having 10 exclusive reasons to buy a machine 4 years into the systems life is a much better argument for value than 2 years of releases. That isn't even getting into the 30% valve takes from every pc sale or the fact that driving a digital buyer to pc means losing 3rd party sales in the process. Why should I buy tekken 8 on ps5, when I can buy it for pc by saving 500 dollars on a ps5 for a new gpu and play the latest horizon pc. Great for the gamer I guess, not so much for sony, as valve gets that money for tekken 8 instead of sony.

I guess it wouldn't be as bad if sony had its own playstation os and playstation store front with playstation services, but at present it doesn't have these things to cancel out a 2 year discrepancy.

Re: Horizon Forbidden West Off to a Sturdy Enough Start on PC


If sony reconsider its position on pc in favor of it, that'll be the end of playstation as a brand. Xbox is just a husk of its former self at this point. I wouldn't be surprised if part of the slow down in hardware sales could be attributed to them starting to release more recent titles to the pc. So good job sony, you're slowly making the playstation brand obsolete. Your revenue stream as a platform holder will start to dry up and start going to valve instead.

Re: PS Portal Is Proving Everyone's Predictions Wrong


@nocdaes I honestly do not understand why you're railing against PSVR2 or for that matter individuals without children.

Let's start with the latter. I don't have children. I get plenty of use out of my Portal, always saw it as something with a lot of potential and preordered it. I was super psyched for it and I'm glad I got it. I don't find the Switch to be a compelling case against the Portal either. I don't use my Switch. I use my portal. Why do I use my portal? Because the eco system and games I want to be a part of and play are all on my PS4/5. I've gotten great use of the portal outside of my home. I've done everything from CoD to Hell Divers, FF7 Rebirth to MGS1 on my Portal. Sometimes I just don't feel like being crammed up in the game room. It's been especially good this past couple of weeks since I've been stuck in bed with covid.

As far as the former. PSVR2 is a great bit of kit. It's failure at the moment has very little to do with VR and more to do with sony not putting their weight behind it. We got Horizone and GT7, that's it from first party. There are some good games, but the system is about as well supported as the Vita during its day. If PSVR2 fails, its because Sony sabotaged it long before it even had a chance. Hopefully when they open it up to PC, it'll turn things around. At the moment I have 2 headsets, and I really want to distance myself from META. Sell my rift s, will certainly go a long way to reducing vr clutter in my home and reduce the need to get the latest quest. Sony very much should be supporting both. PSVR2 is a large under taking than portal. Portal fills that gap of players who don't want to use their phone with a half assed attachment from a 3rd party that doesn't give you the same experience. Seriously, good luck with the mushroom picking mini game on FF7 Rebirth without those haptic triggers. Nothing short of getting a 7 inch tablet is going to get you that screen size. Only problem I have with the portal is the lack of OLED, if they upgrade the unit, I'll be first in line for it. PSVR 2, shutting down GG's other studio that made RIGS (which honestly would have been fantastic on PSVR2) as well as studio London to name a few is hurting PSVR2. PS Portal they just had to throw it over the fence and see what happens. No support needed. Which leads me to the last bit of your point about the lack of features. We all saw what happened to sony when they spread themselves too thin. They hurt the Vita. They chose the PS4 over the Vita, seeing as portables had little future ahead of them. So it shouldn't b e a surprise that the PSVR2 is struggling. They can't even get a first party title out this year, 4 years into PS5's life span. Now there are a lot of reasons, including this false perception for a need of open world bloat in order for a game to be successful. Probably the only reason FF7 Rebirth took as long as it did to release because of the pointless features and open world busy work they shoved into the game. That's really hurting sony right now.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?


@Jayslow except it doesn't lol. Crams the game with mini games and other distractions that detract from the main scenario and main game loop so much that you spend 50+ hours performing mindless tasks instead of being on this great journey.

It falls short in a few progression systems compared to remake. Weapons in particular, which was straight forward and had more player involvement.

The changes to certain plot points did little to improve ff7 compared to remake which elevated them to new heights. The midgarzormer, being one of the bigger cases. The race to find sephiroth is watered down significantly because cases like that. Same applies to the many fights with the turks, in places like the mythril mines.

I honestly don't even know where to start with corneo v dio matches. Just bad.

Then there is the new story elements and the hand wavey, visually noisy, and completely nonsensical ending and reasoning for what is going on. Multiveses should have nothing to do with anything ever. No matter how minor. It was nonsensical and retconned the meaning of reunion. Remake left you with questions, good ones, and things to look forward too. The quality of what was done for rebirth was just an absolute train wreck.

The final battle just doesn't live up to remake. Merely apes what was done before, gives me very little hope for the final act of what will likely be called ff7 reunion. 7 seconds till the end also wasn't really answered. Zack was answered in the lamest way possible.

Not to say rebirth was all bad. They answered some key questions. Remake across the board was a better game. Coming from the better part of the game that inspired it. Rebirth failed to really surpass the section of the original it covered. It did great things with the gi, cisnea, and rendering out a nice huge open spaces. Then it turns around, cuts rocket Town, de-emphasizes sephiroth, and pulls a sixth sense (old movie reference) on us.

I feel like ff16 just laid this game out.

Re: Talk of Final Fantasy 7 Remake Trilogy Being Completely Console Exclusive to PlayStation Is Inaccurate


I can say with 95% certainty that this has been the case since the very beginning. FF7 has always been console locked to the playstation platform until about 10 or so years ago, since the ps4 "remaster" was announced. Which lead to remakes announcement the following year with cyber connect 2, before it was pulled in house. I'm betting cc2 was doing a proper remake instead of this reimagined sequel we are getting now. As much as I've enjoyed the trilogy so far, rebirth seems to forget the things that made ff7 great in the first place. All the busy work between main story plot points, is mostly that. 6 hours in cosmo canyon... did I really need to be there that long for content not related to the main scenario?

I digress. Reason ff7 was locked to playstation was due to the publishing agreement square made with sony at the time. A lot of third parties made this deal. In squares case they had really leaned on their partnership with Nintendo to help get games out the door, it was nothing short of a miracle that we ever saw their games in the US or anywhere else. Nintendo I believe even shared in publishing. In spite of the existence of square USA, which I think shut down around this time frame for the first time. Didn't have the strength to bring ff7 west like sony did. Sony had interest in square, saw the potential in jrpg outside of Japan. That's when the deal was struck, square would get full support from sony, free kits, reduced publishing costs, help with localization and more. The deal, 5 games with exclusive console publishing rights. This is why you haven't seen games like ff7 and fft on anything else. I believe enhancer, tobal, and maybe bushido blade were part of that deal. First two are more obvious given their popularity. This wasn't a single console generation deal either and not limited by remasters either. Only chance those two titles had was back on ps2 when ff7 was slated for a remake. This was a step for step remake of ff7 that was canned after the enix merger went through. Which lead to the eventual ff7 compilation instead. Those games can be released anywhere without sony approval.

My best guess is ff7 remake demand was so high it was fever pitch thanks to the ps3 tech demo. FF13 being a mess, FF14 launching as a train wreck that they had to basically relaunch the game, FF15 being what it was, square was desperate to get back on track. I'd say around the time of the ps4 remaster discussions had started for remake, when the e3 response happened for the remaster, sony stepped in and offered a deal. The same one they offered for ff7 back in 94/95ish. Except this time they got the rights for the original ff7 back which lead to the ports the following years to switch and lastly Xbox. Finally they'd pay the bills for remake, if the game remained playstation exclusive indefinitely, with the exception of pc. Sony would then just take its normal profits off the top. I would not be surprised if that was the case for rebirth and final chapter.

I don't expect this game to come to any other console in my life time. I'll be amazed if it does. I think we are far more likely to see consoles go away before that happens.

Re: Talk of Final Fantasy 7 Remake Trilogy Being Completely Console Exclusive to PlayStation Is Inaccurate


@cragis0001 Nintendo put the cash up front for octopath. You won't see that anywhere other than pc. Yet you're seeing every one of those franchises birthed on switch finding their sequels on ps4/5. Bravely Default 2, Octopath Traveler 2, etc. Turns out playstation is the place for square enix titles. That's where most of their audience expects them. Quality of their pc ports just makes that entire console in the exclusivity point moot.

Re: Sony Studio Firesprite Accused of Alleged Toxic Culture in Exposé


'not everyone quoted is as critical, with one claiming there’s a “strong push for inclusivity” with “people from a wider range of backgrounds, ethnicities, and gender identities being valued and working together”.'

Talk about throwing gasoline on a fire. Guarantee this alone will kill that studio and create the issues they are trying to avoid or fix. Be prepared for firings after the next wave of layoffs before the studio shuts down for good.

Re: Reaction: The Problem with PlayStation Right Now


Hopefully they are approaching these layoffs from 2 directions then. What is needed and what is problematic. DE&I departments and moving key facilities to corporate unfriendly states like California or New York are not helping to push that line out of the millions and into the billions. The latter should be obvious, but the former is a state of engaging in non business related activities that could result in quality reduction in product. We've seen this impact of ideology on the last of us part 2. While still making money, it didn't see the kind of increases in sales over its predecessor as other sony ip have seen. A steeper drop at that. Many of the decisions that lead to that games development and risk behind the scenes can be traced back to de&I. We're not talking about dion in ff16 here, we are talking about a game that fixated on a single community pretty hard to the point of absurdity. DE&I isn't the sole problem either, just one case where it is decaying franchises for the perception of doing good, while committing evil, evil in the sense of ruining livelihood for a message no one is listening too and ignoring those who aren't interested in making that sort of game being forcibly silenced or fired for stating what should be obvious. Other factors like chasing fads has hurt sony. We use to see 2 to 3 first party releases a year from sony. We are now lucky to see one. Smaller releases weren't uncommon either. Chasing after live service titles which are far more risky to launch and require far more time to produce was also likely another contributing factor. Look at how badly ubisoft has struggled to make everything a live service. They've ruined many of their brands reputations, burned resources on aspects of a game people are actively ignoring. Spending more money to produce a product with the same level of success. Why produce a game in 10 years to less fanfare than one with a fraction of that time that sold more money. Look how much money they sink trying to save these sinking ships. Excuse the pun. Sony wanted to incorporate that into their portfolio? How much more successful is destiny than halo? There are things that are better about destiny than halo, but how many people have stuck around for this 10 year journey they promised? Did it ever hit the mark? Why do I hear people say it's alright and shrug or simply complain about how they are tired of the game.

Sonys got problems. I think they are losing touch with the industry. Simply laying people off is only part of the problem if they aren't fixing the things that could start eroding them.

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Becomes the Second Highest-Rated Final Fantasy Game of All Time


@Martijn87 ya I feel about the same. There are certain key things that absolutely must keep the same. Including with a specific alter in a forgotten location later in the game. The ending could use a rewriting, the hard retcon done by Advent Children kind of points to what was actually intended there.

Remake is probably the first game in ages I've gone back and played 7 or 8 times. Aside from Ghost of Tsushima I haven't really done that since God of War 2.

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Becomes the Second Highest-Rated Final Fantasy Game of All Time


@DonkeyFantasy I'm not arguing with you. Relax.

If anything, I laid ground work for context and a sharing of information. Seems the EU was far more behind in the 90's than I thought when it came to the internet. Which is why I brought up "(in the US at least)", this is an EU site after all. In the end I learned a little bit about internet propegation in europe by 1999 and maybe you learned about how fast it had progressed in the US by then.

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Becomes the Second Highest-Rated Final Fantasy Game of All Time


@Zenos I whole heartidly agree still merrit in playing the original for the story components, since it serves more as a prequel now than a template. I think the generations of gamers who grew up on it, combined with the curiosity of youger generations. It'll certainly result in some long term profits for square. I just hope they go back and give the original a proper remake and maybe even re-imagine advent children a bit. The days of Dilly Dally Shilly Shally need to end.

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Becomes the Second Highest-Rated Final Fantasy Game of All Time


@DonkeyFantasy we did have the internet back then, we even had gamefaqs. Message boards, chat rooms, and dedicated fan websites existed back then. In fact prior to ff7 we were watching the ff6 Siggraph demo. PSXPower which was later absorbed by ign had guides for all 3 games on ps1 and eventually the ports of the other 5 titles (ff3 was never released on ps1, neither was mystic quest).

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Becomes the Second Highest-Rated Final Fantasy Game of All Time


@Martijn87 probably not. Remake had a lot of garbage and expectations to cut through. We will know if it succeeded if people buy rebirth in greater number. Remake did incredibly well and I'd say it was a better game than ff9 had any right being back then. I like ff9, but it gets put on a pedestal over the amount of nostalgia it engages. Even it's progression and battle system is lifted whole sale from past titles. Just like it's major story beats and atmosphere. Not criticisms of the game, as it does these things quite well, but the game as a whole just doesn't hit the right notes to earn the metacritic score it sits at. Especially when many publications at the time failed to ding it for criticisms they had of ff7 and ff8 that were still present in 9. Reviewers at the time came from the "we need to return to the high fantasy of previous titles" camp in that era. They weren't raised on ff7 and barely knew anything of ff5. Remake had to cut through what everyone wanted from an actual Remake of ff7, which the game is not. It's title is a play on words and has more in common with a sequel to advent children than an actual Remake. The whispers and other elements are quite brilliant. It really adds to and improves ok ff7. I dare say Remake is better than the whole of the original game and gives you a mass effect 2 level of quality in while ending on a mass effect 1 note. That's high praise from me. You don't get that anymore in games. Rebirth has a harder job to please me at the very least. After leaving midgar the game isn't particularly interesting in the original title. The pressure to add open world to everything, likely played its part in rebirth in hurting the game. At least with this site's reviewers. I personally have no love for open world titles and ff has never truly been open world. So the addition of open areas to rebirth (not open world) is going to lead to a lot of fluff no one asked for. As I said after midgar the experience kind of takes a dip. Midgar zormer, chocobo ranch, kalm all memorable moments that need to be there, but after that the quirky nature of ff kicks in and we end up with for condor and the opening moments of junon. I hope that parade sequence is a step up, I hated it in 97 and I hate it now. The boat from junon to Costa del sol steps things up a bit. Then there is Costa del sol with hojo on the beach which brings things down again. Light hearted moments were intricate to ff back then, but I don't know that they work now. But the content progression leads to a lot of highs and lows until the latter half of the content we are honing in on. I'd say the game doesn't really pick up again until after you leave desert prison. So I'm hoping they fixed thar it with this open area segment that always felt empty in the original, like a like of unused space. Granted there is a quest item you need the buggy for, but beyond that, pretty pointless unless you run into yuffie.

Guess what I'm getting at is ff7 remake was unfairly judged and the original is unjustifiably elevated. Remake did a fanboy job refreshing ff7s content for old players that many either didn't understand or appreciate. Though many of that many did start to come around with time. I still see these cools only criticism Remake for things it doesn't even do.

Re: Xbox May Need to Familiarise Itself with PS5, PS4's Platinum Trophies


Sounds like MS doesn't care about the quality and had Obsidian (a former 3rd party that has PlayStation development experience across multiple generations) rush to get this on PS4/5. This is not a good look for Microsoft, but honestly reflects the level of quality their "Play Anywhere" initiatives have had over the last decade. Even Gears of War 4 & 5 were pretty problematic on PC. I'd still say the PC version of Halo titles aren't exactly the best either.