Comments 468

Re: My Hero Academia's Battle Royale Has Been Downloaded Over 7 Million Times


@mrbone That sir is the point. No one did. Gratned I was half distracted at the time when I wrote that. Was probably referring to battle pass or some other F2P financing mechanic.

Ultimately 7 million downloads doesn't amount to a whole hell of a lot. I forget what the final tally was for First Soldier (over 1 million in its first week), but it ultimately got shutdown.

When you're able to let the popularity of a brand name carry your product, hitting 7 million downloads on a free product is a cake walk. Dare I say you need 50 million downloads before I'd consider anything a boon for success. Based on the steam user data for the PC version, this game barely holds anyones interest for more than 4 hours before they give it up. Just looking at the steam reviews alone, mixed is being kind, as anything positive being said about the game is clearly written by a 12 year old who just cares that their favorite character is in it or some shallow after thought about some other character being in it. Thoughtful reviews seem to indicate this game is buggy, hacked, and generally not very good.

So you tell me. Is 7 million really that impressive and a reason to play it? I like MHA, don't watch it anymore and moved on, but its a fun series to get into. I think this page hyping a download count for a free game is a bit brain damaged.

Re: Given a Chance, Dead Space 3 Producer 'Would Redo It Almost Completely'


@Nepp67 which is another reason I'm torn on the matter. I'm clearly not the target audience for dead space. You are. You're the fan base, I honestly rather have the original fanbase respected, instead of being pandered too. I don't agree with all of your points, but I get where you're coming from. I think a game more tailored to your needs than mine, would be healthier for the industry as a whole with regards to this game. Like any other franchise that forks horribly into new genres, it unfortunately created fans of ds3 like myself. I think you get priority here. I'd like to see variety return to gaming, certain evolve this franchise in another way.

Re: Star Ocean The Second Story R (PS5) - A Near Perfect Example of a Remake Done Right


@MightyDemon82 you can play the 1st game for some added context, but it really isn't needed. This game was the first for many regions in the franchise, as the super Famicom star ocean wouldn't see release and localization till the psp, many years after this ps1 release of the second game. So a lot of games from that era had to consider their sequels the starting point for many.

Re: Given a Chance, Dead Space 3 Producer 'Would Redo It Almost Completely'


It's hard to decide what I want here. I'd love to see dead space 2 get the love ds1 just got. DS3 is honestly my favorite of the 3. I know dead space fans consider that blasphemy and down right heresy. I like the core premise of dead space, but its never been "scary". I felt like DS2 really built on its foundations managing to establish what the first tried to achieve. Three it gave the franchise that ALIENS twist it needed to keep it healthy. It's the colonial marines game we never got. It helped take things further and gave a different reason than being at the wrong place at the wrong time for Issac to be there.

That being said dead space 3 is imperfect in many ways. I love the experimentation of its very different setting and gameplay elements, but its clear snow doesn't work all to well for the scaries. Not enough creativity went onto weapons and I think hiring someone from insomniac could have helped with this. Love dead space gear, but they could have gone further with the "I'm an engineer" aspect of the game unshackled from some of the rules of the first two. The mad Men behind the auger, v7 splicer, and discoball weapon could have come up with something and added that build your own weapon spice for combining these elements.

The coop was a fantastic idea, but not well executed. Not sure creating an entire second game would work, but the madness segments should have gone on longer and had more gameplay mechanics baked into them. I'd have had both players questioning reality until the very end. DS3 just made it weak story element that didn't impact gameplay in enough of a meaningful way so it was memorable. No coordination. Sadly part of the issue is a post party chat world and general real world getting in the way, but I think some good ideas could have been worked out.

I'd like this improved upon, but then a proper vision from the creators could have taken it to whole new heights. So I'm not opposed to a reimagining of the game instead of a proper remake with some alterations.

I do think people are two hard on dead space 3. Probably everything the spinoff game should have been.

Re: Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Is Going to Look Unreal on PS5


@GeneJacket They used Fox Engine on PES 2020? I thought Metal Gear Survive was the last title to use it.

the biggest problem Konami faced after that whole disolving of Kojima productions, was losing a lot of key staff. Fox Engine had a snowballs chance in hell of being used in a future game realisticly as a means of proper development. Engines need to grow and evolve, the elements, the engineers needed for that were gone after that point. Had Kojima stayed, I would not be surprised if Fox Engine started licensing to Japanese studios and had engineers from Platinum (joining kojima productions) signing on to help support it.

You're right that now its probably good the Fox Engine is no longer a thing. Konami has no vision and is a low effort company now. Any attempts to resurrect AAA development will be done externally without outsource studios and with first party contributors wanting remakes. Fox Engine would just decay and become another dead engine that would join so many others.

It's just sad that such good tech, wasn't used for a project that it was honestly created to make: MGS3 Delta.

Re: Spiritual Successor to PS4, PS Vita Classic Velocity 2X Not Announced for PS5


@Jacko11 sounds like push square . I do remember the conversations with futurlab I had on the subject and others. PS+ lead to the downfall of velocity nova or 3. Numbers didn't translate to sales and sony just left them in the cold. Its no wonder this isn't launching on playstation. Sony screwed them.

From what they showed of velocity 3, it was going 3D. Though to be honest I'm more interested in what happened to Kai Tana than this dude at this point. Especially how 2x ended. Still need the platinum, that last stage broke my brain.

Re: Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Is Going to Look Unreal on PS5


@Tr3mm0r "Yea. Go defend corpos "
lol what? dude this isn't Cyberpunk 2077, grow up.

"so we get more and more remasters and remakes instead of creativity and new ip's."

This isn't an either or situation though. Konami is still producing other games. Just not metal gear games. Honestly there is nothing wrong with remasters and remakes, given the state of the industry, I consider both a valuable asset in video game preservation. Look at what we're getting here, a version remastered by bluepoint ported to modern hardware so gamers without a PS3 or a Xbox 360 can play it. If we have backward compatibility for PS4/5 on PS6, then that availability will continue for another couple of decades. A remakes come with their own degree of creativity, seeing as you have to creatively pull an older title kicking and screaming in line with modern standards. I don't understand this mind set. What's more these titles fuel the production of those newer creative entries by funding them. So yes, I support this measure. Your position is completely nonsensical and totally illogical.

None of your examples make any sense either and I have no idea what you're saying. So please try to frame it in a way that makes sense. I don't know what SM2 is, you could be talking about 20 different games. You go on a wild tangent about wolverine about things that haven't happened yet with the basic assumption that the game would see a remake or remaster any time soon for it to be relevant to this conversation.

You also go on about GTA5. I don't have any context for that, nor have I commented on it specifically. So I'd appreciate it if you didn't stick words in my mouth. Second after looking at GTA5, apples and oranges. GTA5 on PS5 is a port, you got a problem with the pricing structure i'd say take it up with rockstar not me. The game does have some improvements for a port, but I wouldn't call it a remaster or a remake. As all it does is clean up some data, change the foliage density to be in line with the PC version. Maybe add PC ray tracing to the PS5 game improving reflections, that's about it. It has more in common with TR Definitive Edition than an actual remaster or a remake.

MGS3 Delta has more in common with Shadow of the Colossus PS4 Remake. Something GTA5 has not in common.

though I have no problem with GTA5 releasing a definitive edition port of the PC version to PS5. Based on what I saw, PS4 version would have bugged me.

Re: Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Is Going to Look Unreal on PS5


@Tr3mm0r I don't think you understand game development lol.

This is the old game (or implied to be) brought to Unreal Engine 5, with a complete face lift. So its not just new textures and a resolution setting being bumped. Entire maps are being remade with new geometry, remodeled for this game. So no assets from the original game are being used and they aren't just retextureing models. A new more modern lighting engine is being applied to the game, writen from scratch. There might be some modifications made for quality life and new areas added, but as my understanding goes nothing new should be added that changes the game too much.

As far as 70 dollars or euros goes. These games are still expensive to make and have sizable teams put into them. As it stands modern games should be selling for 120 dollars now, not 60 or even 70. Especially when looking at the price of games in the mid 90s and early 2000s. No remake costs 1/3rd of the development of the original to make. It might not have a protracted prototyping phase, but you have 8 phases of development and you're only removing 1 or 2 phases, depending on the project complexity. Costs less, but not so much less that they can sell the game to you at 25 dollars or even 60 dollars for that matter. Since these games do not sell as many copies as the original release most of the time, the price has to be higher in that regard.

If you're fine with the original, that's fine, they have a version of the game just for you in the HD Collection that was released earlier this week. This version is for people who want to see a more rigorous facelift that is faithful to the original.

Re: Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Is Going to Look Unreal on PS5


@Triumph741 Wow you read some tweets from and a few half baked articles from some game news sites.

Ya that's not the reason Kojima got ousted. Kojima was removed from Konami and forced out because the board didn't see the games division has profitable or understand the need to develop their own tech. Kojima had enough vision to recognize the future of game development was in Engine development. So yes. Expensive investment, but the payoff is lucarative and worth the time. Now try pitching that to a bunch of Japanese share holders who are more interested in Pachinco revenue streams, when video games was just a side hustle for the company. Kojima had enough push back until he was finally over ruled and forced out. A lot of that had to do with the mobile craze at the time and a title Konami published called Dragon Collection. Why spend millions on a AAA title, when garbage gotcha could make you way more with less resources. It was a conflict of interest.

UE is also not the smartest choice for 99% of studios. Most of the industry does not know UE5 and a lot of the time the experience isn't desired. Yes there are developers that have jumped in head first and learned the tech, I've had to do that myself, but any developer worth their salt, doesn't give two shakes about what engine is being used. It's about the experience with the process. Engines come and go, skills and the ability to adapt do not. Without that experience you're just groping around in the engine, with experience you know what you're looking for and can figure out UE5 fast enough to get results. If UE5 was such a god send it wouldn't have taken Square Enix nearly 5 years to push out FF7 Remake under UE4 or put time into converting to UE5 in a PS5 port. It's just not as common knowledge as you think it is.

UE comes with its open problems that smaller studios aren't always well equiped to take on. There is a huge learning curve in some areas and you can end up with bloat, pop in, bad lighting, latency issues (see tekken 7), and a whole plathora of other issues. It's cheaper for upstarts because it takes a lot of the heavy lifting out and puts your engineers in a possession of just figuring out the pieces that are getting in the way and why things aren't working. On the other side, internal technology you have something optimized for your project, there is no fluff, just your game, the pipeline and tools teams easily get around the learning curve issues pretty quickly with new staff. Again experience trumping an overwhelming collection of tools.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both approaches. For a company like Konami, it was a missed opportunity and a mistake for them to oust Kojima. Ego or not, the man was on the right track. Had they held onto him, they wouldn't be having the issues they had after Dragon Collection bottomed out and they had nothing to replace it with.

Re: Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Is Going to Look Unreal on PS5


@Triumph741 I'm not forgetting anything, though you seem to be forgetting that Kojima and Konami were once rockstars in their own right of the games industry. The Fox Engine is an engine they own.

As far as big 3rd party publishers are concerned, they should absolutely invest millions into an engine. I don't think you understand how many millions are lost to Unreal Engine licensing fees every time a big publisher uses UE5. It's part of the reason why Square invests so much into Crystal Tools and Luminous Engine and still are today even though they've put money into Unreal Engine 5. Activision still uses their own engine for Call of Duty and Blizzard still uses their own engines for Diablo, WoW, and Overwatch 2 (even completely rewrote the Overwatch 1 engine and rebuilt the assets during the games life time). Sony has 3 major engines at their disposal that they own and support. Ubisoft has 2 Engines, Snowdrop and Scimitar (which Anvil sits ontop of as an editor, which can be paired with other engines within the company). Star Citizen/Squadron 42 has gone through a few engine iterations and entaglements with Cry Engine so not entirely sure what you're on about there.

The problem with engine development is the maintenance and up keep, if you have idiot executives running your company trying to trim the fat without realizing that its self sabotage, you end up with UE5 and end up actually losing money.

Only devs that shouldn't be investing in proprietary engine tech is up starts in indie development, unless they have some technical chops supporting their team.

Re: Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Is Going to Look Unreal on PS5


Just something not right about this game running on Unreal Engine 5. I mean given how optimized the original MGS3 was optimized on PS2 to try and change the way we played MGS in the first place. Something Kojima himself originally thought was beyond the PS2's abilities before trying to do it anyway and creating a new engine to satisfy MGS3's requirements. Then seeing the rise of fox engine for MGS5, it feels like Konami shot it's self in the foot here in creating a tech demo for fox engine that could have made a case for AAA games going forward. Then to see such a generic engine like UE5 used, its kind of sad and just doesn't feel right.

Konami really shot it's self in the foot by not pushing fox engine and backing kojima in spite of their problems. Now their outsourcing and licensing engines from other companies instead of pocketing those fees and licensing the tech themselves. Kind of hope Kojima some day tries to start his Fox Engine project again. We need more competing engine tech.

Re: You'll Need an Internet Connection to Pair PS5 Slim's Optional Blu-ray Drive


I'm afraid this does not raise any preservation concerns. If you've spent any time on the console modding scene, particularly with retro hardware, they'll get past this drm mechanism and bypass it entirely or find a way to clone an existing drive or find a way to do the process themselves with a spoofed address. You should see what they do to a ps3 these days.

Re: Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection (PS5) - Three Classics in One Messy Bundle


@MrHabushi that was preupdate and those games are old as dirt now. The ps5 legacy of thieves collection isn't really a collection. The package treats lost legacy as if it were dlc. Which is what the release was originally intended to be, as a result they took the platinum trophy away from the ps5 version of lost legacy. Which was stupid as lost legacy stands well on its own and should have been treated as such.

Any other collection. Like if they were to do a remake collection of uncharted 1-3 would be separated like mgs and ff pixel remaster. You're going to see more of that going forward honestly prefer it that way, as it let's you manage console space better. Even when I finally get an 8tb ssd for my ps5 storage is still going to be an issue.

Re: Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection (PS5) - Three Classics in One Messy Bundle


The implementation on ps5 is fine. That's how it's supposed to work for collections. Get the pixel remaster disc on ps4, it does the same thing when run on a ps5. Individual games should launch from the media bar. Little weird about MG and the other pre mgs titles, but emulation being all that it is, understandable. I can't fault the implementation and honestly prefer it this way to using a clunky anniversary interface that is an after thought. Anyone who bought the other castlevania collections knows what I'm talking about.

Re: PS5 Is Running Riot in Europe, with Sales Up 175% Over Last Year


@nomither6 The context by which I brought the switch up, completely invalidates the point you think you're trying to make here. I'm afraid you don't understand that fact and you decided to get all fanboy upty at me because you don't get the context. As I said, you do not read. @MikeOrator has you pinned on all accounts. I don't know if you got some bug up your butt about Nintendo and feel like they shouldn't be mentioned in a market analysis, but you completely missed the point of what I was saying and got your head lost in a quagmires of pointless ideations about what you think something is. Fact remains is that the Switch did slow the PS4's momentum down. It took less time for the Switch to reach PS4's numbers and surpass it in life time sales by a meager 3m units. My point is now the Switch is dying. New hardware is coming. That could shake the boat in what looks like an unstoppable run for the PS5.

Re: PS5 Is Running Riot in Europe, with Sales Up 175% Over Last Year


@nomither6 just because your camcorder in the 90s could connect to the TV doesn't mean you get to shift gears and assume that every portable gaming device did the same. You'd look pretty silly trying to compare the experience of playing a gameboy on the TV to that of the switch, but I dare you to walk into a room of a bunch of video game nerds and make that comparison and not have them eat you alive for trying.

You know as well as I do that this simple dock changed a lot. You couldn't even just sit down with a psp3000'd and plug in the cable, then just sit with a dual shock 3 to play it. Closest we got was the psp go.

So no, your apples to oranges comparison means a whole lot of nothing in this conversation. I'm not going to beat around your opinion when over 110m users have universally accepted this as the first console to do this and do it right. Anything else said on the subject is beating a dead horse and I suggest you go read the conversations that already exist on the internet that deconstruct your point of view and defeat it.

Now as far as your opinion on the ps4s competitors. You're half right. Wii U was the ps4s competitor. However so is the switch. The switch was the successor to the wii u. Because the wii u with its 10m units sold bombed out so hard that Nintendo had to Sega Saturn the damned thing. That doesn't mean the next machine they create is a successor for next gen. Switch is antiquated hardware, Nintendo is releasing hardware next year to replace the switch. It will be a competitor to the ps5, not the ps6.

This entire conversation just sounds like you trying to cope or you really struggling with basic concepts for some misplaced desire to force conformity to a specific world view. Things have changed and you need to accept that fact. Now I personally hope the switch 2 doesn't have to large of an impact on ps5. I love the novelty of an easy to use drop in solution of base line console performance. Love my steamdeck for that reason. It's not giving me eye popping ray tracing, but it does let me play spiderman on the go. I'm one of those people getting the playstation portal as I find myself using remote play more than I thought I would at this age. So please get over your hangup, no sane person would accept your points of view as logical or reasonable.

Re: PS5 Is Running Riot in Europe, with Sales Up 175% Over Last Year


@themightyant I still maintain MS doesn't understand this for a few reasons. If we look at their first wave of acquistions back in 99 to 2003 for the original xbox, many of these studios faultered and didn't even make it to a substantial release. They just knew they needed games, but not know idea what those games should say about their console. I think Halo's success really just dumb luck. FPS was the future the Dual Analog stick controllers were coming into their own and Bungie happened to replicate a controller layout of the one PS1 FPS game that managed to get it right. Whether they were inspired by that game or came to it on their own is its own discusion, but its really the only thing that surivived. Gears of War imo was still a panic purchase and an attempt to not have thier own Crash Bandicoot situation of a 3rd party having control of an IP that mascotted their system for nearly 10 years. Every studio they've had has either left or folded at this point. so I don't think they know how to manage these studios when they have them. To them it's product.

Their latest acquistions seem to ring to the same truth here. They've acquired multiple FPS studios for one. Maybe a good thing, maybe thats the identity of the brand their going for, but the days of the definitive FPS console are pretty much over. Which makes the acquisition of CoD baffling as successful as it is. More so baffling of failing IP like Overwatch. I think for MS that's just padding for Game Pass and not much else and their real desired acquisition was to help establish a foothold on a non-console space, namely mobile. While I can appreciate the fandom of Zenimax's studios, they haven't been without their issues in recent years. To fallout 76 to issues with Prey and the falling quality of titles like Wolfenstein and Doom which had just recently regained their glory. Say what you will about Fallout 4, it wasn't without its detractors. Acquistion of Oblivion and other studios are equally as baffling.

Maybe MS has figured out the secret sauce, but a lot of these studios seem untouched. It sounds like Activision is going to be left alone after bobby departs. I think that Phil Spencer is well aware of many classic titles like Hexen from ABK studio Raven, but they are tied up so deep in CoD that I don't ever see them separated from it. I don't see MS supplying them with the funds to grow to produce the game themselves. There will be some pissed off people at Raven if the IP they worked on is shuttled off to another studio. MS went chasing after variety without establishing a brand of quality, I feel like they are about to repeat that very same mistake. This consolidation of the industry is just going to result in a lot of new studios springing up. So maybe this is for the best as developers fund their own studios with fledgeling lesser know publishers to release their games.

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's Team Attacks Could Push Combat Above and Beyond


@Bunchesopuppies Ya I don't think that's gonna matter much in the grand scheme of things.

We haven't seen anything to really indicate Giant Explorable areas. We've certainly seen wider spaces, but like the original FF7 you're still in a walled garden. I'm expecting the world map fields to just be larger versions of the sectors in Remake. I think people are expecting too much out of these locations.

"Materia Search", not sure what that even means. Materia pretty much falls into your lap.

I haven't had much information on the leveling system in Rebirth, but I'm willing to bet that experience earned is applied across the entire party and not just individuals currently used in combat.

I wouldn't call FF16 or FF7 Remake a grind. The stream line the game play quite a bit that just playing the game from A to B will quickly get you to what need without any grinding.

Re: Overwatch 2 to Host Musical Collaboration with K-Pop Superstars Le Sserafim


This is dumb. Blizzard trying to ape what Riot had done with LoL in the most basic way.

Overwatch 2 is dying. Honestly I'm at the point of saying they should roll back to Overwatch 1. The new game modes suck, the new characters outside of Kiriko are nothing to write home about, and the game its self is boring and simplistic compared to the first game. What made overwatch fun and interesting was how complex it was. It was a shooter you had to think in. Instead they catered to the whip shot crowd of gamers. Making OW more like CoD was not the solution here. Removing 2 Cap was also not the right move either. I get the mode had issues, but they were fixed and were no where as bad as the kind of nonsense current OW2's new modes suffer from. Long periods in a match running long distances just to get to the new objective.

So I don't think a kpop group is going to fix a failing game. They shoudl have never shutdown OW1.

Re: PS5 Is Running Riot in Europe, with Sales Up 175% Over Last Year


@themightyant Problem with that statement is the assumption that one game alone has ever been the defacto reason for a consoles dominance. He's right, but that's like stating the obvious, or just realizing something he should have figured out long ago.

One game however, if it does hit all the right notes can act as a catalyst for interest. It's always been that way. That can push your console by a few million units, 10m depending on the game. Get enough exclusives and enough games of exceptional cross platform quality, that catalyst becomes a chain reaction.

What Microsoft doesn't understand is how to build a catalyst into a chain reaction. They stumbled on it with the Xbox 360, but they didn't understand it. So when PS3 eventually caught up and past the xbox 360 it wasn't really a surprise to anyone. Uncharted was the PS3's catalyst, push another 5m units out the door with its release. There were other games to play as well.

No one buys a game console to play a single game, no one has done that since the 70's. It's why the push for swappable media became a thing back then and why it was a challenge to be overcome. Sony does things in waves. You'll get a couple of games or more at the start, to get the buzz, to build that interest, then you keep going each year and build this catalog. Sony has always built on the promise of an exciting catalog of exclusive titles. Xbox has never done this. They built on finish the fight and buying up gears at some point, just never maintained its brand. Buy a PS5 now you're good for a generation. Buy an xbox and you're just buying services and a bunch of tired franchises. Kind of the rep they've given themselves.

Re: Tekken 8 Was Originally Due Out Day and Date with Street Fighter 6


If that was the case then you might want to work on your approach. As the only indication I got was not of you trying be a friendly neighborhood comment section lurker trying to have a friendly conversation.

"Because ultimately this ‘game is incomplete until dlc is finished’ train of thought is leading to unhealthy, innacurate attitudes towards dlc as a concept, where people won’t be satisfied with the base game, regardless of how much content it has, purely because ‘more is on the way’."

So let's break this down a bit. First did you ever consider that the attitude is neither unhealthy or innacurate? Think about it. DLC has been a thing on console roughly since 2006. 2003 if you include the original xbox and the downloadable maps on socom on PS2. Like it or not the word incomplete fits here and this is a situation that we developers and our publisher brought on ourselves. As completeness of a product for outdates our industry. You go out and buy a power tool set, you want the whole thing. Not just the drill and a default bit. So you wait, maybe wait for a sale, that's capitalism. Pay what you think the value of the work is. Now it doesn't matter if our games today are as complete as games 20 years ago. Fact is the consumer doesn't see that way and in all honesty I don't think they should and they have every right to be doubtful. This industry has done some twisted nonsense from including the content on the disc and having it unlocked via a key off the PS Store. I think that was something like 512kb's or something to that effect. This was on PS3. Which makes sense on some levels, but not on others. When we found out that DLC was day one content you had to pay for it did not help matters. Then you got missions and quests that were part of the main experience that were just cut from the game. Whether it be titles cutting content that was finished or content that was still in development, publishers made no distinction until it was leaked by the developers that they were forced to do so. Right up there with building your game to require the players guide in the 90's.

What you need to understand is when people buy a game they aren't interested in convoluted piece meal schemes. Industry has done a lot to violate the trust of the consumer. I don't fault that and agree with that point of view. DLC has become problematic and any virtue it might have had was just lost. As publishers demanded content be held back to be sold later, an actual problem.

That isn't even getting into the cost of development for DLC, which costs more to create than content of equal quality and length in the core product. It's not assembly line development where the artists can work on a different level if the engineers are fixing the other one.

There is so much more to cover here, but you sound like the one with the unhealthy opinion.

Re: Evidence of PlayStation Trophy Support on PC Mounts


It comes from sony. In order for a 3rd party to provide a trophy list they have to pick a collection of trophy enumerations from a drop down list. Even if they could put their own value in, it wouldn't be bound to anything. Particularly a name string like PSPC.

The list includes everything from platform specific to shared platform. If memory serves PS3/PSV/PS4 was one of the options as an example of a shared platform.

So I think this is coming. The real question is, will they back port to older titles.

Re: Tekken 8 Was Originally Due Out Day and Date with Street Fighter 6


@FullMetalWesker Yes, go find a dictionary.

1. Having all necessary or normal parts, components, or steps; entire.

2. Having all principal parts, namely, the sepals, petals, stamens, and pistil or pistils. Used of a flower.

3. Having come to an end; concluded.

By the very definition of complete. I'm dead on. Development is not finished. DLC is a component. No matter how you feel about it or how you structure your opinion; it does not change the definition of the word complete. Don't dance around "Your definition of complete is off" when you didn't bother to make sure your definition of Complete is just flat wrong. Some assembly required is not complete.

In your second paragraph, lets boil down the lunacy of saying I can't use phrases in order to help outline the general concensus. I define two groups, that you took as opinions. I can see that if you're not familiar with the phrases and how they are used. However its ironic that define to cases for discussion and you turn around and give me flac for giving you what you wanted in the first paragraph. Definitions to allow us to discuss.

Ultimately you're just playing word games with me here and aren't really saying anything. I'm not interested in a conversation where you're going to keep shifting sands by saying "that's not the definition" when your very definition is an opinion in of its self. A wrong opinion at that. Yes, opinion's can be wrong. I don't care what your public school teacher or mother told you, they lied.

Re: Tekken Tournament at UK's Biggest Gaming Expo Gets Interrupted by Just Stop Oil Protestors


@ShogunRok Problem with groups like Just Stop Oil from those of us who aren't apathetic about the whole deal is that their leadership is a collective of morons. Sit down and listen to what they have to say and apply a little brain power to it and you realize they're advocating for human genocide, which isn't a real solution. They have not truly educated themselves on the actual problems faced from removing elements from a post industrialized society. They don't realize how much of our food production, our power production, the limitations of our technology, to our every day appliances, drugs, medical equipment and so much more power depend on these factors.

In other words this group has ZERO value as the awareness they are bringing is not correct. It's them being disruptive and showing how stupid they can be.

IF they had any real offering at all to the conversation on Oil, they would bring attention to other efforts to do what they are trying to achieve. Find ways to educate people and fund these initiatives. If you wnat to do philanthropy, lead by F'ing example. Don't dye your hair 9 colors, get a bunch of stupid piercings, then glue your hand to pavement while screaming like a perpetual child about how we're killing everyone. Nothing they say aligns with actual data collected and none of their solutions are anything short of famine, death, and despair. Maybe that's what they want. Maybe they are a collective of Genocidal lunatics, but I think they are just a bunch of stupid kids who just believe what ever they are told.

Which brings us full circle to apathy.

Re: Tekken 8 Was Originally Due Out Day and Date with Street Fighter 6


@FullMetalWesker sure do. You're ignoring basic concepts lol.

Doesn't matter what your back of the box bullet point impression of say MK1 being complete is. As far as the consumer is concerend it isn't. Core of the game or not. I won't have a complete roster till that game is completely out the door. So it's not finished as far as me as a consumer goes.

As far as me as a developer goes. If you build your game with the intent of being assembled over time, it is not complete. Doesn't matter how much of the core experience is there, if you plan for expansion, then the expansion is the complete product. If you knew how many of these post release characters and modes (when there are modes to consider for this discussion of DLC, not MK1 specifically) were planned prior to release, but put into a DLC bucket either to meet a deadline or satisfy someone on a board of shareholders, you wouldn't be so quick to call it a complete product.

You have to appreciate the irony of this discussion coming from someone with the mother of all incomplete games that didn't even get a chance at dlc as his avatar. lol